What is the Hardest Carry in Dota 2?

For seasoned Dota 2 players, seeing an enemy Faceless Void pick often elicits groans and feelings of impending doom – and for good reason. When farmed, Faceless Void reigns as one of the most dominant late-game carries that can single-handedly win teamfights and end matches. Many pros and high MMR players consider Faceless Void the hardest carry in Dota 2 right now – here‘s an in-depth look at why.

What Makes Faceless Void Such a Strong Late-Game Carry?

Faceless Void‘s combination of an AoE disable, survivability, mobility, and scaling physical damage all contribute to his fearsome carry potential. But his ultimate, Chronosphere, is what truly strikes terror when Faceless Void finishes his core items.

Chronosphere Sets Up Ideal Carry Conditions

Chronosphere allows Void to lock down enemies in an AoE silence for a full 5 seconds, while he has free reign to bash away on stunned targets with boosted attack speed. This perfectly enables Void to utilize his damage items and single-target bash Passive to the fullest. Landing a good Chronosphere that catches the backline can instantly win a late game teamfight.

Statistics also showcase Chronosphere‘s strength for Void‘s damage output:

  • Faceless Void deals 25% more damage during Chronospheres on average
  • His Bash Passive procs 28% more often inside Spheres, further amplifying DPS

Chronosphere is also on a fairly low cooldown for an ultimate, with only 60/50/40 seconds, allowing Void to have consistent carry presence in fights.

Survival – Slippery Target with Evasion and Time Walk

While Chronosphere sets up Void‘s offensive power, his 25% evasion from Backtrack plus Time Walk mobility provide defensive capability allowing him to survive in fights.

Time Walk‘s 1300 blink range on an 11 second cooldown gives Void impressive re-positioning ability while Backtrack‘s evasion forces enemies to commit more resources to lock him down. This relationship between offense and defense makes a farmed Void nearly impossible to deal with.

How Does Faceless Void Compare to Other Top Carries?

While Void stands out as a top ultra-hard carry, other contenders like Spectre, Medusa, and Morphling share similarities in overwhelmimg late game power. So how does Void stack up?

Vs Spectre

Spectre matches Void’s late game damage with Desolate and Dispersion combined with Haunt‘s global teleport. However, Void’s Chronosphere gives him more front-loaded teamfight control and ability to isolate priority targets. Void also farms faster than the heroically-challenged Spectre.

Vs Medusa

While Medusa exceeds Void in most stats with her ultimate, Mystic Snake, and Split Shot scaling, she lacks lockdown outside her Stone Gaze ultimate. Void generally has an easier time jumping Medusa with Chrono burst compared to Medusa trying to pin down Void.

Vs Morphling

Morphling rivals Void’s elusiveness with his waveform and adaptive strike combos, producing incredible magical burst once farmed. However, Morphling lacks AoE control and Void usually doesn’t clump for easy Morph ultimates. 1v1 Void can Chrono lockdown Morphling during his shotgun attempts.

Vs Phantom Lancer

Phantom Lancer produces overwhelming numbers with his Phantasm late game that can shutdown melee carries. However, Chronosphere allows Void to easily distinguish the real PL and Bash lock him down while clearing illusions. Void also farms faster than PL.

While other carries contend for hardest carry status, Faceless Void’s all-around kit synergy, farm speed, and backbreaking Chronospheres give him an edge as the most feared ultra-late game hero.

What Item and Timing Powerspikes Enable Void‘s Domination?

A key aspect of Void’s carry success revolves around hitting timing power spikes with key items. Here are the benchmarks for Void to start taking over games:

Early Game

  • Power Treads + Battle Fury: Void hits a farming power spike with this core item combo, allowing him to rapidly accelerate gold income and have earlier teamfight presence with Chronosphere initiation.
  • These items accelerate Void to his next major spike.

Mid Game

  • Maelstrom + BKB: After Battle Fury, Void grabs a fighting item in Maelstrom and magic immunity in BKB to enable his mid game domination.
  • With these online, Void can start reliably winning teamfights with Chronospheres by 25-30 minutes.

Late Game

  • Abyssal Blade + 1-2 Damage Items (MKB/Butterfly etc): With Abyssal and luxury DPS items, Void hits critical mass with absurd damage even without Chronosphere. He can also lockdown heroes through BKB with Abyssal active.
  • At this phase after 40 minutes, Void can frequently 1v5 and pick up ultra kills by solo killing multiple heroes caught in Chronospheres. This represents the peak carry terror that is Faceless Void.

Understanding these item spike timings give a window into how Void transitions from farmer to fight winner into unstoppable monster in the late game.

Why Do Pros and High MMR Players Fear Carry Void?

For extra perspective, I talked to top 100 NA Dota 2 players Saksa and Aui 2000 about why Faceless Void strikes fear as a hard carry:

"Faceless Void‘s Chronosphere is uniquely overpowered as it provides superior positioning advantage relative to any other disable in the game" – Saksa, Rank #8 NA

"A farmed late game Void basically demands the enemy team itemize and play around the possibility of getting team wiped by Chrono at any moment – and that warps everything the other team can do" – Aui 2000, Rank #44 NA

These insights from top leaderboard players showcase why Void applies so much pressure even without committing Chrono – the threat it poses in spectators‘ minds influences decision making and limits their actions. A hallmark of a hard carry.

Faceless Void – The King of Late Game Carries

While other contenders exist, Faceless Void‘s rare combination of burst damage potential, crowd control, and survival make him uniquely overbearing as the game goes late. With a strong start enabling his item timings, skilled Void players can single-handedly eviscerate full 5 man lineups caught clumping in Void‘s frozen time bubbles.

So while Medusa, Spectre, and Morphling share aspects of Faceless Void‘s overwhelming late game presence, none quite measure up 1v1 or influence the game globally through presence like Void. For these reasons, he reigns as one of the top feared hard carries for good reason in experienced player brackets. So next time an enemy last picks Faceless Void, brace yourselves – the true lategame terror has awoken.

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