What is the highest CP Pokémon ever caught in Pokémon Go?

The current record holder for the highest CP Pokémon ever caught in Pokémon Go is Mega Gyarados with a jaw-dropping max CP of 5,332! This beats out all other contenders by a significant margin thanks to Mega Evolution.

Mega Evolutions Temporarily Unlock a Pokémon‘s Maximum Potential

Mega Evolution provides a temporary boost to a Pokémon‘s CP and stats, transforming regular monsters into super-powered versions of themselves for 8 hours. This gives Mega Gyarados the ability to far surpass Slaking‘s regular max CP record of 5,010.

Trainers have reported catching Gyarados over CP 5000 after Mega Evolving them in raids. However, it takes significant investment to unlock a Pokémon‘s Mega Evolution, requiring special Mega Energy. Once the 8 hours are up, the Pokémon reverts to its regular form.

So while Mega Gyarados technically has the highest CP ever achieved in Pokémon Go, it cannot hold that massive CP permanently. As far as non-Mega Pokémon go, Slaking remains the official record holder.

Slaking‘s Sky-High CP Comes With a Catch

On paper, Slaking‘s 5,010 max CP seems unbeatable among regular non-Mega Pokémon. So why isn‘t Slaking considered the king of them all? The answer comes down to energy gain.

Despite having such high CP fueled by excellent Attack and bulk stats, Slaking gains very little Energy in battle to unleash Charged Attacks. This offsets its formidable CP, making Slaking effectively weaker when battling Gyms or Raids.

Meanwhile, Pokémon with lower max CP like Mewtwo can gain Energy faster and unleash devastating Charged Attacks more frequently. This demonstrates why trainers must look beyond CP alone to gauge a Pokémon‘s effectiveness.

What Exactly Determines a Pokémon‘s Maximum CP?

A Pokémon‘s max possible CP is calculated using a complex formula that includes the Pokémon‘s base stats, IVs, and the trainer‘s level.

Base Stats: Every Pokémon species has base stats for Attack, Defense, and Stamina – Slaking‘s sky-high Attack tips it over the CP edge.

IVs: Individual Values ranging from 0-15 for Attack, Defense and Stamina. The higher these values, the higher CP potential.

Trainer Level: The maximum level your Pokémon can reach, boosting CP until hitting the level cap (currently 50).

With perfect IVs and maxed out level 50 trainers, the Pokémon listed below can reach exceptionally high CPs:

PokémonMax CP
Mega Gyarados5,332
Mega Rayquaza5,150
Mega Gengar4,792

As you can see, while Slaking boasts the highest natural max CP, other Mega Evolved Pokémon can temporarily surpass it. Mewtwo also comes close despite lower bulk.

Raw CP Isn‘t Everything – Movesets and Usability Still Rule

While their towering CPs seem appealing, not all these maxed out Pokémon make ideal attackers. Again we turn to Slaking – who seems amazing on paper but has crippling combat abilities.

Meanwhile, the mighty Mewtwo still reigns supreme as the best overall attacker by combining strong CP with the fastest Energy gains and most formidable movesets.

In raid battles, combinations of top counters with type advantage are always essential when constructing battle teams. Blindly packing high CP Pokémon doesn‘t work. Even with all that power, Slaking and others may fail you in action.

So while Mega Gyarados and Slaking may have the numerical CP crowns, focus more on usable battle capabilities when catching and powering up Pokémon. Master type matchups, movesets and combat mechanics over chasing CP alone.

Tips For Catching and Powering Up Strong Pokémon With High CP Potential

Here are some tips to help you catch and boost Pokémon with the highest CP outcomes:

Catch High Level Wild Pokémon: Look for weather boosted spawns above Level 30 – their high starting point will save you Stardust and Candy when powering up.

Raid Tier 5 Bosses: Legendary and powerful Pokémon from 5-star raids have excellent base stats and high IV floors, giving better CP potential.

Check For Good IVs: Use the Appraisal system and calculators to find Pokémon with perfect or near-perfect IVs to max CP.

Focus On Useful Species: Prioritize powering up Pokémon that will have type advantages against Raid bosses and Gym defenders.

Max Out Friendship Bonuses: Best Buddy and trade bonuses will minimize the Stardust/Candy cost of powering up.

Follow these tips, and you‘ll build a formidable roster ready to inflict serious damage despite disadvantages. Then you can focus on combat strategy rather than fret about CP alone!

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