What is the Highest Damage-Per-Second (DPS) Weapon in Monster Hunter World?

As a long-time Monster Hunter gamer and self-proclaimed damage dealer, this question gets me pumped! What weapon truly reigns supreme these days in terms of dishing out destruction? I‘ve done some digging into the current meta across weapons to find out.

In MHW right now, the Light Bowgun stands at the peak when it comes to speedrunning and theoretical damage ceilings. For casual play however, Bow and Switch Axe are hot on the tail of LBG while being easier to manage. Melee favorites like Long Sword and newcomer Charge Blade also put out some incredible numbers in skilled hands.

Let’s break down the weapon line-up and top options that competing for the highest damage-per-second (DPS) crown as of early 2023.

#1 Light Bowgun Dominates Speedrunning Meta

  • Safi‘s Aquashot rules as best in class LBG
  • Rapid firing element shots crushes monster weak points
  • Not ammo efficient for long casual hunts

I’m calling it – Light Bowgun is the undisputed meta king right now. The data from speedrun leaderboards makes it clear. Competitive players have put up stunning kill times across many monsters using the Safi’s Aquashot Light Bowgun.

By customizing it for rapid fire elemental shots and destroying monster weak spots, speedrunners achieve incredible damage-per-second (DPS). The Safi’s Aquashot just ticks all the right skills boxes that min-max players care about. Things like spare shot, magazine boost, recoil reduction, reload speed, etc.

Other excellent LBG options include:

LBGKey Features
KarmaRapid Fire Normal Ammo 2 and Recoil +1
Taroth Blitz "Support"Reduce Recoil +2 and Fast Reload

Casual players may struggle with the LBG due to its upkeep cost and lower damage outside weak spots. But make no mistake, in experienced hands the Light Bowgun DPS ceiling blows everything out of the water right now. That’s why I put it easily at #1. Speedrun times don’t lie!

#2 Bow Hits Hard and Looks Cool Doing It

  • Dash dance combos take skill to master
  • Fully charged dragon piercer extremely satisfying
  • Stamina management required for optimal DPS

Next up is a classic favorite, the Bow. While speedrun times usually favor LBG these days, don’t sleep on Bow’s potential! This weapon undoubtedly has among the highest damage ceilings in MHW. And honestly… firing off dragon piercers, thousand dragons, and dash dancing combos just feels incredibly slick. The mobility and style points gives Bow a special place in my heart.

Top Bow picks at the moment according to this thorough guide are:

BowKey Features
Safi‘s ShatterbowHuge Raw Damage and Customization
Fatalis BowHigh Dragon Element and All-Rounder
Kjarr Bow "Decay"Top Dragon Element Damage

While the move set takes practice, Bow rewards patience and positioning. I prefer more active combat, so dash dancing into combos then launching fully charged drago piercers or thousand dragon bursts never gets old! Just be prepared to manage stamina for optimal damage. Overall, Bow brings the skills, thrill, and visual spectacle worthy of #2 spot.

#3 Switch Axe Phials Wreck Monsters

  • Massive axe focused burst damage
  • Sword mode offers great mobility
  • Not quite as technical as other weapons

If smashing and exploding monsters is your thing, Switch Axe is incredibly satisfying while keeping up with Bow and LBG for damage potential. The axe morph and elemental discharge explosion does monster-truck levels of burst damage! Then the sword mode lets you stay nimble and aggressive.

I get why Switch Axe is a bit less popular than Long Sword or Charge Blade. It doesn’t have quite as many combo branches or ultra stylish finishers. But don’t confuse simple gameplay with lack of depth. Mastering the switch axe still takes skill and practice!

Top options from my experience and the community:

Switch AxeKey Features
Safi‘s ShatteraxeHuge Raw Damage for Axe Attacks
Kjarr Ice/FireHigh Elemental Damage in Sword Mode

The Safi’s Shatteraxe takes the cake for max axe morph damage. But Kjarr elemental switch axes can put in serious work too with their high elemental damage when amped up. Either way, Switch Axe can easily keep up with Bow/LBG damage, so I rank it a very close 3rd place.

#4 Long Sword Iconic Style and Damage

  • Fluid combos and evasive moves
  • Rewarding ultra damage from spirit helm breaker
  • Easy to pick up, tough to master

No MHW weapon discussion is complete without the venerable Long Sword. This weapon oozes style – the combos and evasive silk bind moves feel like an elegant dance of death. All building up to the ultimate payoff, landing the spirit helm breaker for massive damage!

With Long Sword, the journey is just as satisfying as the destination. Chaining together Foresight Slashes and Iai Slashes elevates Long Sword gameplay into an art form. Plus, the weapon loops and helmbreaker mechanics are easier to pick up compared to Charge Blade or Bow. This balance of style, substance, and accessibility is why I believe Long Sword remains ever popular.

Top Long Sword picks:

LongswordKey Features
Fatalis BladeTrue Raw and White Sharpness
Safi‘s ShatterbladeHuge Raw Damage Potential
Lightbreak BladeGreat Raw Damage, Purple Sharpness

It’s no surprise that Fatalis weapons dominate as usual. But don’t sleep on Safi’s Shatterblade and the classic Lightbreak Blade. All three can output TONS of harm with the right builds and skillful play!

#5 Charge Blade Surprisingly Bursty

  • Chains flashy attacking combos
  • Massive elemental discharge damage!
  • High skill floor to juggle combos

Last but not least, I need to call out the Charge Blade. Honestly, I used to think it was too complex and unwieldy. Boy was I wrong! In the hands of experts, Charge Blade churns out incredible burst damage between chainsaws, axe slams, and phial explosions for days!

It does have a higher skill floor than my beloved Long Sword. Managing phials, charged shield, savage axe mode, and combos takes serious practice. But mastery pays off in spades through unleashing utterly explosive elemental discharge finishers! Plus guard points and counters make you feel like a sword ‘n board ninja!

Top performers from what I’ve seen:

Charge BladeKey Features
Kjarr Ice/FireHigh Elemental Phial Damage
Safi‘s ShattershieldHuge Raw Damage Phials
Lightbreak Charge BladeNon-Safi Raw Damage Focused

The Kjarr charge blades are vastly improved with the addition of critical element. And Safi’s customizable options edge them out for raw damage. But the classic Diablos tree Lightbreak CBs still put in work! Lots of diversity for monster smashing.

Time to Choose Your Weapon of Choice!

After breaking down all weapons with elite damage potential, Charge Blade surprised me the most. And Light Bowgun proved why it dominates speedruns, though I’ll probably stick to my stylish Long Sword!

But that’s the best part of Monster Hunter – with practice, nearly any weapon can put out chart-topping deeps. So pick whichever complements your personal playstyle. Power to the players! I’m off to make some improvements to my Long Sword build. Let me know which weapon resonates most with you in the comments!

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