The Incredibly Rare Gamma Nevermare – A 1 in 20 Million Chance Loomian

Based on early findings, the odds of discovering a Gamma Secret Ability Nevermare in Loomian Legacy seem to be around 1 in 20,480,000. For context on just how ridiculously rare that is, let‘s explore other known Loomian chances and what makes this latest variant so special.

Breaking Down the Rarity Scale

Gleaming Loomians have a base rate of 1 in 4096 of appearing naturally. But Gamma Gleam versions take things to the extreme with odds starting at 1 in 20,480! Here‘s a quick overview of official rarity tiers:

  • Gleaming: 1 in 4096
  • Alpha Gleaming: 1 in 2048
  • Gamma Gleam: 1 in 20,480
  • Secret Ability: Varies greatly, but can reach 1 in 100,000+

Nevermare itself is already a rare encounter with its ghost/dark-typing. So a gamma variant with a secret power ratchets up the rarity even more.

Estimating the Gamma Nevermare‘s True Odds

Given how new this discovery is, we don‘t have exact official odds from the Loomian Legacy team yet. But based on multiples we‘ve seen for other rare combos, we can speculate:

  • Nevermare Odds: Roughly 1 in 5000
  • Gamma Multiplier: 20,480 times rarer
  • Estimated Total: Around 1 in 100 million!

So at hypothetical 1 in 100,240,000 odds, this would make the gamma Nevermare one of the rarest variant Loomians ever found!

Breaking Down Why This Loomian is So Rare

Let‘s look at what makes this gamma Nevermare virtually impossible to discover:

It‘s Already a Rare Loomian Type

As mentioned, Nevermare has increased base rarity compared to more common encounters. That makes nabbing a special version much less likely off the bat.

Gamma Boosts Rates to Crazy Levels

At 20,480 times standard rarity, gamma gleams transform even uncommon Loomians into ultra rare variants. And it stacks with Already rare finds like Nevermare!

Secret Ability Adds Another Multiplier

On top of the gamma rarity boost, a hidden secret ability takes odds beyond one in ten million. Some theorize it could add another x20,000+ rarity multiple!

When you combine multiple ultra-rare attributes, you end up with something impossibly awesome – like this gamma SA Nevermare with 1 in 100 million+ theoretical odds!

Just How Lucky Do You Have to Be?

To put that astronomical number into perspective, imagine:

  • Encountering a different Loomian every minute
  • Playing for over 6 YEARS straight
  • And still having less than a 50% chance to find it!

This shows just how unfathomably rare this gamma Nevermare truly is. It‘s like winning the lottery TWICE in one day.

The Thrill of the Ultra Rare Hunt

While most players won‘t ever be lucky enough to catch this gamma Nevermare themselves, its discovery is still thrilling for the whole community. It shows the incredible rarity potential hiding within Loomian Legacies and gets people dreaming about what other impossible variants could still be uncovered one day.

For gamers like myself who love statistics and obsessing over cosmic-level odds, reveals like this are unbelievably exciting. They bring out the treasure hunter in all of us who hopes beyond hope with every new encounter we might hit the jackpot. Even if takes millions of tries over years of gaming!

final thoughts

In the end, while many may fixate on the power and battling potential of Loomians, for me the real draw is and always will be the thrill of the hunt. With limitless rare variants and combinations out there, there‘s simply no telling what amazingly impossible Loomian might turn up next. And that‘s what makes playing and researching Loomian Legacy so engaging day after day.

So while I may never actually catch or use this gamma Nevermare myself, just knowing it exists gets my gamer blood pumping and renews my motivation to keep exploring. Because hey – if this 1 in 100 million gamma SA variant is possible, who knows what else might be lurking out there!

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