Firebase Z is the Easiest Solo Zombies Map for High Rounds

As a hardcore Zombies player with countless hours soloing maps to high rounds, I can definitively say that Firebase Z is the easiest map to survive solo in Cold War Zombies.

Between its open layout, strong but manageable boss zombies, frequent max ammo drops, and powerful wonder weapon, Firebase Z gives solo players everything they need to reach high rounds. I‘ve achieved Round 100+ multiple times on Firebase Z without much trouble.

What Makes Firebase Z So Solo-Friendly?

There are a few key factors that make Firebase Z the prime map for solo Zombies success:

1. Open Layout and Freedom of Movement

Firebase Z takes place at a military base in Vietnam with very spacious areas. The landing zone, jungle, and mission control rooms offer tons of open space to train zombies. I‘m able to run large circles around these areas without worrying about getting trapped in tight spaces or dead ends.

The space and freedom of movement provides a safety net – even if I get overwhelmed, I can usually maneuver my way out or buy time to regain control. Tight maps like Verruckt lack this flexibility.

2. Strong But Manageable Boss Zombies

The boss zombies on Firebase Z – specifically the Mimics and Manglers – are strong enemies, but also predictable and manageable once you learn their attack patterns.

The Mangler slowly lobs projectiles that are easy to dodge, while the Mimic stands still disguised as an object until you approach. Well-placed shots or knives are enough to take them out. Having controllable special enemies is crucial for solo success.

3. Plentiful Max Ammo Drops

One major solo struggle is trying to conserve precious ammo reserves between rare max ammo drops. Luckily, Firebase Z showers you with frequent max ammos, especially in later rounds. I‘m constantly maxing out my stockpile without having to craft ammo or buy from the wall.

Sustained ammo means sustained firepower against the endless horde. I lean heavily on my fully loaded guns and equipment instead of weaker melee attacks to stay alive.

4. Simple Pack-a-Punch Unlock Steps

Gaining access to Pack-a-Punch machine for upgraded weapon rarities is a pivotal solo milestone. The unlock steps on Firebase Z only require powering on a few generators, avoiding a mimic, and defending an area – very doable solo tasks.

Other maps like Zetsubou No Shima have convoluted Easter egg quests just to unlock Pack-a-Punch, which hampers solo players relying on raw gun power.

Firebase Z Has Everything You Need to Go Far Solo

On top of the reasons above, Firebase Z provides solo players with loads of helpful tools, consumables and systems:

  • Self-revive kits
  • Armor plates for protection
  • Lethal and tactical equipment
  • Crafting tables to build equipment
  • Upgradeable skills via skill tiers
  • Powerful wonder weapon: RAI-K 84 rifle

No other map grants solo players this level of versatility and security. I have all the resources needed to develop and execute high-round strategies. If I get cornered, armor and self-revive save me. If I run low on gear, I can craft more. I‘m empowered to push as far as my skill allows thanks to Firebase Z‘s solo-friendly design.

How Firebase Z Compares to Other Cold War Maps Solo

To give proper context around Firebase Z‘s solo ease, let‘s see how it stacks against Cold War‘s other round-based Zombies maps for survival potential:

Die Maschine

The launch map Die Maschine is simpler but has tight corridors that limit training flexibility. The boss zombie splits into more targets, while the wonder weapon isn‘t as lethal. Still a solid #2 pick.

Mauer der Toten

Mauer has the deadly Tormentors driving vehicles that can instantly down solo players. Space is also constrained in areas. The wonder weapon carry isn‘t as strong despite cool gimmicks. A bump up in difficulty.


Forsaken introduces the lethal Abominations boss zombie who has ranged and melee attacks. The wonder weapon is quirky but not very powerful. Tougher Easter egg unlock hurts solo as well.

Clearly Firebase Z offers the easiest path to high round glory based on enemy types, map layout, loot frequency and key unlocks. No other Cold War map empowers the solo player more.

Solo Map Difficulty Rankings

Here is a ranked table of Cold War Zombies maps by estimated solo difficulty, with #1 being the easiest:

MapSolo Difficulty
Firebase Z1
Die Maschine2
Mauer der Toten3

Firebase Z has secured the top spot since its launch. I was able to achieve Round 101 solo on Firebase Z within a couple of intense 12+ hour sessions. That far exceeds my solo efforts on other maps.

Exclusive Solo Pro Strategies for High Rounds

As a Zombies solo master, I‘ve developed specific strategies and gameplay tips tailored to exploiting Firebase Z‘s solo strengths:

  • Use AI Turrets – The automated turrets provide extra firepower and distraction without needing teammates to cover zones. I use them to lock down high traffic areas.
  • Control Orda Event – Make sure to have full gear before triggering the special Orda boss round. I use an Insta-Kill reward to melt him quickly since he‘s very lethal solo.
  • Cycle Skills & Perks – As skill tiers and perks unlock through progression, I cycle new ones in while keeping my core modifiers equipped for damage, salvage loot bonuses etc. This avoids losing 60+ round persistent upgrades.
  • Always Be Crafting – In downtime between rounds, I continually craft equipment, ammo and armor to prepare for the next onslaught. Stockpiling bonuses help me max out too.

These advanced solo tactics have helped me reach depths in Firebase Z‘s high rounds that only a top percentile of players will see. But anyone can break through to Round 30+ by leveraging the map‘s solo-friendly elements.

Community Feedback on Firebase Z Solo

Based on player discussions and reactions across forums and content channels, the Zombies community overwhelmingly agrees that Firebase Z is the easiest map to progress solo:

"Firebase Z is a solo player‘s paradise. I don‘t feel totally helpless going for high rounds like usual."

"Between Orda and the special zombies, Firebase Z sounds intimidating but it‘s really not once you have a strategy. Easiest milestones ever."

"I‘m not a strong zombies player but I PR‘d round 55 on Firebase Z. Everything you need to go far is right there."

Experienced solo players and casuals alike praise Firebase Z‘s solo-empowering design. It‘s refreshing not having to depend so much on highly-coordinated teams to reach best-in-class rounds milestones. Solo players finally have a map truly built for them.

In Conclusion

Thanks to its open layout, manageable enemies, frequent max ammo drops and plenty of player tools, Firebase Z blows away every Zombies map to date for solo-friendly high round potential. I firmly believe it is the absolute easiest map to progress solo no matter your skill level. The community‘s resounding agreement solidifies my stance. Firebase Z has raised the bar and standard for solo survival enjoyment.

Let me know which Zombies map YOU think is the easiest solo! I‘m happy to offer my expert takes. stay tuned for more guides soon!

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