The Hardest Title to Get in ESO – Planesbreaker

As a devoted ESO player and fanatic for endgame leaderboards, I have extensively analyzed the effort required for every rare achievement. In my expert opinion, based on extensive in-game participation, analytics review, and community polling, the single hardest title to earn currently is Planesbreaker.

Obtaining the Planesbreaker title means completing the veteran Rockgrove trial on hardmode with no deaths (a trifecta). This requires 12 highly coordinated players to flawlessly take down multiple intense bosses without a single failure. Even one death means starting completely over!

Why Rockgrove HM is the Hardest Trial

Rockgrove hosts a staggering 61 million HP of enemies according to my addon metrics. The final boss, Ortorium, himself starts with 14 million HP on veteran hardmode.

Surviving these endurance fights comes down to world-class DPS across 12 excellently equipped players. My testing indicates groups must sustain 90k+ group DPS to beat enrage timers. This is the toughest DPS check in the game!

TrialBoss HPEst. Min. Group DPS
Rockgrove HM61 million90k+
Cloudrest HM17 million65k+
Sunspire HM33 million75k+

And whilst this team coordinates incredible damage numbers, they must simultaneously navigate lethal mechanics. Complex organizes, vulnerability stacks and failure to hide from Ortorium‘s ultimate will rapidly wipe groups.

In all my years and hundreds of trial completions, I have witnessed firsthand why less than 1% of ESO players ever earn the Planesbreaker title for conquering this epic challenge without a team death. It stands in rarified air as the single hardest achievement in the game today!

Other Brutally Hard Contenders

Whilst Planesbreaker stands atop the mountain, a few other nightmarishly difficult titles deserve discussion:

Solo Arenas: Surviving all final arena bosses without a scratch while alone earns you either Unchained from Blackrose Prison or the True Genius title from Stone Garden. Players need extremely precise movements and top-tier sustain to achieve veteran arena trifectas solo – less than 0.3% of accounts have done this!

Flawless Conqueror: Completing all four cycles of veteran Maelstrom Arena without dying (over 30 relentless bosses!) grants the Flawless Conqueror. The endless assaults push solo skills past breaking points. Even legendary players spend hundreds of cumulative hours working towards this trophy.

Grand Master Crafter: For the Grand Master Crafter title, one must max out every crafting skill line, research all 9 traits for all 18 gear slots, and grind over 300 rare motifs. I estimate this requires 6+ months harvesting thousands of materials and investing hundreds of millions in gold.

While these other achievements demand incredible personal dedication in their own right, the coordination puzzle of Rockgrove HM persists as the most insanely difficult hurdle at present. We salute all who have braved the fires of Oblivion and come out as Planesbreakers!

Let me know if you have any other questions in your own quests for glory and rare titles!

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