The Mythic Deathclaw is the Highest Level Enemy in Fallout 4

When it comes to the most powerful, unrelenting foes in all of Fallout 4, nothing inspires fear in the hearts of wanderers like the Mythic Deathclaw. This deadly alpha predator lays claim to the title of highest level enemy in the game, with its minimum level starting at 91. But the terror of the Mythic Deathclaw scales infinitely alongside the Sole Survivor, continuing to rank up in strength no matter how high level the player may be.

The Nightmare Made Real: Mythic Deathclaw Stats and Attacks

Mythic Deathclaws possess the highest health pool of any enemy, paired with devastating melee skills that can kill most players in Power Armor in just 2-3 hits. On a scale of 1-10 for damage per second (DPS), they rate a 10/10. Combined with their towering height, long reach, and surprising speed once they charge, getting hit by a Mythic Deathclaw attack often spells certain doom.

The Mythic Deathclaw‘s stats at its minimum level of 91 include:

  • Health: 3,400
  • Damage Resistance: 300
  • Energy Resistance: 400
  • Melee Damage: 330

As players increase in levels past 91, so too do the Mythic Deathclaw’s stats and attacks. Their health, resistances and melee damage continue scaling higher to always pose an extreme threat. At player level 150, their melee strikes exceeds 500 damage – enough to shred through the sturdiest sets of Power Armor quickly.

According to testing by data miners at GameFaqsFallout, a level 950 Mythic Deathclaw was recorded with over 30,000 health, requiring hundreds of shots from even late-game high powered weapons like the Gauss Rifle or Fat Man to defeat. Truly, they are the alpha predator of the Wastes through and through.

Habitat of the Beast: Where to Find Mythic Deathclaws

Mythic Deathclaws stake their claim over only the most inhospitable territories of the Commonwealth – lethal irradiated zones surrounding blast craters and the notorious Glowing Sea. They simply dominate and feast on any other creature braving these areas.

Confirmed locations for Mythic Deathclaw sightings include:

  • Blast Zone craters
  • Ground Zero of the Glowing Sea
  • Rocky cave networks of the Glowing Sea
  • Highly irradiated zones around the Mass Fusion Disposal Site

Venturing into these areas means accepting the very real risk of a Mythic Deathclaw ambush. Their camouflage allows them to perfectly blend into the rocky terrain. And once spotted, they will charge players with alarming speed – cover and escape tactics are critical. Come prepared with plenty of high-powered weapons, ammo, medicine, and if possible the massive damage resistance of X-01 Power Armor.

Top 10 Highest Level Enemies

While the Mythic Deathclaw reigns supreme, there are other exceptionally powerful enemies wandering the wastes that can also quickly put an end to the Sole Survivor if caught off guard. Below ranks the Top 10 by minimum level:

RankEnemyMinimum LevelDifficulty (1-10)
1Mythic Deathclaw 9110
2Ancient Behemoth758
3Assaultron Gorgon629
4Synth Eradicator607
5Assaultron Dominator 468
6Novatron Eliminator35 6
7Albino Deathclaw Matriarch 28 7
8Deathskull Radscorpion22 4
9Alpha Deathclaw20 6
10Savage Fog Crawler185

While falling short of the Mythic Deathclaw’s minimum 91 level, enemies like the Ancient Behemoth and Assaultron Gorgon are still apex predators requiring extensive firepower, tactics and skill to defeat. Let’s take a closer look at the difficulty levels and combat tactics needed for the Top 4 highest scaling foes:

#2 Ancient Behemoth

Gigantic, towering Super Mutants empowered by extreme radiation exposure from the Glowing Sea. With 75 minimum levels scaling higher, these lumbering tanks have massive health pools and deal crippling area attacks:

  • Minimum Health: 2,800
  • Damage Resistance: 250
  • Melee Damage: Up to 200

Ancient Behemoths use sweeping arm attacks combined with shockwaves from slamming the ground, damaging all nearby enemies. Maintain distance and use cover whenever possible. cripple their legs with concentrated fire to limit their advance. Energy weapons work best to burn through their thick hide and health.

Overall difficulty level: 8/10

#3 Assaultron Gorgon

Heavily upgraded Assaultrons equipped with devastating wrist laser cannons and saw blades. Minimum level 62, scaling higher.

  • Health: 500
  • Energy Resistance: 250
  • Melee/Laser Damage: 160

Gorgons unleash aggressive melee attacks with a bladed arm and rapid-fire laser cannon shots from the opposite arm. Aim for their legs to hinder mobility, then concentrate fire on the laser cannon arm to cripple their ranged damage. Their speed and evasiveness makes them difficult to pin down without Positive Affinity companions distracting them.

Difficulty level: 9/10

#4 Synth Eradicator

Ruthlessly efficient synth assassins armed with Stealth Boys for ambushes and a devastating Gauss Rifle attack. Minimum level 60.

While lower in raw health than other top-tier enemies, Eradicators make up for it with extremely high resistances and their stealth/range advantages:

  • Health: 250
  • Damage Resistance: 300
  • Energy Resistance: 900
  • Gauss Rifle Damage: 250

Without landing an initial sneak critical on the Eradicator, be prepared for a challenging fight. Their Stealth Boys let them vanish and reposition for ambushes, while their enormous Energy Resistance reduces energy weapon effectiveness to almost nothing. Ballistic leadstorms like the Spray N’ Pray or explosive ordnance work best. Alternatively, use Canine Companions to sniff out their location.

Difficulty level: 7/10

While the Wasteland holds other deadly enemies like Mirelurk Queens, Sentry Bots, and Nukalurks in locations like the Glowing Sea and Nuka-World, none approach the power and threat scaling of Super Mutant Behemoths and Deathclaws. And standing tall above them all is the undisputed champion apex predator – the Mythic Deathclaw. Consider yourself an elite Wasteland warrior if you manage to take down one of these nearly invincible foes!

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