The Highest OP Level in Borderlands 2 is OP10

The highest Overpower (OP) level that can be attained in Borderlands 2 is OP10. This guide will provide everything you need to know about the OP level system, strategies to reach OP10, and why it offers the ultimate endgame challenge.

What Are OP Levels?

OP levels are an additional tier of difficulty unlocked after you reach the base level cap of 72 in Borderlands 2 and complete the campaign on Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode.

  • Unlocked by completing the Digistruct Peak arena challenges
  • Each successful completion unlocks the next OP level, up to a max of 10
  • Enemies scale up by 1 level for each OP level gained
  • At OP10, enemies go up to Level 82

So essentially, OP levels let you fight higher level enemies in exchange for better loot drops. The higher you go, the harder it gets!

Strategies for Unlocking OP Levels

Reaching OP10 requires patience and skill. Here are some tips:

  • Play with a team – coordinating attacks and revives helps immensely
  • Level 72 gear is required before entering Digistruct Peak at OP1
  • Fill out skill trees before attempting Peak fights
  • Farm powerful gear from bosses after each OP level
  • Equip on-level gear before each Peak attempt
  • Take advantage of slag damage doubling

I‘d recommend using Salvador, Maya, Axton or Gaige as your vault hunter if going for solo OP10.

The Journey to OP10

Here is a level-by-level breakdown of stats for the journey to OP10:

OP LevelEnemy LevelLoot Level

…table continues to OP10.

As the table shows, enemies scale up fast while loot levels increase more slowly. This makes each level of progression increasingly difficult.

I‘d estimate it takes roughly 6-8 hours reaching each OP milestone if you already have a Level 72 character. So 60-80 hours minimum grinding to OP10!

The Reward

The road to OP10 is long but ultimately extremely rewarding for Borderlands fans seeking the highest challenge level. Key perks gained include:

  • Enemies providing 16.5% more experience per OP level
  • 6% more loot drop chance per level
  • Access to over-level 80 gear at OP10

So not only is the difficulty cranked up to the max, you also get supercharged rewards by the end!

Final Tips for the Journey

I‘ll wrap up by sharing a few final tips:

  • Take breaks to avoid burnout – it‘s a marathon, not a sprint!
  • Play alongside friends for motivation and better teamwork
  • Mix up your playstyle and explore new builds
  • Savor the small victories after clearing each OP

Pushing yourself to OP10 requires grit and determination. But being among the few who hit max level makes it all worthwhile. Good luck! Let the epic journey begin.

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