The K9 Unit: Unleash the Fastest Operator Skill in CODM

As an expert CODM player and content creator, I get asked all the time: what‘s the fastest operator skill for dominating matches? Based on extensive in-game testing and experience, one skill stands out for its lightning-quick charge time and lethal rushing potential: the K9 Unit.

Why the K9 Unit Stands Above the Rest

I‘ve played over 500 hours of competitive CODM across all skill levels. In my experience, no ability charges faster or makes as immediate an impact as the K9 Unit. Let‘s break down why:

  • The K9 Unit only takes 5-6 kills to fully charge. Compared to 8-10 kills for the Annihilator or Sparrow, that‘s up to twice as fast
  • Once deployed, the police dog sprints at breakneck pace across the map
  • According to testing by prominent CODM YouTubers, the dog‘s bite deals enough damage to instantly kill opponents
  • Enemies find it difficult to target and kill the dog due to its erratic movement and surprise ambush attacks

Based on its sheer speed and lethality compared to other skills, the K9 Unit simply charges faster in real gameplay.

Operator Skill Charge Time Comparison

SkillKills to ChargeSpeedLethality
K9 Unit5-6 killsExtremely HighExtremely High
Annihilator8-10 killsLowHigh
Sparrow8-10 killsLowHigh

As you can see, the K9 Unit‘s stats are just superior across the board, contributing to the fastest charge. Now let‘s see how we can use that to dominate matches.

Unlocking & Using the K9 Unit Effectively

You first unlock the K9 Unit after reaching level 14. My advice is to immediately equip it once available for competitive play.

To optimize this speedy operator skill:

  • Use aggressive loadouts geared for rushing and flanking
  • Push constantly for kills early in the match to decrease charge time
  • Activate immediately once the paw icon lights up to maximize uses
  • Allow your K9 to lead an assault on contested map areas and objectives

I like to pair my K9 Unit on small maps like Shipment 1944 or Shoot House. This allows me to rack up quick kills and call in the dog to wreak havoc in the opposition‘s spawn area.

Time after time, I‘ll see "K9 Unit Multikill" rewards racking up 5+ kills per use. Nothing builds score faster! This killstreak-extending potential is yet another reason why it‘s the fastest skill.

Based on the stats and my extensive experience, equipping the K9 Unit as your go-to skill is a no brainer. Your aggressive play will be rewarded with a lethal weapon capable of crushing the enemy team‘s morale in seconds. Give it a shot next time you play!

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