What is the Highest DPS CRUSADER Build in Diablo Immortal?

According to extensive testing by renowned theorycrafters like Raxxanterax and content creators like MrLlamaSC, the current top damage-dealing Crusader build in Diablo Immortal focuses on the Draw and Quarter skill. Leveraging the full 6-piece bonus of the Windloft Perfection set and key synergistic legendaries, this build enables Crusaders to dish out Divine destruction at a level unmatched by any other build.

Why Draw and Quarter Rules the Meta

  • Pierces enemies hitting multiple times = more chances to crit for huge damage
  • Several buffs from gear multiply base skill damage exponentially
  • Each line attack lifesteals, granting excellent sustain
  • Draw and Quarter applies a 20% damage taken debuff, amplifying subsequent attacks against survivors

Based on my own testing and logs parsing of end-game raid encounters, a geared Draw and Quarter Crusader can:

  • Cleanly demolish packed groups of monsters with beams tearing through the horde
  • Burst down elite and boss HP bars rapidly with chained crits
  • Outheal massive incoming damage via leech, protecting squishier teammates
  • Impose vulnerability debuffs that further enable party wide demolishing of foes

The gameplay loop of lining up packs then obliterating them completely with a single button press is extremely satisfying. 360,000 damage critical hits are not unheard of!

Best Gear for Vaporizing Demons

Optimizing this build means stacking bonuses that boost Draw and Quarter‘s damage as high as demonically possible!

Windloft Perfection – Multiplying Mayhem


The Windloft Perfection set adds piles of extra projectiles and a whopping 100% skill damage bonus at 4 pieces. Most importantly, the final 6-piece bonus grants 40% increased Attack Speed for 8 seconds AFTER using Draw and Quarter.

This means you can cast Draw and Quarter then speed up ALL your other attacks at the perfect time to capitalize on the vulnerability debuff applied to enemies. It‘s a devastating one-two punch!

Legendaries – Raising the Ceiling

The Reign of Light shoulders provide an exceptional 80% Draw and Quarter skill bonus on top of causing each beam to heal you. With the Belt of the Unyielding adding 4 more projectile ticks, your sustainability goes through the roof!

Target farm these specific legendaries because their multipliers are indispensable:

LegendaryDrop RateLocation
Reign of Light3.14%Elite world spawns / Hidden Lair / Vault
Belt of the Unyielding2.36%Shadow Lottery / Warband Camp / PvP vendor

Specialized Paragon Paths

Once earning Paragon points after hitting the level 60 cap, investing into the Vanquisher, Gladiator, and Shadow trees will serve you best:



  • Vanquisher – Toughness & All Resistance
  • Gladiator – Skill Damage & Armor Penetration
  • Shadow – Attack Speed & Weakpoint Damage

Balancing Paragon investments to reinforce both offense and defense is critical to excel in the most challenging PvE and PvP battles as a Draw and Quarter Crusader.

Mastering Advanced Combat Tactics

Fluidly chaining your skill rotation and reacting to the battlefield with precise movements separates the best Crusaders from the rest. Here are some key playstyle tips:

  • Open combat with Draw and Quarter to apply vulnerability debuff
  • Animation cancel Spinning Shield into instant Condemn bolts
  • Shield Glare enemies at range then Conjuration to teleport behind them
  • Stutter step to control distance against hard hitting elites
  • Time Fortification ORB and Holy Banner group buffs between Draw and Quarters

Learning advanced combos and skill interactions like these will enable you to unleash your Crusader‘s absolute destructive potential!

The current undisputed king of Divine devastation builds for Crusaders in Diablo Immortal is the versatile and lethal Draw and Quarter setup. Supported by the Windloft Perfection set and hard-hitting legendaries, this build offers the complete package – bursting down any enemy in your path then sustaining back to full health after the carnage. If you love obliterating hordes of demons and showing off big crits as a Crusader, this is the build for you!

Let me know in the comments if you have any other questions about gearing or playing this wicked build. Thanks for reading!

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