What is the difference between New Game Plus and new character in Elden Ring?

The core difference lies in whether you want to continue progressing an established high-level build into harder content, or start completely fresh to try new playstyles risk-free.

New Game Plus Retains Your Strength

Opting for New Game Plus (NG+) means importing your proven character for another journey. You’ll keep all hard-earned levels, gear, spells, Great Runes and upgrades. The lands between also remain explored, letting you grab missed collectibles or revisit favorite sights.

However, continuing onto NG+ spikes enemy and boss damage/health by 30-50% depending on area. Late-game bosses can hit brutally hard even with 60 Vigor. You’ll gain more Runes per foe to compensate, but it remains sterner task.

Ultimately NG+ tests your build’s might against tougher odds. The experience varies depending on your level of completion in the first playthrough.

New Characters Offer Customization Freedom

Conversely, starting a brand new Elden Ring adventure means total freedom over your build from the ground up.

You can test fun, unorthodox character concepts without pressure. Respecs also reset, letting you freely tweak stats upon acquiring Larval Tears. Early sections pose less threat too whilst collecting essential tools again.

However, the opening hours involve significant repetition. Discovering mini-dungeons again may also tire for veterans. Some late-game spells/weapons also take longer to obtain, limiting initial options.

In exchange, you can tailor everything to match an imagined playstyle, whether roleplaying a noble hero or crafting a highly focused mage. New dynamics through multiplayer and questlines also emerge.

Comparing Endgame Experiences

New Game PlusNew Character
Enemy Health/Damage30-50% increaseDefault
Runes from Enemies+50%Default
Build FlexibilityMinimal via limited respecsTotal freedom
Late-Game Gear AccessImmediate10-20 hours unlocking
Multiplayer ActivityDeclines over timeVery high early zones
Questline OpportunityLimited due to progressionTotally new options

Can you access DLC content immediately in NG+?

  • Yes, players retain their Great Runes allowing quick access to areas such as Farum Azula and Consecrated Snowfields upon defeating initial bosses again. Late-game gear remains equipped too.
  • However, hardcore enemies and bosses in DLC zones may prove extremely lethal to all but maxed builds in New Game Plus cycles. Caution advised!

Does enemy health/damage scale indefinitely in later New Game cycles?

  • No. Elden Ring New Game+ caps eventual enemy stat increases at NG+7. Damage and health values increase by just under double from the base game at this peak difficulty.
  • Even mighty late game bosses can still overwhelm players here. Surviving NG+ with unconventional builds requires mastery of combat mechanics.

Can I play with friends easier on new characters?

  • Absolutely. Launching new playthrough together lets you collectively explore while tackling bosses at similar power levels. Share the joy of victories and rare loot drops!
  • Over-leveled phantoms trivialize NG+ boss battles for hosts. Play the first run solo to fully appreciate Carpenter Yura’s iconic quote at launch: ”this new Elden Ring game gives me conniptions”.

Verdict: Both Options Satisfy in Different Ways

Ultimately, I recommend all Tarnished experience both NG+ and fresh starts. New Game Plus tests your mettle against harder foes using a proven build. Making new characters lets imagination run wild.

Veteran STR/FTH Crusader BikeMan17 on fextralife forums summarizes the dilemma best:

”I’m torn between seeing my spectacular Sacred Relic Sword smite New Game+ baddies harder, or roleplaying a foolish samurai with a greatbow pursue the Shabriri grape. Elden Ring offers bountiful replays either way, each journey unveils more of its secrets. Praise the Erdtree!”

So why not both? Creating multiple characters lets you enjoy FromSoftware’s vast open world across many perspectives. My NG+7 fanatic prophet remains undefeated in PvP, but my new Sorcerer sees Limgrave with fresh eyes.

Hopefully this overview conveys how Elden Ring empowers your choices more than any Soulsborne game prior. Now, where have those pesky albinaurics hidden themselves this playthrough…

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