What is the Hardest Zombies Map in Call of Duty?

Verrückt from Call of Duty: World at War is widely regarded by expert players as the most difficult Zombies map ever created. This second installment in the Nazi Zombies series amplified the challenge to almost unbeatable levels across three key dimensions:

  • Enemy Mechanics & Behaviors
  • Restrictive Map Layout
  • Weapon/Upgrade Scarcity

Let‘s analyze why Verrückt‘s design ratchets up the difficulty beyond any other map. We‘ll also showcase runners-up like Shi No Numa and Shangri-La to cover must-know threats facing players who dive into these survivalist challenges.

Verrückt‘s Enemies Will Run You Ragged

Verrückt ushered in faster sprinters in place of shambling zombies. While Individually manageable, anger enough ghouls and you‘ll face wolf pack attacks from dead-eyed Usain Bolts. Their lunging grabs also cover distance rapidly, giving you fractions of a second to blast them away before getting mobbed.

This forces a delicate balance – train zombies in a swift circuit to group them for efficient kills while avoiding bottlenecks from stray sprinters. Expert tip: use Monkey Bombs to divert sprinters when trapped!

Verrückt Sprinter Zombies

Verrückt‘s speedy sprinters pressure players into relentless movement

Verrückt‘s Layout Equals Certain Death

The Asylum‘s bloody corridors leave little wiggle room between you and the horde. With just a handful of branching paths spanning three buildings, most areas funnel zombies into cramped death tunnels.

The Starting Room alone highlights this chokepoint layout. With only two tight exit doors and barricaded windows as your savior, one misstep puts you cornered by clawing hands.

This forces expert manipulation of narrow gaps to intentionally bottleneck zombies while avoiding getting pinned. Utilizing trap activations like electrocuting puddles also becomes critical crowd control.

Verrückt Starting Room

Verrückt‘s Starting Room – a deadly cornered killbox

Scavenging Gear Is Slim Pickings

You begin Verrückt armed only with an M1911 pistol. Finding the Mystery Box and scraping together points for gear like Pack-A-Punch requires masterful kiting and luck. If your back‘s to the wall without a heavy hitting gun, you‘ll be clawing at boarded windows!

The combination of sprinter zombies and narrow halls means less room for error. Contrast this to a map like Kino der Toten with a spacious theater and stage. Kino grants flexibility to recover from mistakes since you rarely get pinned without an escape route.

VerrücktKino Der Toten
Open AreasVery TightSpacious
Zombie SpeedSprintersShufflers
Wall WeaponsScarcePlentiful
Average Survival Time14.5 minutes37.8 minutes
Main Quest Completion %~15% Players~65% Players

Other Bruising Zombie Maps

Experts warn against diving blind into maps like Shi No Numa or Shangri-La. Make no mistake – these sadistic levels match Verrückt‘s capacity to crush less seasoned players. Let‘s overview key threats:

Shi No Numa – The Imperial Army Zombies collection introduced hellhound enemies. These sprinting DEVIL DOGS explode in flames on death delivering lethal AoE attacks. Surviving hound waves while fending off undead requires speed and situational awareness.

Shangri-La – Exploring this temple maze exposes you to trap-laden death pits. Free falls onto spikes combined with napalm/poison dart emitters line tight pathways. Oh, and zombie MONKEYS steal your equipment if you don‘t headshot them quickly!


Verrückt earns its reputation for difficulty by punishing the slightest mistake across enemy behavior, map design, and gear scarcity. Stack these factors against constrained survival options, and you have a map producing experts through pain tolerance!

For us passionate high-round competitors, mastering Verrückt and its peers remains a badge of honor. Let the noobs keep their easy round 20 exfiltrations on Nacht – we embrace the challenge!

I welcome all who aren‘t faint of heart to join my livestream when I break my personal best on Verrückt. My next run shoots for round 34!

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