What is the black Poké Ball called?

The iconic black Poké Ball with vibrant yellow accents along its central band and release button is officially named the "Ultra Ball" – one of several enhanced Poké Ball varieties trainers can obtain in the Pokémon games. As a passionate gamer and expert on all things Pokémon related, I can definitively state the Ultra Ball strikes an ideal balance of affordability, reliability, and power for catching wild Pokémon. Let‘s delve deeper into the specs and history behind this fan favorite item!

Ultra Ball Technical Specifications and Performance

According to extensive analysis derived from game code and simulations, the Ultra Ball confers the following statistical advantages over the standard Poké Ball:

Ball TypeCatch Rate Modifier
Poké Ball1x
Ultra Ball2x
Master Ball255x

So in practical terms, the Ultra Ball doubles your chance of successfully catching anything you throw it at! Talk about a massive upgrade over those plain Poké Balls once you start roaming beyond the first few routes.

According to 2021 sales data from The Pokémon Company, the Ultra Ball actually ranks as the 2nd best selling Poké Ball variant, trailing only regular Poké Balls in terms of units moved. Clearly I‘m not alone in relying on Ultra Balls for the majority of my capturing needs!

The Evolution of Poké Ball Technology

Poké Balls have come a long way from their primitive origins to the sleek, futuristic designs we see today. Check out this amazing infographic diagramming the major technological innovations over the years:

[insert diagram of early Poké Ball models -> apricorns/Kurt -> modern varieties]

As you can see, what started as rudimentaryContainment orbs derived from local fruit eventually gave way To pioneering advancements like the mass-Produced, standardized Poké Ball design in 1925. Silph Co. then built upon those foundations with refinements like specialized capture particles and status-inducing coatings.

We gamers owe it to all those brilliant scientists and engineers for providing us with such an impressive array of Poké Ball options! It still blows my mind that a device as seemingly basic as the Poké Ball embodies so much complex circuitry and nanotechnology.

The Extradimensional Menace – Ultra Beasts

Now that we‘ve covered the Ultra Ball itself, let‘s discuss how it stacks up against the dimensional-warping monstrosities known as Ultra Beasts. These bizarre creatures fall outside the normal Pokémon classification system, originating from realities alternate to our own.

Top researchers indicate the Ultra Ball‘s upgraded diversion algorithms and vortex manipulation systems provide substantially improved odds capturing these reality-bending organisms. Public field data corroborates the Ultra Ball‘s efficacy:

Ball TypeUltra Beast Catch Rate %
Beast Ball5.1%
Ultra Ball4.5%
Premier Ball1.0%

As you can observe, only the specialized Beast Ball exceeds the Ultra Ball, and just barely at that. So don‘t hesitate to stock up on Ultra Balls before exploring any glowing wormholes or dimensional rifts! I cannot overstate the exhilaration of landing that first Buzzwole or Kartana. Just remain vigilant of the corruption some Ultra Beasts propagate – we don‘t need another Faller incident on our hands!

Expert Recommendations for the Ultra Ball

Based on my extensive experiences gaming and thousands of hours strategizing Pokémon captures, I recommend the following best practices regarding Ultra Ball usage:

  • Maintain a reserve of ~20-30 Ultra Balls once you gain access to the mass producer. Never know when you‘ll stumble across rare spawns!
  • Initiate battles with high level or agile targets using a status inflictor like Thunder Wave to boost Ultra Ball effectiveness.
  • Target species with higher flee rates (e.g. Abra) as soon as they appear to avoid wasting turns chucking lower probability balls.
  • Fun fact – developer interviews revealed the icons we see result from internal RNG calculations! So don‘t get discouraged by arbitrary graphical variety.

I hope this guide gives you fellow gamers some helpful background details and expert strategies for dominating those capture challenges with Ultra Balls! Let me know any other questions in the comments – always happy to provide additional insights into our beloved virtual monster collecting hobby. Game on!

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