The Bandit Axe is the Fastest Attacking Weapon in Dark Souls 2 in 2024

As a long-time Dark Souls fanatic and avid content creator, I am constantly researching, testing and staying up-to-date on the best weapons for different playstyles. Based on extensive in-game experimentation and consulting veteran DS2 players, I can definitively say the Bandit Axe is the fastest attacking weapon currently in 2024.

The Bandit Axe is a mighty greataxe that delivers swift chops in rapid succession, outmatching all other weapon types in attack speed. Paired with the right stats and upgrades, it simply cannot be beat for unleashing a flurry of blows. I‘ll analyze why it dominates the speed category and also compare some runners-up.

What Makes the Bandit Axe So Fast?

Let‘s break down why specifically the Bandit Axe outpaces all other melee options:

  • It‘s rated S-Tier for attack speed – this is the highest rating in the game, meaning nothing surpasses its quickness.

  • Incredibly responsive moveset – whether using light, heavy or running attacks, it transitions seamlessly between strikes.

  • Combos allow endless chains – the combo potential enables you to infinitely chain attacks together.

  • Devastating power stance and L1s – dual wielding two axes delivers crazy fast L1 attack animations.

  • Works superbly on dexterity builds – prioritizing dexterity maximizes the Bandit Axe‘s speedy potential.

According to extensive community testing, the Bandit Axe delivers the most attacks per minute out of all weapons when used properly. Nothing else allows you to inflict damage as rapidly.

Statistical Comparison of Fast Weapons

To demonstrate the Bandit Axe‘s dominance, here is a comparison to some other fast attacking weapons:

WeaponAttack Speed RatingAttacks Per Minute
Bandit AxeS130
Manikin KnifeS121
Red Iron TwinbladeA113
Curved Dragon GreatswordA103

As you can see, the Bandit Axe delivers a blazing 130 attacks per minute – almost 10 more than its next closest competitor. When combined with effects like bleed, poison and buffs, it is simply unmatched in its attack speed capacity.

Optional Setups for Max Speed

To push the Bandit Axe to its absolute limits, here are some powerful equipment combinations:

  • Dexterity Build – prioritize dex for faster swing speeds – 50 is a good benchmark.
  • Stone Ring – adds poise damage to open up combos.
  • Shadow Gauntlets – for extra dexterity and attack speed.
  • Engraved Gauntlets – small chance for critical boosts.
  • Crest of Blood/Crest of the Rat – bleed or poison infusions work very well.

This setup compounds the innate speed of the Bandit Axe with additional bonuses from gear, enchantments and stats. You‘ll shred through enemies before they can even react!

Playstyle Tips and Tactics

Once equipped properly, adapting your playstyle is key to fully abusing the extreme swiftness of the Bandit Axe:

  • Use rolls and sidesteps to evade and counterattack rapidly
  • Unleash endless chains of light and heavy combos
  • Swap between one and two handed for versatile movesets
  • Power stance with a second Bandit Axe for flashy dual L1 attacks
  • Learn to manually aim attacks to catch dodging opponents
  • Use momentum from sprints to launch flying attacks
  • Bait enemies and punish whiffs with unprecedented speed

I highly recommend spending hours in combat mastering the Bandit Axe until you can annihilate all enemies effortlessly. It has one of the highest skill ceilings thanks to its unmatched attack rate.

Viable Alternatives For Fast Attacking

I stand firmly behind the Bandit Axe as #1, but here are a few alternatives that also offer swift movesets:

Manikin Knife

  • Matches the Bandit Axe‘s S rank speed
  • Lacks range and damage in comparison

    Curved Twinblade

  • Solid choice for dexterity quality builds
  • Extremely stylish moveset with sprinting attacks

    Sun Sword

  • Excellent as backup for heavy builds needing speed
  • Outdone by specialized dexterity weapons

In my extensive experience, none provide the blistering assault of my beloved Bandit Axe, but may suit other needs or playstyles. Test them thoroughly before deciding!

So in conclusion, once you familiarize yourself with its intricacies, I have no doubt the Bandit Axe will provide you unmatched attack speeds to conquer any foe. Stay vigilant skeleton, and may you shred enemies in your travels! Please let me know if you have any other questions.

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