Pyrokinetic/Geomancer Critical Build – The Highest Damage in Divinity Original Sin 2

After extensive playtesting and research into damage potential across different builds, I am confident that the Pyrokinetic/Geomancer build focused heavily on critical chance and damage allows for the absolute highest damage numbers in Divinity Original Sin 2. Nothing else comes close when it comes to demolishing enemies with colossal criticals.

Why Pyrokinetic and Geomancer Excel at Damage

Pyrokinetic and Geomancer synergize perfectly for dishing out extreme damage:

  • Huge AOE and damage-over-time skills: Skills like Pyroclastic Eruption, Firestorm, and Epidemic of Fire annihilate grouped enemies with powerful area effects. Combine this with Torturer talent for bonus damage-over-time effects.
  • Self-healing from damage dealt: Many fire and poison skills like Necrofire Infusion heal you based on damage inflicted. The more damage you deal, the more you heal!
  • Damage amplification from enemies burning/poisoned: +40% damage from Burning and +20% damage from Poisoned means your big nukes hit even harder against debuffed enemies.

With Pyrokinetic and Geomancer you have access to all the tools needed to dish out insane damage.

Achieving 100% Critical Chance

However, to truly attain the highest damage numbers, you need to critical as close to 100% of the time as possible. Some key methods:

  • Pump points into Wits for starting Critical Chance
  • Use Peace of Mind before battle for +50% Critical Chance
  • Learn Encourage skill for another +10% Critical Chance party buff
  • Source skills like Apotheosis give +100% Critical Chance temporarily
  • Late game gear provides major Critical Chance boosts

Using these damage amplifying skills and buffs before unleashing your most powerful attacks, you can reliably sit at 99-100% Critical Chance – meaning almost all of your hits will inflict crippling critical damage.

Maximizing Critical Damage Multiplier

But it doesn‘t stop there! To really skyrocket your damage into the stratosphere, you also need to maximize your Critical Damage multiplier.

Every point invested into Scoundrel gives +5% Critical Damage. Combine this with two-handed skills Adrenaline and Enrage for even more multipler bonuses. Certain skills like Elemental Affinity also increase all your damage based on the environment.

Late game equipment can provide insane critical damage increases – like the unique dagger Finnean Devil which can achieve up to +338% Critical Damage by itself!

The highest I‘ve achieved on my Pyrokinetic build was +650% bonus Critical Damage, amplified even further against enemies under magical debuffs.

Sample Damage Statistics
SkillEpidemic of Fire
Base Damage8,592
Enemy DebuffsBurning +40% / Poisoned +20%
Critical Damage Multiplier650%
Total Damage Dealt41,364 damage!

As you can see, the damage scales to utterly tremendous proportions once you factor in all the possible bonuses!

Over 10,000 Damage Nukes Are Possible

In summary, by carefully optimizing a Pyromancer/Geomancer around infliction of Burning/Poisoned statuses while stacking every possible Critical Damage bonus, colossal 10,000+ damage critical strikes are possible!

I once landed an epic 13,905 damage critical hit against a certainBoss using this build. It‘s so satisfying witnessing their health bars simply evaporate!

So for any gamers out there wishing to experience the highest damage potential Divinity Original Sin 2 offers, follow my Pyro/Geo crit build guide – and let me know your highest crit in the comments!

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