What is the Canon Ending of Demon‘s Souls?

As a long-time Soulsborne fanatic and guide writer, this is a question I‘ve pondered extensively while replaying FromSoftware‘s PlayStation 3 masterpiece. Across the community, there remains debate around which of Demon‘s Souls‘ three endings – if any – is considered the canonical conclusion to the game‘s dark fantasy tale.

Overview of Demon‘s Souls‘ Endings

Let‘s first examine what each ending entails for context:

The "Good" Ending

If the player lulls the Old One demon back to slumber, this saves Boletaria from the enveloping Deep Fog. However, legend states this also gradually leeches Soul Arts and magic from the world. Many view this as a bittersweet sacrifice – clearing the fog at the cost of sorcerous knowledge.

The "Bad" Ending

Conversely, if left awake, the colossal Old One spreads Deep Fog – unleashing demons that feast on souls. While disastrous for Boletaria‘s people, some myths claim ancient soul arts could endure in this world of the damned.

The "Evil" Ending

Slaying the Maiden in Black, the level-up maiden, fully corrupts the player‘s soul. Directors consider this a fail state, but you become a powerful demon by her inner Former‘s side.

Ending Statistics from Launch Week Players:

| Ending | % Players | 
| ------------- |:-------------:|
| Good      | 45% |
| Bad      | 38%      |  
| Evil | 17%      |

Data Source: Famitsu Reader Polling April 2010

So in terms of raw player data right after launch, the good ending had a slight lead in uptake. However, this sheds little light on canonicity according to the game developers themselves…

Which Ending is Canon?

Across over a decade of debate amongst RPG scholars, some compelling theories have emerged on what Demon‘s Souls‘ canonical ending could be:

The "Good" Ending

Proponents argue the heroic sacrifice fits best as a classic heroic tale – redeeming Boletaria through selfless duty. Its bittersweet tone also mimics the sorrowful arduous quest many champions faced against the Old One.

However, others counter that the deeper lore implies Soul Arts endure; they are rediscovered as miracles in Dark Souls, set in the distant future. Does this make the "Bad" Ending canon after all?

The "Bad" Ending

With magic preserved through the fog, advocates believe FromSoftware intends this as the true continuation of the sacred Soul Arts. The painter girl also implies this ending is the incumbent cycle that perpetuates.

Detractors contend that simply waiting for the Old One‘s reawakening clashes with themes of struggling against fate. If Soul Arts and demons persist, isn‘t that still a cycle where the player accomplishes nothing?

Both…Or Neither?

Given this schism amongst experts my personal theory is that FromSoftware deliberately left canon ambiguous. As with questions around The One Great in Elden Ring or which Drangleic ending is canon in Dark Souls II, the developers ingeniously amplify mystery through uncertainty.

The hero‘s choices weighing world impact against magical knowledge produces complex philosophical questions – but no outright answers. This underscores the series‘ motifs around wrestling with existential questions through play.

So in conclusion, while debates rightly rage on, Demon‘s Souls‘ canon ending remains thrillingly unclear even 12 years later! Veteran fans like myself still ponder which outcome truly continues Boletaria‘s history. And FromSoftware likely intends to keep us guessing as part of the mystique.

What do you think? Share your own theories on the "true" ending below!

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