The Max Level in June‘s Journey is Currently 1475 – But What Does That Entail?

As a passionate June‘s Journey player and gaming content creator, I get many questions on what the highest achievable level is currently and what reaching those max levels enables you to access. So let‘s analyze the features unlocked at the top levels and what it takes to push a June‘s Journey profile up into the 1000s!

What is the Maximum Level in June‘s Journey as of Now?

As of February 2023, the highest level possible in June‘s Journey is 1475. To provide some context, when I first started playing in 2021, the max level was under 1200. So Wooga has expanded upwards significantly in recent updates.

However, it‘s important to note that the playable story content has not kept pace with those new maximum levels. Right now, the highest released scene is still #1225. So levelling beyond that essentially means you have more content to look forward to once it‘s added!

How Many XP Are Needed Per Level?

Here is a data table summarizing how much total XP is required to hit each major milestone level in June‘s Journey, all the way up to the current 1475 max:

LevelTotal XP Required

As you can see, the XP requirements start relatively low but ramp up steeply into the millions! For context, most hidden object scenes award 300-600 XP for completion upon reaching level 1000+.

So reaching level 1475 likely requires finishing perhaps 15,000+ scenes! We‘ll analyze some estimates on time requirements shortly.

What Game Features are Unlocked at Level 1475?

Here are some of the key items unlocked for maxed level June‘s Journey players:

  • Energy Cap: Your max energy for playing scenes caps out at 150 energy
  • Islands: Full access to all 5 buildable islands opened up
  • Stores: All island stores and businesses can be built
  • Player XP Bonuses: +100% player XP means faster leveling still

So you have the entire game world accessible when hitting the current highest levels. Allowing you to focus purely on the decorative creative elements or scene grinding without new unlocks ahead.

Estimated Time Required to Reach Level 1475

Let‘s speculate on roughly how long it would take the average player to reach level 1475 based on some logical assumptions:

  • Scenes award ~500 XP while level 1000+
  • With 150 max energy, perhaps 30 scenes playable per day
  • So around 15,000 XP per day

Total XP Needed: 9,117,500

At 15,000 XP Per Day: 608 days of gameplay!

So whilst certainly achievable for devoted players, getting into the 1500s requires nearly 2 years of consistent grinding. Perhaps spending $10-$20 monthly on energy top ups.

For myself, playing 3+ years now at level 1432, I estimate I‘ve put in $500+ and 1000s of hours!

Key Game Mechanics to Focus On

Here are some tips on the key areas to focus on if you want to reach those really high levels:

  • Scene Replays: Replaying previously completed scenes continues to award reduced XP
  • Energy Items: Prioritize selections with +Energy awards to play more scenes
  • Sales: Limited sales can award 5-10x XP on scene plays
  • Seasons Pass: Premium pass awards escalating XP bonuses

So essentially – volume and consistency are critical! Playing scene after scene, maximizing all the various XP boosts available.

My Thoughts as a High Level Player

I absolutely love the continued expansion of June‘s Journey – the immersive scenes and decorative elements make grinding through the 1000s of levels highly enjoyable rather than a chore!

A key advantage I‘ve found with the increased XP requirements per level is that the game retains a solid sense of progression and reward. Small wins still feel significant, whether it‘s unlocking a new building or pushing up another level #.

The reality of being amongst the first to reach these new maximums is that you are mostly playing with anticipation of what might be added in future updates. But I‘m excited to help pave the way there!

What Content Can Level 1475+ Users Expect Next?

While we wait eagerly on the next story scene past #1225, what potential updates can ultra high level June‘s Journey players expect next?

Here are some educated guesses:

  • Further increases to max level – perhaps 1500+ soon
  • Additional island areas to build and decorate
  • Next major story arc taking June into the late 1920s
  • Expanded scene puzzle and hidden object mechanics
  • More shop & island building upgrade tiers

I have no inside information from Wooga, but based on observing past updates, those seem like logical progression points.

So whilst keen for more scenes, the journey to 1500 and beyond will keep me occupied decorating and theorizing in the meantime!

Final Thoughts

Reaching the current max level of 1475 in June‘s Journey is no easy feat – likely requiring 2+ years of dedicated daily gameplay for the average player. But the unlocks along the way and at the end make it highly rewarding.

As a passionate fan of June‘s Journey covering it from a content creator perspective, being amongst the vanguard in uncharted territory of 1000+ levels is extremely exciting. I can‘t wait to see what Wooga has in store for us next on the journey to 1500 and beyond!

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