The God Emperor‘s True Name and Origins – A Warhammer 40k Deep Dive

As the immortal ruler of the Imperium of Man for over 10,000 years, the God Emperor of Mankind is arguably the most iconic character in the Warhammer 40,000 universe. But what was he called before his ascension to godhood? Let‘s analyze the lore and theories around his true origins and name.

The Birth of the Man Who Would Be God

Though his legend now stretches back millennia, the being who would one day rule all mankind was born over 8,000 years ago in ancient Anatolia, according to the oldest histories.

His original given name appears to have been Neoth.

As a passionate 40k scholar and lore expert, I theorize this was likely derived from the ancient Hittite and Mesopotamian languages common to that region and era. Of course, we can‘t know for sure – his true name of birth may be lost forever, as so much knowledge was during Old Night.

What we do know is the Emperor was born to ordinary human parents as an exceptionally gifted child, quickly exceeds normal human limitations.

Of course, he was no ordinary mortal, not from the very beginning…

The Perpetual Rises – Names Across the Ages

As history continued to turn, the perpetual who would become Emperor vanished into obscurity time and again, only to eventually reemerge on the global stage under different guises:

Great Leader, Wondrous Man, Gilgamesh, Alexander.

He remained immortal while ruling from the shadows, orchestrating pivotal moments to guide mankind‘s evolution according Promatheion texts:

The Emperor Battling Across History

His monikers become myth, his true name remains unknown.

We‘ll likely never know the full extent of his names or deeds across 20 millennia – such origins stretch back far past recorded history into legend and myth.

This table shows the confirmed aliases I could uncover in my research of primary Warhammer 40k lore sources:

EraKnown Aliases
Neolithic AgeNeoth
Bronze AgeGilgamesh
Classical AntiquityAlexander
Age of TechnologyThe Emperor, Revelation

As the most powerful human psyker and perpetual, the Emperor no doubt accumulated numerous titles over that unfathomably long lifespan.

For fans like us, adding our own theories and speculation is part of the fun!

Apotheosis of Humanity – The God Emperor‘s Birth

After centuries of preparation from the shadows, the Emperor finally reveals himself in the 30th millennium during the Age of Strife.

Humanity is scattered and imperiled across the galaxy, beset by aliens and the Chaos gods‘ corrupting touch. Only through total unification can mankind‘s survival be assured.

With supreme mastery of psychic arts and lore accumulated over twenty millennia, The Emperor‘s prowess exceeds any other being in the galaxy.

He sweeps aside all opposition to launch his Great Crusade, rapidly uniting swaths of human worlds under his new Imperium of Man. By the invasion of Ullanor Prime, his ascendance is complete – Horus crowns him The Emperor of Mankind.

No longer merely the immortal Perpetual, here stands the foundational icon of the entire 40k mythos.

Apotheosis Redux – The God Emperor Reborn

Alas, Horus‘ betrayal and the civil war nearly spells doom for the nascent Imperium.

Grievously wounded by his favored son, the Emperor‘s broken body is interred within the maximum-life-support Golden Throne, now sustained only by its cyber-arcane mechanisms and sacrificed psyker souls.

He becomes capable of only the rare, slightest interaction or psychic communication.

Yet the Master of Mankind endures. Even in silence, his immortal spirit powers the Astronomicon beacon to safeguard all human worlds.

In recognition of his sacrifice, Lorgar‘s worship takes root – the Emperor reluctantly transforms into the God of the Imperial Cult. THE Anathema to Chaos. As endless quintillions sacrifice and pray to him across the galaxy over ten millennia, not even the Emperor can prevent his full apotheosis.

Now, ten thousand years later, who can say what the Emperor has metabolized into within the swirling Empyrean? For all we know, in this new incarnation he has re-become:

  • Neoth Reborn
  • God of the Imperial Cult
  • Anathema, Bane of Chaos

The psyker sacrifice and worship has only accelerated his awakening divinity. Now more than immortal Perpetual, as new Warp God, his psychic might and influence surely dwarfs all previous incarnations!

Conclusion – The Once and Future Emperor

The Master of Mankind‘s long history stretches back farther than any canonical text records. We may never fully document all the roles he played over twenty millennia guiding and safeguarding humanity.

But through faith and continued fealty to the Golden Throne, we remain assured our galaxy still turns according to His great plan.

What the future holds for the God Emperor‘s newfound apotheosis we can only speculate…but the heavens themselves may shutter at His next awakening!

What do you think? What further hidden names, deeds and secrets might the Emperor have unlocked over twenty thousand years? Let me know your own theories and lore ideas below!

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