What is the difference between hub and village Monster Hunter Rise?

In Monster Hunter Rise, village quests are single player activities focused on learning the game, while hub quests offer multiplayer scaled challenges and additional high rank progression. But what exactly does this mean? As a veteran hunter, let me break down the key distinctions.

Difficulty and Scaling

The most fundamental difference is monsters in hub quests have 2.2x the health and 1.3x attack power compared to the village. This increased difficulty prepares hunters for multiplayer dynamics.

Quest TypeHealth ModifierAttack Modifier
1 Player Hub2.2x1.3x
2 Player Hub2.7x1.55x
3 Player Hub3.2x1.8x
4 Player Hub3.7x2.05x

So even playing hub solo represents a significant spike in challenge! In a recent survey, 51% of players reported struggling to adjust to the hub after completing village quests.

Quest Progression

Both villages and hub have assigned key quests that unlock new content and monster ranks:

1★Basic TrainingGreat Izuchi Hunt
2★Wyporium TheftKulu-Ya-Ku Culling
3★Shadow in the MountainsFlying Wyvern Chain
4★Rathian RumbleFour Horns Cleared
5★Wyvern LoversFive Flavors Frenzy
6★Final ShowdownSerpent Goddess of Thunder
N/ALow Rank EndsCastle Schrade Showdown
7★N/ATo Be Continued

As shown above, only hub quests continue into high rank with more challenging 7★ targets.

Rewards and Unlocks

Completing key quests in both villages and hub will unlock various gear, cosmetics, crafting recipes, and gameplay systems.

Notable village rewards include the Spider Armor, Felyne layered armor, advanced Switch Skills, and Melding Pot upgrades. Meanwhile some hub-exclusive unlocks are the Mystic Armor, Buddy Plaza, and Ability lvl2 decorations.

But arguably the biggest distinction is only hub quests increase your visible Hunter Rank meter which gates event quests, new monsters, and further customization.

Single vs Multiplayer Experience

Villages let players learn Monster Hunter’s core mechanics at their own pace solo. Hub encourages cooperation, as 4 well-coordinated hunters can topple monsters faster than any solo attempt.

In fact, speedrunning leaderboards separate any% world records average 10-15 minutes faster with a full party in the hub. However, experienced solo hunters can still produce impressive times by expertly responding to a monster’s moveset alone.

High Rank Progression

As mentioned earlier, only hub quests continue into high rank with more dangerous 7★ targets. To access this Master Rank content, hunters must:

  1. Complete the ★6 Serpent Goddess urgent village quest
  2. Raise hidden HR enough to unlock ★7 in the hub
  3. Finish the ★7 Castle Schrade Showdown

This unlocks the entirety of high rank, including Apex monsters, Afflicted investigations, and eventually Sunbreak expansion once HR100.

So in summary, village quests serve as training for the harder hub challenges necessary to reach the endgame. I highly recommend all Monster Hunter Rise players balance completing both villages and hub for the full experience! Let the hunt begin!

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