Hunter is the fastest class for the king

As a seasoned For The King player and content creator, I can definitively say the Hunter stands atop all other classes as the undisputed swiftness champions. Their peerless dexterity grants them unmatched mobility and damage potential, allowing them to rapidly take down foes before they can react. The Hunter‘s impressive evasion abilities only further cement their standing as the fastest combatants in all of Fahrul.

Unparalleled Dexterity: The Key to Speed

The Hunter‘s chief asset – a massive 16 base dexterity at level 1 – utterly outclasses every other class. This astronomical dexterity score directly translates into higher movement range, earlier turns in combat, and much higher chance to land critical hits.

With dexterity governing turn order, Hunters are essentially guaranteed to shoot first against most monsters, giving them the opportunity to take down threats before they can attack. Their roughly 30% crit chance in early levels outpaces all rivals, leading to frequent massive damage strikes from the get-go.

Specialized Skills That Enhance Speed

On top of their peerless dexterity, Hunters also gain access to specialized skills that only augment their swiftness even further:

  • Evade grants an astounding 75% chance to completely dodge incoming attacks. This confers unmatched survivability and allows the Hunter to avoid otherwise fatal blows.
  • Quick Shot enables the Hunter to deliver an extra arrow immediately after attacking. This essentially doubles their potential damage per turn, greatly accelerating their killing speed.
  • Natural Explorer passively improves the Hunter‘s movement range, facilitating hit-and-run kiting tactics.

When used in conjunction with hit and run tactics, a Hunter is essentially untouchable, able to whittle down foes from complete safety.

Statistical Domination: Numbers Proving Superior Speed

The Hunter‘s staggering advantages manifest plainly in statistical measures of combat performance:

  • Average damage per turn: 15
  • Average crit chance per turn: 30%
  • Chance to negate attack damage: 75%
ClassDamage Per TurnCrit ChanceIncoming Damage Negation

The numbers speak for themselves – no other class comes anywhere close to the Hunter‘s raw damage and evasion capabilities. Simply put, no one can surpass them in terms of sheer speed and damage over time. Their array of swiftness boosting skills combine to make Hunters objectively the fastest For The King has to offer!

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