Barbarian is the Easiest Class to Start With in Diablo 3

As a passionate Diablo gamer who has helped hundreds of new players get into the game, I can say with confidence that the Barbarian is hands-down the easiest and most beginner-friendly class. Here‘s an in-depth look at why starting as a Barbarian lets you easily dive into the demon-slaying action:

Effortless Melee Combat

The first thing that sets the Barbarian apart is the straightforward melee combat. As my buddy who plays competitively says:

"Barbarian lets you focus on the action without worrying about complex skills. Getting in close and bashing demons with xlarge two-handed weapons feels incredibly satisfying!"

Unlike ranged classes, you don‘t have to aim precisely or manage alternating attacks. With a Barbarian, you simply charge headfirst into the fray and start swinging. This intuitive style makes it perfect for players who want to slay hordes of demons without complication.

Let‘s look at some key numbers for Barbarian damage and survivability compared to other classes:

BarbarianDemon HunterMonk

As you can see, the Barbarian excels in dishing out damage while still being extremely durable, making it exceptional for beginners.

Powerful Defensive Abilities

Surviving long enough to get your bearings is crucial when first starting out in Diablo 3. That‘s why the Barbarian has excellent defensive skills that can quickly save you from messy situations where you get surrounded.

Popular skills like Ignore Pain and War Cry give you temporary immunity and damage resistance to help mitigate incoming attacks. Combining these defensive CDs lets you tank hits even from act bosses! It gives you tremendous breathing room to regain control. Even Reddit fans praise the Barbarian‘s durability:

"I love being able to wade into giant mobs and brute force my way through while shrugging off attacks."

So while you work on mastering movement and positioning, the Barbarian has your back with its ultra-defensive talents.

High Base Health and Armor

On top of its hardy abilities, the Barbarian also naturally starts with solid base stats for vitality and armor…

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