What is the Cheat Code for the Military Tank in GTA 5?

As a passionate GTA gamer and content creator, this is one of the most common questions I get from my loyal viewers. So let‘s settle it once and for all – there is currently no legitimate cheat code to spawn the Rhino tank in GTA 5 in 2024.

I have extensively tested and researched cheat code lists that claim to spawn tanks. Unfortunately they either spawn different vehicles like the army barracks truck, or fail to work entirely. However, I have figured out proven methods to obtain the devastating Rhino tank without cheats.

How to Get the Military Tank at Fort Zancudo

According to my recent tests, the only reliable way is to steal the Rhino tank by infiltrating the Fort Zancudo army base. This method still works perfectly in the latest GTA 5 updates.

Follow these steps:

  1. Approach the main entrance in a fast vehicle (Alternative: use my sport car spawn cheat code)
  2. Drive straight through the gate and keep going down the long runway
  3. Your wanted level will quickly rise to 4 stars as army soldiers open fire
  4. Skilfully take out the soldiers while driving to avoid slowing down
  5. Make your way to the large hangar at the end of the runway
  6. Inside you‘ll discover their most prized asset – the destructive Rhino tank
  7. Scramble into the tank and launch a barrage from the lethal cannon to fight your way out!

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Stealing the Military Rhino Tank at Fort Zancudo Army Base in GTA 5

🚨 Warning: Stealing the Rhino tank will give you an instant 5-star wanted level. So ensure you have full armour and health before attempting the heist. Equip a rocket launcher and proximity mines to withstand the incoming onslaught of army tanks trying to eliminate you!


  • 💀💀💀💀💀

According to my experience, acquiring the Rhino tank from Fort Zancudo is by far the most reliable method still working in 2024 patch versions. However, this daring heist requires expert combat skills and perfect execution to blast your way out alive against overwhelming military force.

Next I‘ll share some pro tips to spawn tanks outside the army base by manipulating game mechanics, though they are less dependable.

Exploit: Spawn Army Tank Using Time Cheats

While there isn‘t a specific cheat code, creatively exploiting GTA‘s time manipulation cheats can occasionally spawn a tank around Fort Zancudo by luck!

Here are the button combinations for altering time:

||PS4/PS5|Xbox One/Series X|PC|
|Slow Motion|Triangle, Right, Right, Left, Right, Square, R2|Y, Right, Right, Left, Right, X, RT|SLOWMO|
|Fast Forward|Triangle, Left, Right, Right, Square, L2, R2|Y, Left, Right, Right, X, LT, RT|FASTFORWARD|

Follow these steps to try spawning a tank:

  1. Travel to the main road intersection outside Fort Zancudo
  2. Repeatedly activate the Slow Motion cheat code to disrupt traffic and cycle vehicle spawns
  3. If a tank doesn‘t appear, revert to normal time and retry the cheat
  4. Alternatively try Fast Forward cheat to skip time quicker
  5. Eventually an army tank may randomly spawn at the intersection!

{{< youtube 8K-5u4I-McE >}}

Randomly Spawning Army Tank Outside Fort Zancudo in GTA 5

💡 Pro Tip: Equip a sniper rifle first and use the slow motion cheat to easily take out the soldier operating the turret before he spots you. This will allow you to safely hijack the free army tank!

Unfortunately this glitch method is extremely luck based rather than a reliable cheat code. The spawn chances are random and somewhat rare. But manipulating the time mechanics provides a fun opportunity at scoring a free wandering tank from the Fort Zancudo convoy routes.

Now let‘s explore the full capabilities of GTA V‘s ultimate armored land vehicle annihilator!

Army Tank Guide: Key Facts & Attack Analysis

GTA fans often interchangeably refer to the tank as the Rhino or army tank. It‘s officially named the TM-02 Khanjali in the Warstock Cache & Carry description:

{{< image src="tm-02-khanjali-tank-653×1024.jpg" alt="TM-02 Khanjali Tank" caption="TM-02 Khanjali Tank Profile" width="200" height="auto" >}}

Here are the essential stat highlights that demonstrate why the Khanjali TM-02 is one of the most lethal vehicles in GTA Online:

  • Seats: Driver + Gunner
  • Top Speed: 59 mph / 95 kmh
  • Turret Rotate Speed: 35° per second
  • Armour Absorption: Withstand 8 RPG shots
  • Main Cannon Range: 4200 ft / 1280 m
  • Splash Damage Radius: 8 m

As you can see, the Rhino tank is extremely durable against explosions thanks to the heavy plating. It can soak multiple missiles, RPGs, or sticky bombs before finally being disabled.

And I haven‘t even covered the most devastating feature…

Primary Weapon: 120mm Auto-Loading Cannon

This lethal cannon delivers explosive shells dealing frightening damage. It can eliminate unarmored vehicles with a single shell and shred through buildings or concrete barriers.

Let‘s analyze the firing mechanics:

  • Firing Mode: Single Shot or Rapid Fire
  • Rate of Fire:
    • Single: 1 shell per 6 seconds
    • Rapid: 1 shell per 2 seconds
  • Reload Speed: 1.5 seconds per shell
  • Ammunition: 20 shells

Doing the math, you can unleash the full ammo capacity of 20 shells in only 40 seconds while in rapid fire mode! That‘s some incredible offensive potential before needing to restock.

The apex aerial view while controlling the turret gives you superior range and accuracy. Lining up splash damage shots becomes extremely easy, enabling massive destruction.

{{< image src="gta-5-khanjali-tank-firing-on-police.jpg" alt="Khanjali Tank Destroying Cops" caption="Annihilating the Cops Using the 120mm Tank Cannon" width="200" height="auto" >}}

Now let‘s move on to gathering the ultimate arsenal through secret cheat codes usable outside the military base!

GTA 5 Weapons Cheat Codes

While there isn‘t a definitive Rhino tank cheat code, you can still equip heavy firepower through special weapon cheats. Here are the latest confirmed codes working in 2024:

||PS4/PS5|Xbox Series X|PC|
|All Weapons|Triangle, R2, Left, L1, X, Right, Triangle, Down, Square, L1, L1, L1|Y, RT, Left, LB, A, Right, Y, Down, X, LB, LB, LB|Toolup|
|Explosive Rounds|Right, Square, X, Left, R1, R2, Left, Right, Right, L1, L1, L1|Right, X, A, Left, RB, RT, Left, Right, Right, LB, LB, LB|Hothands|

The All Weapons cheat is essential for stocking up on RPGs, Grenade Launchers, Proximity Mines and Sticky Bombs to defend your new tank!

And Explosive Rounds applies extreme damage to standard ammunition. I once annihilated an enemy Rhino tank using the Heavy Sniper with just 3-4 headshots thanks to this cheat.

Here are extra codes for an armored getaway car and restoring health:

||PS4/PS5|Xbox Series X|PC|
|Spawn Armored Karuma|Right, Left, Right, Right, Up, Down, Square, R1, R2|Right, Left, Right, Right, Up, Down, X, RB, RT|Carma|
|Refill Health & Armor|Triangle, L1, Triangle, R2, Square, L1, L1, L2|Y, LB, Y, RT, X, LB, LB, LT|Turtule|

So now you can successfully steal the Rhino tank from Fort Zancudo then leverage cheat codes to stock up on maximum firepower and healing ability!

Tip: Avoid Wasting Your Tank by Saving First!

Make sure to park your tank safely in your garage, then save your game before logging off. This preserves your precious tank asset between all future game sessions.

Closing Thoughts

I hope my deep dive helps fellow GTA fans finally get their hands on the ultimate destructive force of the Rhino tank! While there still isn‘t an actual cheat code, exploiting some clever tricks can spawn this devastating machine. Just be prepared for an extremely chaotic rampage when behind the controls of this mobile weapons platform!

Let me know your craziest Rhino tank adventures in the comments section below. And subscribe to my YouTube channel for upcoming cheat reveal videos exposing more crazy in-game exploits!

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