Slitherfang – The Hardest Boss in Horizon Forbidden West

Ask any player who has gone claw-to-claw with the formidable machines in Horizon Forbidden West, and one name consistently strikes fear into their hearts more than any other – Slitherfang. This vicious mechanized snake has quickly developed a notorious reputation as the hardest boss among the game‘s roster of colossal robot dinosaurs. With its lighting fast speed, lethal strikes, and ability to enter an enraged state, the slick Slitherfang has humbled many warriors.

Why So Many Struggle Against the Slitherfang

While Aloy has overcome tremendous odds facing an array of deadly machines, few can match the Slitherfang‘s sheer ferocity and intensity. But what specifically makes this serpentine adversary so challenging compared to other encounters?

Lightning Speed and Erratic Movements

The Slitherfang is extremely fast, slinking and swirling across the battlefield with frightening speed and unpredictability. Based on analysis from speedrunners, its movement tops out at over 90 mph during certain attack animations. Compare this to even a fierce Thunderjaw which maxes out around 35 mph.

This speed makes landing hits difficult, as one veteran player explained:

"The Slitherfang is just a constant blur in front of you. I can usually track machine movements pretty well, but this thing is on a whole other level. It zips around like a metal cobra hopped up on blaze."

High Damage Output

Getting struck by a Slitherfang is equally as devastating. Its rapid strikes and tail swipes can easily dispatch Aloy in just 2-3 hits on normal difficulties. One benchmark test measured its damage output at 73 points per strike – enough to cut most players‘ health bars in half per connected attack.

Tough Armored Exterior

While its weak points become exposed at times, the Slitherfang has a heavily armored body that is resistant to damage for most of the fight. Attempting to chip away at its hardened metallic exterior feels fruitless.

According to GG Game Guide‘s advanced stats, the Slitherfang tops the chart with 9600 health points, substantially higher than even the fearsome Fireclaw which clocks in at 7400. This means that even when you can safely strike, it takes some time to make a real dent.

Frenzied Final Phase

Once you finally manage to get its health low to trigger the final stage, the Slitherfang enters a frenzied state that further enhances its abilities. Its attacks become stronger and quicker, now moving at a terrifying 130 mph based on analysis. Swirling electrical energy engulfs its body as steam vents menacingly from its glowing maw.

For many, this is when an already brutal fight goes to another level. One player described it as "my hands were actually shaking trying to keep up with it."

Community Feedback on the Slitherfang

Based on polls and discussions from dedicated Horizon communities, the consensus is clear – the Slitherfang‘s dynamic moveset, high damage and health pool, and unrelenting final phase cement it as Forbidden West‘s most challenging adversary.

Resetera Poll Results

In a poll on gaming site Resetera asking users to vote on Forbidden West‘s hardest boss, the Slitherfang received 42% of over 2,000 votes. The next closest was the Slaughterspine at 23%.

Boss NameVote Share

Notable Player Testimonials

Here‘s what some prominent players had to say about facing off against the Slitherfang:

"No other machine has handed me as many lose screens as the SF. I still get palpitations seeing that long, angular shadow slither into view." – r/horizon Player

"Slitherfang moved so fast on Ultra Hard that my brain legit couldn‘t process what was happening. I felt like a clueless noob again." -YN Gaming

"That final stage is absurd. Never have I both loved and hated fighting a boss so much." – GWars Horizon Series Vet

Key Tips for Surviving the Slitherfang

Now that we‘veestablished why the Slitherfang dwarfs virtually all comers in its difficulty level, let‘s assess some top strategies used by the select few who have managed to take down this mechanical monstrosity on Ultra Hard difficulty:

  • Exploit small windows ruthlessly – The name of the game is damage optimization. When you have a clean line of sight on a weak point, unload with your most punishing attacks.
  • Freeze it – Use ice arrows liberally in the first stage to slow it down. This buys you precious extra seconds to wail away.
  • Set traps – Traps like tripwires can be a blessing since the battlefield itself is confined. Funnel an unsuspecting Slitherfang right into the explosive damage.
  • Override a Clawstrider – Having a loyal Clawstrider mount to race around with makes avoiding attacks much easier.
  • Elemental arrows – Frost and acid are your friends here. Brittle frozen armor takes more damage while melted armor exposes vulnerable innards.
  • Plasma and spikes – Plasma deals steady damage-over-time while spamming spike traps creates a minefield of pain.
  • Most importantly – keep moving – If you stand still for more than a second, expect a lightning-quick tail to catapult you into the nearest wall.

While certainly a daunting prospect, defeating the Slitherfang proves deeply satisfying and a badge of honor among the community. Have your own tips for taking down this metal menace? Share with your fellow warriors in the comments!

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