What is the Heaviest Pokémon Ash Has Ever Picked Up?

After over 25 years of Pokémon training across numerous regions, Ash Ketchum has lifted his fair share of heavy Pokémon. But what‘s the most massive one he‘s ever hauled up with his own strength? After combing through the anime‘s 1000+ episode history, the clear winner is a Larvitar Ash held effortlessly in his arms during his Johto journey.

Ash Carries a 158 Pound Larvitar

In the episode "Address Unown," Ash and friends encounter a timid Larvitar in Mt. Silver that has become separated from its mother. This Larvitar in particular appears smaller than average for its species. However, even runt Larvitar tip the scales at a whopping 158 pounds!

To put that weight into perspective, that‘s nearly the same as an average adult human male. Not exactly a featherweight Pokémon that one can simply tuck under an arm. But despite Larvitar‘s petite stature, Ash manages to lift the Rock Skin Pokémon without breaking a sweat.

With predators approaching, Ash makes the quick decision to grab Larvitar directly in a hurry. He clutches onto the 158-pound creature tightly with both hands, holding it against his chest securely as he begins quickly scaling a cliffside to safety one-handed!

Talk about an impressive feat of strength from the young Pokémon trainer. Most grown men would struggle lifting that equivalent weight of dumbbells at the gym, let alone a living boulder-monster longer than Ash‘s whole torso. It just goes to show that his experience wrangling heavy Pokémon like Snorlax has paid off in this instance.

Pignite Comes in Second Place at 122 Pounds

Taking the #2 spot for heaviest lifted Pokémon is none other than Ash‘s own Pignite from Unova. As a stocky Fire Pig Pokémon, Pignite grows considerably round and filled out by its evolution stage. Hence its heftier weight of around 122 pounds.

Ash is no stranger to regularly carrying, lifting, and even throwing his powerhouse Pignite into battle over the years. Any other child would likely crumble trying to manipulate that much dead weight. But Ash manages handily thanks to his frequent strength conditioning.

In fact, most middle evolution starter Pokémon barely break the 60-80 pound range at most. To put into comparison:

  • Ivysaur – 64 lbs
  • Charmeleon – 70 lbs
  • Wartortle – 83 lbs

So at nearly double those weights, Pignite truly lives up to being a thick-boned tank that Ash can still maneuver with ease.

The World‘s Heaviest Pokémon Make Pignite Look Tiny

While Larvitar and Pignite are undoubtedly heavy hitters by most standards, the world of Pokémon houses species that completely dwarf them in scale. Pokémon classified as Ultra Beasts in particular tend to defy logic with their towering builds.

Here are the Top 5 heaviest Pokémon officially recorded to date:

  1. Celesteela – 2,204 lbs
  2. Cosmoem – 2,204 lbs
  3. Primal Groudon – 2,204 lbs
  4. Groudon – 2,093 lbs
  5. Eternatus – 2,094 lbs

Take Celesteela for example. At well over a literal ton in weight, this Ultra Beast resembles a colossal steel bamboo shoot that towers above most buildings. Just one of its lengthy legs or arms could likely rival Ash‘s entire body weight.

Now envision a laughable scenario where scrawny little Ash attempts to lift this behemoth space creature over five times his height. It would never happen of course! Though the mental image of him desperately hugging onto a single Celesteela toe is quite amusing.

Training for the Long Haul

In all seriousness, Ash‘s impressive acts of strength with larger Pokémon comes from years of dedication to physical training regimens. He keeps up rigorous travel by foot across sprawling regions as his primary means of transport.

This level of constant cardio and endurance exercise has allowed his body to develop hardened muscle able to take hits from Pokémon attacks even. His legs in particular have grown impressively defined for sustaining long runs with heavy loads.

On top of that, Ash actively practices lifting, squatting, and carrying the bulkiest of his own Pokémon to stay prepared in case they require assistance. It‘s not unusual to catch him doing fireman carries with Snorlax or bench pressing Totodile just to pass time.

This commitment to full body conditioning outside standard battling allows Ash to flex his muscles when suddenly faced with mystery Pokémon in need like Larvitar. He can physically handle their substantial weight reliably.

In many ways, Ash‘s physical capabilities exceed even that of professional athletes. Unlike sports stars who train for specific events, Ash continuously pushes himself to handle ANY Pokémon challenge imaginable. All while globetrotting mountains daily no less!


So there you have it. While many Pokémon使spotentially dwarf Ash in sheer scale, through his relentless drive and bodyweight training, Ash Ketchum can proudly hold over 150 pounds of monster no problem. Few trainers could even fathom attempting such a tremendous feat.

But always expecting the unexpected is simply par for the course in the exciting realm of Pokémon! Needless to say though, Ash better stick to Larvitar and Pignite for now. Becausebench pressing a 2204 pound Celesteela likely remains a pipe dream.

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