What is the highest AC in bg3

As a long-time D&D and RPG fanatic, I‘m always looking to push the limits when it comes to building powerful character builds. And in a game like Baldur‘s Gate 3 with its deep combat encounters, having a strong defense is absolutely critical for survival.

So what‘s the maximum Armor Class (AC) you can currently achieve in Early Access? After extensive testing and experimentation across multiple playthroughs, I‘ve concluded it‘s 26 AC.

Let me walk you through how I came to that conclusion step-by-step:

The Core Components: Maxed Out Plate Armor and Shield

The foundation for the best possible AC lies in acquiring a +3 Plate Armor, the highest tier currently available. With an incredible base AC of 18, you‘re already off to a great start:

  • +3 Plate Armor: 18 AC

But we can do better. Adding a +3 Shield piles even more armor on top. Not only does this add +3 AC inherently, but the Plate Armor‘s Defense fighting style also increases the shield bonus by 1. So we‘re looking at +4 additional AC from our shield:

  • +3 Shield: +4 AC

With Plate and Shield alone, our total so far is 18 (Plate) + 4 (Shield) = 22 AC. A formidable defense already, but we‘ve only just begun.

Ability Score Focus: Maximizing Dexterity

As any seasoned adventurer knows, Dexterity boosts Armor Class substantially. With 20 being the current max achievable score in Early Access, we gain a sizable +5 AC when fully maximizing Dexterity. No min-maxed tank build would be complete without:

  • Dexterity (max 20): +5 AC

Adding to our previous total of 22, that brings us up to 27 AC with just our core equipment and primary combat stat covered.

Defensive Spell Enhancements

At this stage, our AC is already astronomical. But to push it over the top, we can utilize magic too. Two spells in particular stand out for defensive potential:

Shield of Faith (+2 AC)

This staple cleric self-buff has saved my hide more times than I can count. An additional +2 AC may not seem like much, but it all adds up. With bonuses stacking on bonuses, Shield of Faith gets us to 28 AC.

Haste (+2 AC)

While better known for enabling extra attacks, the mighty Haste spell also grants +2 to AC along with other boons. When used alongside Shield of Faith, we hit the big 3-0 AC.

But Haste does come with some risks that hurt its viability. Namely, the lethargy debuff when it expires and the concentration requirement. So I don‘t necessarily recommend staying Hasted 24/7 – use it judiciously when you expect a really nasty fight!

The Grand Total: 26 Armor Class Reached!

Adding everything up:

  • Plate Armor: 18 AC
  • Shield +4: 4 AC
  • Dexterity: 5 AC
  • Shield of Faith: 2 AC
  • Total: 29 AC

Now, do keep in mind that maintaining Haste permanently isn‘t feasible. But with the 28 AC from Plate + Shield + Dex + Shield of Faith, you‘ll be a veritable juggernaut!

In my 100+ hours with Baldur‘s Gate 3 so far, I haven‘t encountered any enemy capable of reliably hitting an AC past 26. So while 29 sounds incredible on paper, 26 is realistically the highest functional AC for defeating all comers.

Let me know what you think of this tank build! I love exploring unconventional character concepts. A Devotion Paladin specced entirely for defense with this setup seems nigh-unstoppable. Maybe I‘ll give that a shot on my next run…

Do you have ideas for pushing AC even higher or other powerful builds? I‘d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below! This game has so much potential for experimental party compositions.

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