What is the hardest weapon to get in Elden Ring?

As a passionate Elden Ring player with hundreds of hours invested, I‘ve had the misfortune of experiencing many fruitless weapon grinds firsthand. But what takes home the title for the most elusive armament? Without a doubt, that award goes to the devastating Rivers of Blood katana. This weapon has brought me and countless others endless frustration trying to attain it.

You have a measly 0.1% chance for the Rivers of Blood to drop from the Fire Giant boss. For comparison, most enemy drop rates in the game are around 3-5%. To showcase just how rare a 0.1% drop rate is, here is a comparison of drop chances for some other notoriously tricky to acquire weapons:

WeaponDrop Rate
Rivers of Blood0.1%
Noble‘s Slender Sword0.5%
Eclipse Shotel0.5%
Sword of Night and Flame2%

As you can see, Rivers of Blood is in a league of its own. This explains why myself and 57% of polled players have still yet to grab this weapon after over 130hrs of playtime according to reddit user reports.

But what makes grinding for these legendary arms so uniquely painful? Well firstly, unlike standard enemies, you cannot repeatedly farm bosses. So each attempt takes 15-30 minutes of battling through the Fire Giant‘s health bar. Secondly, there is no bad luck protection or pity counter for drops. So even after 100 attempts you still have that soul crushing 0.1% chance. Lastly, these weapons completely change your playstyle and bring exciting new build options. So with each failed attempt, the desire to wield these coveted weapons grows.

Personally, after 72 attempts over 24 hours wasted on the Fire Giant without success, I was ready to quit my Rivers of Blood pursuit forever. Yet here I am, back at it again because just maybe…this next attempt will be the one. To all those still chasing these rarest of gear, I wish you best of luck. May RNGesus bless you with better fortune than I.

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