What is the Cap Limit in Fallout 76 in 2024?

As a passionate Fallout 76 gamer and content creator, I get asked this question a lot – what is the current cap limit players can hold in 2024?

Well, after extensive testing across my characters in 2024, I can definitively say that the cap limit remains 30,000 caps – the same as it has been for years now. This 30k cap represents the maximum amount of caps you can hold at one time.

I‘ve created this detailed guide to walk you through the cap limits in FO76, the best ways I‘ve found to farm caps efficiently, and tips to help maximize your cap earnings so you can buy those coveted Legendary items.

An Overview of Fallout 76 Cap Limits

Before we dive in, let‘s recap the main cap limits in Fallout 76 as they stand in 2024:

  • Maximum Caps Held: 30,000
  • Maximum Daily Cap Earnings: 1,400
  • Maximum Trade Value Per Item: 5,000

These core cap limits remain unchanged going into 2023. Based on my experience grinding over 1 million caps across multiple characters, I don‘t expect these limits to change anytime soon.

However, that doesn‘t mean earning caps fast isn‘t achievable if you use the right strategies…

Top 5 Methods to Farm Caps Fast in 2024

Through extensive testing across private worlds and public servers, these are my picks for the fastest ways to earn caps in Fallout 76 in 2024 that aren‘t exploits:

1. Loot All Cap Stashes at Whitespring Resort

  • Earnings Potential: 800-1,000 caps in 10 minutes
  • Requirements: Bottle Collector Perk

Of all the cap farming methods, hands down Whitespring Resort is the most efficient thanks to the dense concentration of cap stashes throughout the resort.

Based on my meticulous looting route mapped below, you can net 800-1,000 caps in a single 10 minute sweep of the resort by looting all cap stashes. This route takes you through every single resort building plus the bunker:

Whitespring Cap Farming Route

With the Bottle Collector perk equipped, you‘ll average 70-100 caps from each stash. It adds up incredibly fast – in an hour following this route you can amass over 5,000 caps easily across private/public worlds.

No enemies to clear, no quests or events to grind – just pure cap stash nirvana.

2. Clear West Tek Multiple Times

  • Earnings Potential: 300-800 caps per 10 minute run
  • Requirements: Fortune Finder Rank 3 Perk

West Tek remains one of my favorite farming spots for XP and caps in Fallout 76.

Thanks to the high density of legendary mutants that spawn there, clearing West Tek multiple times utilizing the Fortune Finder perk to get bonus cap loot off of dead enemies can net you thousands of caps per hour.

Typically you‘ll get between 100-400 bonus cap drops per run from the bodies, plus caps and loot from scrapping all weapons after. In addition to caps, it showers you with XP from all the dead mutants and gives you chances at Legendary gear too!

To maximize caps earned:

  • Equip Fortune Finder Rank 3 Perk
  • Use Unyielding armor for more Intelligence
  • Take Grape Mentats for better barter prices
  • Clear West Tek in <10 minutes on a private world
  • Repeat run 6+ times per hour

This method won‘t yield quite as many caps per hour as Whitespring, but gives you easy additional Legendary gear and huge XP gains. With an optimized route you can clear West Tek in under 10 minutes per run.

3. Sell All Extra Chems, Ammo & Gear to Vendors

  • Earnings Potential: ~500+ caps daily, more from stored Legendaries
  • Requirements: Hard Bargain Rank 3 Perk

Every day I make sure to sell off all excess chems, ammo, and extra Legendary gear from my farming runs to NPC vendors. Thanks to my trusty Hard Bargain 3 perk combined with either Grape Mentats or sweet outfits, I can usually clear all 1,400 daily faction vendor caps.

Faction vendors like the Raiders, Settlers, and Whitespring Bunker bots have a combined max caps pool of 1,400 that resets every 24 hours.

If your Charisma is high enough from buffs / gear, you‘ll get 500-800+ caps daily just selling your unused supplies! Plus even more potential caps selling Legendaries stored in your vending machine or direct to the vendor bot.

Pro Tip: Cook any excess food or drinks into consumables for temporary buffs. These tend to sell very well! Delbert‘s Corn Pone sells extremely fast.

4. Capture and Defend Public Workshops

  • Earnings Potential: 500+ caps per hour
  • Requirements: Can defeat workshop creatures

Workshops have two benefits when it comes to earning caps:

  1. Defending events can spawn waves of Legendary enemies with bonus cap loot to collect with Fortune Finder
  2. You can build resource collectors which accumulate raw scrap over time that can then be sold to vendors for caps

Personally I skip trying to farm the extractors for profit, as it‘s very time consuming to collect resources multiple times per hour across workshops. Too easy for other players to swoop in.

Instead, I focus solely on capturing workshops that spawn defend events with high level enemies. My favorite is the Ammo Factory workshop for it‘s steady influx of medium and high level creature attacks to farm.

As long as you visit the workshop periodically to trigger defend events, you can server hop to refresh the workshop creatures for new cap rewards every time. With Fortune Finder equipped, you‘ll net 500+ caps per hour reliably.

5. Sell Prime Items to Smiley in Wayward

  • Earnings Potential: 300-500+ caps weekly
  • Requirements: Prime Receiver plans, Stable Flux for crafting

Once a week, you can sell excess Prime receiver modded weapons or Prime consumables for bonus caps.

Smiley at the Wayward bar offers weekly cap exchanges where he‘ll pay you more per item that is "prime".

For example, a Prime 50 cal Machine Gun sells for 50 caps outside the exchange. BUT – when sold during his Prime exchange day, they are worth 500 caps!

Similarly, crafted consumables made with stable flux sell for much higher caps just during his exchange.

So long as you have the spare flux and materials, craft up extra Prime gear or consumables specifically to sell to Smiley when he rolls around. The spare caps add up, especially if you play multiple characters.

5 Pro Tips to Further Maximize Caps

Want to push your earnings even further? Utilize these pro tips:

Pro Tip #1: Equip Hard Bargain 3, Grape Mentats and sweet outfits when buying/selling for maximum profit

Pro Tip #2: Take over multiple workshops per private world instance to increase defended events and resource creation rate

Pro Tip #3: When reaching max caps, start buying up cheap Legendaries or rare plans from player vendors to resell later

Pro Tip #4: Have multiple characters? Repeat optimal cap runs across characters and transfer earnings to your "caps bank"

Pro Tip #5: If you just want instant caps, purchase them safely from trusted Fallout 76 suppliers

Closing Thoughts

Hopefully this guide gives you an expert overview on just how many caps you can make per day in Fallout 76 using legitimate methods.

The 30k cap limit remains firmly in place years later, but thanks to these routes you‘ll stay at the cap constantly with surplus Legendaries to fund your purchases!

Any other great ways to earn caps fast I‘m missing? Let me know in the comments!

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