The Cargo Plane is Undisputedly the Largest Controllable Aircraft in GTA 5

With an enormous wingspan of over 60 meters and length exceeding 70 meters, the Cargo Plane dwarfs all other flyable vehicles in the game. Based on the Boeing C-17 Globemaster III cargo jet, it is the closest players can get to piloting a real-life jumbo jet.

Unparalleled Size and Cargo Capacity

Weighing 130 tons unloaded, the Cargo Plane‘s vast main deck allows it to transport up to 6 regular vehicles or a combination of larger assets like tanks and armored personnel carriers. This gives it the highest carrying capacity in GTA 5 for getting lots of equipment to your destination rapidly.

In terms of speed and agility however, smaller jets like the LAZER and Pyro unsurprisingly have the advantage. The Cargo Plane‘s峰 lumbering size makes it less than ideal for dogfighting. Maneuvering through tight spaces also takes finesse and precision.

Customization Options to Augment Performance

While aftermarket modifications won‘t radically transform it into a nimble fighter, certain upgrades do improve the Cargo Plane‘s stability and defenses:

HandlingModest buffs to responsiveness and roll rate
Armor PlatingWithstand 50% more missile and collision damage
CountermeasuresFlares and chaff to divert homing missiles

Titan and Jumbo Jet – Equally Huge but Unflyable

The Cargo Plane has two other aviation behemoths that give it a run for sheer size. Unfortunately neither can be piloted by players:

  • Titan – This C-5 Galaxy inspired cargo lifter has a wingspan on par with the Cargo Plane but falls just short of its nose-to-tail length at 65 meters. Its high placement of wings and engines are unmistakable.
  • Jumbo Jet – As seen regularly taking off from Los Santos International Airport, the Jumbo Jet scales up the classic Boeing 747 airframe to epic proportions. Relative dimensions estimate its length at 75 meters and wingspan approaching 80 meters.

Technical limitations likely prevent these leviathans from being flown in-game. But their prominence throughout the maps hints at a future update granting control to players. Imagine constructing a custom Titan or Jumbo in Hangar workshops!

B-11 and LAZER – Pinnacles of Air Combat Firepower

In terms of weaponized air power, the B-11 Strikeforce and P-996 LAZER are your foremost options:

AircraftB-11 StrikeforceP-996 LAZER
Top Speed130 mph240 mph
WeaponsMissiles, Cannon, Rockets, BombsMissiles, Cannon
ArmorCan take 6 missilesCan take 1 missile
CountermeasuresFlares, Chaff, SmokeFlare

The B-11 trades raw speed for tremendous durability and diverse armaments to devastate multiple targets. The LAZER remains nimble enough to claim air superiority and escape most confrontation.

Add upgraded missiles, bombs, respray and other mods to either jet for lethality that rivals real-life top guns!

Nuances of Piloting the Largest Planes

Before grabbing the yoke of GTA 5‘s plus-sized planes, consider these fine points:


  • Carry tons of cargo efficiently across the map
  • Withstand crashes that pulverize small aircraft
  • Exude imposing presence that deters enemies
  • Higher skill ceiling to master an expert-level vehicle


  • Prone to catastrophically careening off course
  • Repair bills exceeding $200,000 per mishap
  • Missiles easily connect due to large profile
  • Require ~600m of runway just to lift off!

This risk/reward tradeoff is precisely what makes giant planes endlessly appealing to master.

Step-By-Step Guide to Flying Colossal Aircraft

Follow these tips when taking the helm of GTA 5‘s largest flyable vehicles:

  1. Takeoff – Accelerate gradually with landing gear down for lift speed. Nudge the joystick to correct alignment.
  2. Retract Gear – Once airborne and above 300 feet, retract landing gear for agility.
  3. Climb – Pitch up to rapidly gain altitude away from buildings and terrain.
  4. Level Out – At desired height, level off and lock onto a waypoint destination.
  5. Descend – When close to landing zone, descend below 300 feet with reduced throttle.
  6. Extend Gear – Landing gear out will stabilize approach and enable safer touchdown.
  7. Touch Down – Pitch fully up right before the runway threshold to cushion impact.

With ample concentration and coordination, even the Cargo Plane can be operated seamlessly around Los Santos!

The Cargo Plane represents the pinnacle of aviation gigantism possible in the world of GTA 5. Successfully flying this gentle giant across the map delivers prestige and bragging rights matched only by real pilots of actual jumbo jets! We can hope for even bigger flyable beasts added by Rockstar down the road.

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