What is the console code for Horizon Forbidden West Cradle of Echoes?

As an avid Horizon fan diving back into the world of Zero Dawn and now Forbidden West, I couldn‘t wait to unravel the mysteries of Cradle of Echoes. This intriguing site holds secrets tied to GAIA, Sylens‘ past, and Aloy‘s destiny – all locked behind a console demanding a 6-digit code.

Read on for a full breakdown of how to find this code, where to enter it, and how it fits into Forbidden West‘s overarching story. Fair warning, some light spoilers ahead!

Uncovering the Mysterious Code

When first told to investigate Cradle of Echoes, the only hint Aloy gets is to "use the distress signal"…very helpful, Sylens. Eventually while digging through her notebook‘s datapoints for clues, I came across:

Distress Signal – Text Datapoint – Quests

And there it was at the very bottom below a set of coordinates:


Aha! This must be the passcode to get into Cradle of Echoes. After some trial and error, I can confirm 237 does indeed open the sealed site.

How I Stumbled on This Code

Admittedly it took me longer than I‘d like to admit to think of checking the datapoints. I first spent a good 30 minutes scouring the outside area, expecting some puzzle or glyph combination to appear.

When that failed, I turned to already unlocked points on the map, revisiting locations tied to previous quest steps involving GAIA and Sylens. Still no code anywhere to be found!

Finally after the 2nd failed entry attempt, Aloy dropped a hint to look through my collected datapoints and notebooks. Thank goodness for that nudge directing me where to look, as 237 is easy to miss otherwise.

So moral of the story: when a door demands a code, make sure to exhaust all menu and datapoint options before losing hope!

Inputting the Code at the Cradle of Echoes Site

Once you‘ve uncovered the 237 code, head to the indicated site on your map marked Cradle of Echoes. Up on arrival, you‘ll spot the locked bunker gate barring entry.

Interact with the panel by the door to bring up a numerical keypad. Carefully enter 2-3-7 when prompted to unlock the gate.

I love when the solution ends up being something so simple, cleverly tucked away rather than some convoluted puzzle. The distress signal containing the digits felt fitting too given the site‘s emergency bunker roots.

If you somehow still struggled or doubted the 237 code:

  • Waiting at the panel triggers Aloy to nudge you towards the datapoint solution
  • Too many incorrect entries makes Aloy hint to "check her datapoints"

So ultimately the code discovery boils down to reading through Aloy‘s collected intel!

Cutscene Reveal and Story Impact

Upon cracking the code and entering Cradle of Echoes, a cutscene rolls unveiling the mysterious "Asset" – an archaic but advanced AI system locked away by Far Zenith.

This AI holds incredible secrets especially regarding The Signal that erupted FEAR in the Faro robots. Learning more about its origins from an AI perspective directly ties into unmasking who and what exactly Nemesis is.

The introductory Forbidden West quest centers on chasing down leads on Nemesis, making Cradle of Echoes and this Asset AI key to pushing that pursuit forward.

This early bunker also potentially offers clues to Far Zenith/Sylens backstory elements:

  • Was Sylens involved in designing the Asset AI himself?
  • Might the bunker layout resemble Zenith colony ships that carried the Odyssey?

Unlocking Cradle of Echoes marks a pivotal moment that elevates the stakes and unknowns around Nemesis. The code gate serves as a narrative challenge mirroring how obstructed uncovering Nemesis‘ truth has been so far for Aloy.

Parallels to Horizon Zero Dawn‘s Cauldrons

In many ways, overcoming the Cradle console reminded me of unlocking access to Zero Dawn‘s cauldrons. Both offer that catharsis of breaching hidden corners of the map, stashed with AI insights.

Where cauldrons centered on GAIA and accessing overrides, Cradle‘s AI Asset shifts focus to Nemesis, Zenith, and the extinction signal origins.

LocationHorizon Zero DawnHorizon Forbidden West
TypeCauldronsCradle of Echoes
EntryPlatform Puzzles + OverrideCode Console
RewardMachine OverridesStory Revelations

Thematically both represent hidden bunkers housing AI secrets that Aloy fights to access and harness.

Preparing to Venture Beyond the Code Gate

With the code cracked and entry permitted, Cradle of Echoes offers a combat-filled search deeper into the bunker. Expect to face off against Specter Prime enemies unleashed when powering up the Asset AI.

Based on this gauntlet, I‘d recommend equipping:

  • Survivor/Nora Protector Armor – Balance resistance with high tear protection
  • Bolt/Precision Bows – Pick off Specters before they close distance
  • Spike Throwers – Excellent handing in close quarters

You‘ll also want to stock up on plenty of antidote herbs to counter Specter venom attacks. The Concentration and Dash Valor Surges help maintain damage windows between Specter teleports too.

All in all, expect to spend 45 minutes to 1 hour working through the entirety of Cradle of Echoes. This includes the code gate, cutscene, and subsequent enemy battles unlocking access to the Asset AI.

From there, the main Forbidden West questline shifts to Meridian, introducing a slew of new revelations, threats, and more codes to uncover! But parsing out those mysteries will have to wait for my next breakdown.

Let me know what secrets or insights you uncovered in Cradle of Echoes! What was your initial reaction to learning what the "Asset" was? I‘m excited to dig into the implications it holds for Nemesis in future Horizon story beats.

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