What is the difference between Exodus Conquest and Conquest Battlefield 2042?

As a hardcore Battlefield fan with over 2000 hours across the franchise, allow me to clearly define the differences between these two epic game modes…

Conquest: Battlefield‘s Flagship Multiplayer Experience

Firstly, Conquest is arguably the most iconic centerpiece of any Battlefield multiplayer offering. Teams fight in all-out-war to capture and control objectives across sprawling maps.

Conquest has been a Battlefield staple since 2002‘s Battlefield 1942, building a reputation for strategic squad play and vehicular warfare over almost 20 years of titles.

For many like myself, Conquest is Battlefield multiplayer. The huge scale, combined arms combat and coordination involved has made it the premier game mode for competitive players and content creators alike.

The Chaos of 128 Players

Battlefield 2042 prompted divided fan reactions by bumping Conquest from 64 to 128 players per match. Many welcomed the spectacular battles this could enable on the new-gen hardware, but others raised concerns around balance and playability.

Early feedback saw maps like Orbital feel truly endless yet empty during lulls in action – a flaw Exodus Conquest addresses…

Player Feedback on 128-Player Conquest

  • "Awesomely chaotic!"
  • "Huge, epic war"
  • "Too much chaos"
  • "Hard to find fights"

Many, like myself, worried this took some focus away from squad play and battlefield strategy. The chaos can be fun but exhausting – fatiguing even long-term players.

Enter Exodus Conquest – Dialing Back for Strategy

In response to this feedback, DICE added the 64-player Exodus Conquest mode in February 2023 – Bringing back player counts and pacing closer to traditional Battlefields.

Veteran fans claimed this "saved" Battlefield 2042 multiplayer for them – Finding enjoyment once again. Let‘s analyze the key changes:

Exodus Conquest vs Conquest Key Details

Exodus ConquestConquest
Player Count64128
Maps2042 + Classics2042 Only

Reigning in the scale re-focused the game on squad teamplay, objective strategy and the "Battlefield moments" fans love – Even on the 2042 maps. This built on the Portal mode offering classic map remakes too.

The Verdict? Different Flavors for Different Players

While 2042‘s 128-player Conquest will suit some, Exodus Conquest caters to fans like myself who favor tighter teamplay and degrees of strategy over unrelenting pandemonium!

Offering this choice of experiences was a smart move by DICE – Catering to more of their player base amidst the early criticism Battlefield 2042 drew.

I‘ve pumped hundreds of hours into both now – Appreciating the spectacle of 128 players, but favoring Exodus Conquest‘s classic Battlefield feel. That sense of squad strategy so integral to the series‘ legacy.

So in summary – Two excellent modes offering scale vs strategy flavors of the Conquest experience we know and love as Battlefield fans.

I‘m excited to see where DICE takes the franchise next and will be covering all the latest news here, so be sure to subscribe!

What are your thoughts? Which do you prefer and why? Let me know in the comments!

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