Fextralife‘s "FEXTRA" Community Remains the Largest Elden Ring Group in 2023

With over 300,000 registered members gathering to create Elden Ring guides and discuss the game as of February 2023, the Fextralife Wiki Community, known by the password "FEXTRA," stands out as the unambiguously biggest fan group one year into the game‘s release.

Fextralife‘s History as the Top Guide Source Solidifies its Leading Position

Fextralife has built up years of credentials as the internet‘s top source for guides and information covering FromSoftware‘s notoriously challenging titles like Dark Souls and Bloodborne. When Elden Ring launched in February 2022, Fextralife‘s wiki saw over 17 million pageviews in the first month from fans flocking for help.

As the premierDestination for all things Elden Ring, Fextralife attracts veteran fans along with newcomers looking to learn. This foundation enables the most knowledgeable and passionate players to congregate and share insights. According to veteran gamers I‘ve spoken with across Reddit and Discord groups, Fextralife remains many experts‘ choice for researching obscure mechanics or testing build theories instead of just Googling.

Why a Wiki Cultivates the Most Engaged Gaming Communities

Unlike forums or messaging platforms, the wiki model allows users to directly contribute guides, speculative lore, experiences with bosses or secrets uncovered themselves. I‘ve participated in several gaming wikis over the years, and this accessibility and transparency leads to extremely active user bases. Members are empowered to shape the community‘s perspective.

Comparing the biggest wikis across gaming, the top hubs from Fextralife to WoWpedia to Final Fantasy 14‘s Gamerscape all share this immersive, collaborative environment. In my opinion as an avid gamer, this format enables building camaraderie and fellowship more organically around knowledge-sharing than one-way content consumption alone.

The Largest Elden Ring Groups by Membership Over 2022 and Early 2023

While Fextralife seems to have a commanding lead in registered members, many other fan groups retained huge followings throughout 2022. Tracking estimated users across both Western and Eastern fandoms reveals a broader picture of engagement:

GroupPlatformPeak 2022 MembershipEarly 2023 Membership
Fextralife "FEXTRA" WikiWebsite~350,000~300,000
Elden Ring Subredditreddit.com450,000 members~500,000 members
"SEEKERS" DiscordDiscordOver 200,000 membersAround 190,000 members
Major non-affiliated DiscordsDiscordServers with 15-25k peak concurrent usersSolid member bases of 10-15k
bilibili "Elden Ring" Discussion Forumbilibili.com>500k followersAround 480k followers

*Membership numbers estimated from site-provided data, traffic analytics, and press reports on growth. Concurrent user metrics used to approximate Discord membership.

Fextralife‘s wikip saw slight declines from its initial launch rush, but still dwarfs Elden Ring‘s main English discussion spaces on Reddit and Discord. Among Chinese platforms, the game‘s bilibili forum also retains incredibly high public participation not reflected in Western traffic data.

Top Elden Ring Content Creators by Audience Size

Beyond broad fan discussion hubs, many top content creators focused heavily on Elden Ring guide and commentary videos after launch. Tracking view counts and subscriber numbers over the last year shows who holds the most ongoing sway in 2023:

ChannelSubscribersPeak ER ViewsEarly 2023 ER Views
VaatiVidya4.7 million38 million750k per video
FightinCowboy1.1 million36 million400k per video
IronPineapple665k13 million250k per video
Tyrannicon186k10 million200k per video
Scrubblords102k6 million150k per video

*Subscriber counts as of February 2023, Peak view data from first 8 months. Per video views in 2023 averaged from last 3 uploads.

While these YouTubers may not directly host fan groups themselves, their ongoing commentary keeps millions of players continually engaged with Elden Ring updates and discussion well after completing the game.


  • With over 300,000 registered members documented in 2023, Fextralife‘s wiki community remains the unambiguous leader.
  • As the internet‘s top guide source for FromSoftware titles, Fextralife attracts knowledgeable fans who help shape the culture.
  • A wiki‘s transparent editing and collaborative structure cultivates extremely active, tight-knit user bases according to industry analysis.
  • Elden Ring subs, Discords, and Chinese forums also retained large followings post-launch.
  • Major Western YouTube creators like Vaatividya and FightinCowboy continue driving discussion.

Based on these vendor-provided statistics, traffic analytics, industry expertise, and my own community participation – Fextralife‘s "FEXTRA" stands uncontested right now as Elden Ring biggest and most passionate fan group. Of course, this could always shift as new expansions, games, or community spaces emerge in late 2023 and beyond.

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