Chernogorsk is the Biggest City in DayZ

As an avid DayZ player and content creator, I am often asked what the biggest city in DayZ is. And the answer is clear: Chernogorsk.

Spanning across over 5 square kilometers on the shore of the Black Sea, Chernogorsk dwarfs all other cities in the base Chernarus map with its seemingly endless concrete landscape. Once home to over 150,000 inhabitants, this crumbling ghost town now crawls with hundreds of infected, making it a dangerous but rewarding location for well-equipped survivors.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll break down everything you need to know about Chernogorsk and other major cities across official and custom DayZ maps.

An In-Depth Look at Chernogorsk

Chernogorsk lies along the southern coast of Chernarus, situated between Miroslavl’ to the west and Elektrozavodsk to the east. As the provincial capital and industrial hub of the region, it was once one of the most densely populated areas in the country.

Key Chernogorsk Stats:

  • Total land area: Over 5 square kilometers
  • Enterable buildings: Over 1,800
  • Server population: Supports 100+ players during peak activity
  • Loot quality: Military, industrial, civilian
  • Key landmarks: Harbor, shipyard, rail station, stadium, factories

Despite years of urban decay and untold infected roaming its streets, Chernogorsk still offers prime real estate for enterprising survivors:

Harbor and Shipyards

Chernogorsk’s coastal location allows seafaring passage to other areas of Chernarus. Players can find a variety of watercraft docked at the shipping yards, allowing travel to islands and other coastal settlements.

Industrial Loot

As an industrial hub, Chernogorsk houses factories, warehouses, construction yards and rail infrastructures filled with hi-tech tools, vehicle parts and other rare loot. Survivors can also search supply crates at the rail station and shipping containers at the port.

Urban Combat

From apartment bloc firefights to clearing out the pitch-black ship interiors, Chernogorsk lets players engage in heart-pounding urban combat scenarios. Beware though – the infected are especially abundant in these confined spaces.

Northern Transit Hub

Chernogorsk’s roads and rail lines connect it to inland settlements like Stary Yar, Novod. These routes see heavy traffic from survivors trekking north from the coast. Ambush a passing convoy and score some easy loot!

Next, let‘s examine how Chernogorsk stacks up against other major cities in DayZ Chernarus…

Other Major Cities in Chernarus

While Chernogorsk reigns supreme in size, survivors should still familiarize themselves with other large population centers across Chernarus. Each city has its own character and landmarks.


Located just east up the coast from Chernogorsk, Elektrozavodsk is the Chernarus’ southern industrial center and second largest city. It contains a hospital, supermarket, school, warehouses and residential buildings. As one of the starting coastal spawns, Elektrozavodsk sees heavy foot traffic from new survivors.

Notable Elektro Locations

  • Hospital: Medical supplies
  • Supermarket: Food and civilian loot
  • School: Backpacks, paper
  • Fire Station: Axes, helmets


Further inland, Berezino serves as the northern transit hub for Chernarus’ railway network. Notable sites include an apartment bloc, clinic, docks, and a large lumber yard. Survivors can follow the rails down to Solnichniy and beyond.

Berezino Key Sites

  • Apartment Bloc: Residential loot
  • Clinic: Medicines
  • Docks: Industrial loot
  • Lumber Yard: Tools, knives


Once a quaint coastal village, Solnichniy swelled as a support settlement for nearby industrial centers. The rural town contains houses, a small harbor, and most notably, a military checkpoint at the village perimeter.

Solnichniy Locations

  • Military Checkpoint: Weapons, ammo, protection
  • Coastal Houses: Residential loot
  • Harbor: Docks, warehouses, boats


A remote logging town located inland northeast of the volatile Kamensk military base. As survivors travel through Kamiwobo into the Northwest Airfield, expect ambushes at chokepoints like the rail crossing.

Kamiwobo POIs

  • Warehouse: Industrial tools
  • Rail Crossing: PVP hotspot
  • Logging Camp: Trucks, knives, axes

Now that we’ve covered Chernarus, let’s move beyond default DayZ and take a broader look across custom maps…

Other Major Cities in Custom DayZ Maps

While most players spend their time on official maps like Chernarus and Livonia, DayZ hosts hundreds of custom maps ranging from hardcore survival to PvP-focused arenas. Many of the most popular custom maps feature large cities that dwarf even mighty Chernogorsk.


Currently the largest custom city map in DayZ, Fallujah attempts to recreate the entire Iraqi city using real geographic data. Comprising over 3000 enterable buildings, Fallujah offers urban survival on a truly massive scale. Players can get lost for hours navigating blocks of densely packed row houses, mosques, and marketplaces.

Danmark (Denmark)

At 225 square kilometers, Danmark creates an entire country map complete with multiple cities, towns, islands and over 7000 buildings. Skagen City features an especially well-designed coastal urban landscape with residential blocks, train systems and industrial areas. Players love the Baltic Sea access and ferries connecting zones.


Takistan drops survivors in a sprawling 164 sq km fictional Middle East city inspired by real locations in Iraq and Afghanistan. The arid concrete jungle sees clashes between well-armed military checkpoints and desperate scavengers in town squares.


The German city of Celle has been carefully rebuilt inside this custom map as a medieval urban center with cobblestone streets and towering gothic architecture. Explore village houses, lush parks and aging churches – when you’re not getting dive bombed by infected nuns.

Final Thoughts

While Chernogorsk remains the premier destination for high-stakes DayZ survival, this guide proves there’s no shortage of fully-realized cities awaiting survivors across Chernarus and custom maps. Each location provides unique landmarks, loot and gameplay experiences. Veterans and noobs alike have plenty left to explore in DayZ’s massive urban jungles. Stay frosty out there stalkers!

Let me know your thoughts on the top cities and if you’d like to see more in-depth location breakdowns. What should I cover next?

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