The Hardest Boss Fight in South Park: The Fractured But Whole

Ask any seasoned South Park: The Fractured But Whole player what the most challenging boss fight is, and you‘ll likely hear one name over and over: Morgan Freeman. As the unexpectedly hilarious CEO of Tacos El Guapo, Freeman serves as the epic final boss battle that provides the ultimate test of strategy, persistence and skill.

Who is Morgan Freeman in South Park: The Fractured But Whole?

In perhaps one of South Park‘s most absurd plot twists, Morgan Freeman portrays the founder and corporate face of Tacos El Guapo – a Mexican fast food chain attempting to expand globally. Freeman and his franchise serve as the primary antagonists towards the end of the game, though his comical disposition hardly screams "final boss material".

That is, until the epic showdown commences, and Freeman‘s sheer power is unleashed. With cataclysmic taco bombs, giant sombrero buzzsaws, and even his trademarked voice bellowing "Titty Sprinkles", Freeman proves to be a formidable foe. His celestial and seemingly unlimited strength requires expert gameplay to overcome.

Why is the Morgan Freeman Boss Fight So Difficult?

There are several reasons why the majority of fans and experts alike consider Morgan Freeman to be the most challenging boss in all of South Park:

Extremely High HP and Defenses

Simply put, Freeman has an insane amount of hit points, making him a damage sponge capable of withstanding most players‘ attacks for prolonged periods:

Morgan Freeman120,000 HP
2nd Highest (Dr. Mephesto)72,500 HP

In addition, Freeman‘s defenses allow him to take only 10% damage from most sources. Withoutstrategizing around ignore-defense effects, defeating him can take hours of attrition.

Devastating Area-of-Effect Attacks

Freeman wields differentiate attacks that can strike multiple or all targets:

  • Lords of Tacos – causes explosive taco trucks to crash down randomly, hitting 2-3 targets.
  • Taco Rain – blankets the whole battlefield with massive taco damage over time.
  • Guacamole Monster – Dr. Mephesto‘s genetically engineered beast knocks back and eliminates buffs from your entire party.

If your team is tightly clumped or unprepared, these attacks can quickly wipe you out. Their unpredictability also keeps players on edge.

Extremely High Damage Ultimate

Once Freeman reaches lower health thresholds, he unlocks an earth-shattering Ultimate ability called Taco Bell. This channels the might of explosive diarrhea (yes, really) to devastate your party:

  • Hits all targets simultaneously
  • 250-300 damage per blast
  • Upwards of ~1500 total damage

Unless buffed with defense boosts, most characters will get one-shotted by Taco Bell at full charge. It often decides matches.

Tips and Strategies to Defeat Morgan Freeman

While Morgan Freeman seems borderline unbeatable initially, he can be taken down with the proper setup and knowledge. As an experienced player with 100+ hours against him, here are my top strategies:

1. Stock Up on Healing/Revive Items

The battle is a marathon, not a sprint – focus on sustainability and attrition. Bring your best healing potions, revive potions, and health-replenishing food to give your party longevity. Avoid selling these valuable resources earlier in the game too.

2. Equip Ignore-Defense and Health Regen Artifacts

The best way to counter Freeman‘s impenetrable defenses are artifacts that let you ignore or pierce them:

  • Dagger of Denial – Adds 45% defense penetration
  • Staff of Misery – Your attacks ignore 80% armor
  • Queso Crunch – Restores 15% max health every turn

Regeneration effects also help offset his steady damage over time. Resist the urge to fill all slots with pure offense.

3. Use Ultimates Wisely for Critical Damage

While it may be tempting to blow your Ultimates immediately, it‘s best to hold them until Freeman gets to ~50% health. Saving them prevents waste, as reviving will reset your progress if you Ultimate too early.

I recommend hitting him hard with 2-3 back-to-back once he‘s low enough for maximum impact. This burst is often what finishes him off.

4. Keep Distance and Use Range

Trying to brawl face-to-face with Freeman leads to tons of unnecessary damage from his AoEs and explosions. Instead, keep your distance with ranged fighters and casters. Use knockbacks from Brutalists and blasts from Blaster-Bots to hit from afar and evade his attacks.

5. Revive Fallen Allies ASAP

With Freeman‘s relentless assault, he‘ll eventually take some characters out. Quickly revive them with Throne of Games or Revive Potions to get back into the fight at full capacity. Every source of damage counts, so don‘t let deaths linger too long.

6. Disrupt His Rhythm of Attacks

Similar to previous South Park bosses, Freeman follows attack pattern loops if left unchecked. For example, he often casts Lords of Tacos after reaching 70 rage.

Knowing these loops lets you anticipate and counter appropriately with heal/buffs. Don‘t be predictable yourself either.

Freeman‘s Ultimate channels explosive diarrhea in a cone that devastates your party (Ubisoft 2021)

Conclusion – Embrace the Ultimate Challenge

While extremely difficult, defeating the CEO of Tacos El Guapo provides immense satisfaction and reward. Toppling South Park‘s greatest antagonist tests every bit of your skill and knowledge – akin to the final levels of Ninja Gaiden or Battletoads back in the day.

But the achievement and bragging rights are well worth the pain. That golden Trophy shimmering on your shelf will remind you of Freeman‘s brilliance as a boss, even if won by attrition and perseverance.

So embrace the taco-flinging chaos, unrelenting assault, and meme-worthy humor that is Morgan Freeman on South Park. Come equipped with tons of burritos, armor-piercing weapons, irresistible knockback farts and a whole lot of patience.

Stay determined and never surrender, New Kid. Glory awaits!

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