What is the Easiest DPS Build in ESO for 2023?

As a passionate ESO gamer and content creator, I‘m often asked what the easiest DPS (damage per second) build is for new players. Rather than pointing to a specific class or race, I think it‘s more constructive to focus on core gameplay principles and mechanics that can make early PvE encounters smooth and enjoyable to learn.

Prioritizing Survivability Over Raw Damage

The key to an "easy" build is survivability. When you‘re still learning boss mechanics and honing rotation skills, staying alive should be the priority.

  • Focus first on self-healing abilities and damage shields before maxing out damage. Surviving is more important than big numbers early on.
  • Range offers safety. Bow attacks allow you to contribute damage from a distance while handling new mechanics.
  • Direct damage skills are more beginner friendly than complex DoT (damage over time) setups.

According to many top players, reaching at least 16k health and 20k resistances should make most overland content very comforable.

Strong Early Game Gear Sets

The right gear combinations can greatly smooth out the early game experience:

  • Mother‘s Sorrow (Overland Set): Provides excellent damage without requiring you to keep up buffs or DoTs. Easy to farm and craft.
  • Fortified Brass (Crafted Set): Gives big boosts to health and resistances for better survival.
  • Burning Spellweave (Dungeon Set): Adds high fire damage and sustain. One of the strongest and easiest to acquire damage sets.

I recommend Mother‘s Sorrow or Burning Spellweave for damage with Fortified Brass for protection. This combo carried many new players through lots of content.

Easy Damage Dealing Skills

Rather than juggling lots of DoT abilites, direct damage skills simplify dealing damage:

  • Crystal Fragments: High instant damage that can proced without cost.
  • Force Pulse: Spammable ranged direct damage.
  • Wall of Elements: Drop this AoE for residual damage.
  • Force Shock: Good ranged spammable for stamina.
  • Arrow Spray: One of the best AoE effects from a bow.

Mastering light attack weaving between these abilities is sufficient for most content.

Choose What You Enjoy Most

At the end of the day, choose skills and gear you enjoy using rather than chasing the theoretical best DPS. Familiarity and comfort with your setup is crucial. With practice, any class can excel. Focus more on core combat fundamentals like animation canceling, buff/DOT uptimes, resource management etc. Your power will grow quickly over time.

Here are some examples of easy, high damage builds worth trying from my experience:

BuildDamage TypeSummary
Mystic ArcherMagickaBow sorcerer with pets, shields, heals, and ranged damage. Very safe and consistent solo gameplay.
EZ ModeStaminaSurvivability-focused stam dragonknight from Alcast using vigor, Rally, Green Dragon Blood for easy soloing.
Lazy CrafterStaminaVery beginner friendly bow/dual wield build with powerfull crafted set options. Easy rotation.

The key is finding abilities and gear that you simply enjoy playing with rather than fixating on "what‘s best." Build familiarity and practiced fundamentals are far more important early on than fractionally higher DPS. Take the time to experiment with different setups to see what clicks the most.

Let me know if you have any other questions! I‘m happy to offer suggestions on making ESO as accessible as possible.

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