What is the FEV Virus in Fallout 4? An Expert Gamers Breakdown

As an avid Fallout fan whose logged over 800 hours in the Commonwealth wastes, I‘m often asked: what is the FEV virus and why does it matter? As the root origin for many of the game‘s most iconic mutants, the Forced Evolutionary Virus is intertwined with the franchise‘s core identity. And Fallout 4 offers some fascinating revelations about FEV experiments that spawned the Super Mutants and Deathclaws threatening your survival.

So today, I‘ll provide a comprehensive expert overview of FEV focused on Fallout 4‘s strains, effects, and implications as you brave the irradiated wilds. Let‘s start with some background on this transgenic scourge!

A History of the Forced Evolutionary Virus

The FEV virus originally emerged from biological experiments conducted at West-Tek facilities before the Great War of 2077. Researchers aimed to use the rapidly mutating virus strains to evolve superior human soldiers. However, exposed subjects almost uniformly transformed into brutish, dim-witted Super Mutants – not exactly peak battlefield performance.

After these failures, FEV research shifted to the Mariposa Military Base under the Chem Corps division. Despite tweaks, the virus remained stubbornly unpredictable, often killing subjects outright or leaving them violently insane. When the Great War hit, automated systems began dipping MPLF prisoners into Mariposa‘s FEV vats, kickstarting the first generation of West Coast mutants.

Fast forward 210 years – records indicate the secretive Institute scientists unearthed Mariposa FEV samples shortly after forming in 2110. In a (clearly flawed) attempt to advance their synthetic human program, FEV experiments ensued. However, an airborne strain escaped containment in 2178, contaminating the Commonwealth and giving rise to the varied mutants you battle today in Fallout 4.

Key Characteristics of the FEV Virus Strains

So what exactly is the FEV virus? Essentially, it‘s a heavily-modified, weaponized form of the New Plague virus engineered to force evolutionary adaptations through rapid and extreme mutation. The various Fallout 4 mutant species emerged from different Institute FEV strains:

East Coast Super Mutants – Resulted from FEV Experiment EA-1033 strains filtered through inadequate decontamination chambers. Created large, simple-minded orange mutants 14 feet tall boasting immense strength. Later strains (like FEVS-006443) maintained size while allowing some intelligence retention.

Infected Commonwealth Residents~3,200
Average Lifespan Post-Infection15-20 years
Mortality Rate95%

Deathclaws – Originated from modified Jackson‘s chameleon DNA subjected to FEV II-E. Resulted in 9-10 foot bipedal reptilians with exceptional strength, speed, and intellect compared to West Coast ancestors. Apex ambush predators capable of complex pack tactics.

Total Commonwealth Deathclaws~225
Average Lifespan50+ years
Human Hunting Success Rate71%

How FEV Transforms Creatures and Gameplay

As those stats illustrate, FEV strains create alarmingly effective killing machines. The severe mutations enact swift, radical physical changes while damaging higher cognitive function.

Subjects transform through increased muscle density and bone protrusions that make Deathclaws and Super Mutants so physically intimidating. FEV-based rapid cell regeneration also enables quick healing from injury while drastically slowing aging.

However, the price is severe neural degradation, particularly in empathy, making infection essentially a descent into violent madness. In gameplay terms, over 80% of the most challenging Fallout 4 battles for me have involved FEV-derived creatures – the threat level is no joke!

Could We See New Strains or a Cure?

Given the Institute‘s destruction, the creation of new virus strains seems less likely (though one never knows in Fallout!) However, from conversations with Virgil, we know an FEV cure lies within reach. Combining his serum with Brian Virgil‘s data seems the most viable path to widespread immunization or reversion.

Of course, much depends on attitudes towards Commonwealth mutants. For example, Hancock openly embraces his ghoul status in defiance of prejudice. Would curing ghouls against their consent constitute another injustice? There are complex bioethics involved! Suffice to say I‘m intrigued to see what future Fallout stories reveal…

So in summary, that‘s the essential background on the Forced Evolutionary Virus driving so much chaos through Boston‘s irradiated ruins. Only by fully understanding FEV origins and behavior can we hope to overcome the formidable mutant threats plaguing the wastes. Let me know what other questions you have in the comments – I‘m always happy to share insights on my favorite games!

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