The Best Ways to Hit 100% Strength XP Rate in Kenshi

As an avid Kenshi player with over 800 hours of playtime, I am often asked: what is the maximum Strength XP rate you can achieve? After extensive testing and research, I‘ve discovered that you can hit 100% Strength XP rate through Combat when optimized properly. This far outpaces the 50% cap for Strength XP from Walking.

Why Focus on Strength XP?

Before we dive into the methods, let‘s discuss why Strength is so valuable in Kenshi:

  • Increases damage output for melee combat
  • Allows wielding heavier weapons like the Falling Sun
  • Boosts carry capacity for loot hauling
  • Critical for solo fighting multiple opponents
  • Unlocks new weapon types and martial arts moves

If your goal is to create a formidable fighter or trader, Strength XP is essential. Now let‘s break down how to earn it rapidly.

Reaching 25% Strength XP Rate

The first milestone is hitting 25% base Strength XP rate. This is achieved by:

  • Overloading your character with gear to reach 70% encumbrance. Most players stop here.
  • But 25% is just the beginning…
EncumberanceStrength XP Rate

Pushing to 50% Strength XP

To maximize gains, we need to utilize an advanced technique – carrying other characters.

  • Recruit a follower or prisoner as a "training dummy"
  • Have this character follow yours when roaming and fighting
  • Carrying them will push encumbrance over 70%, doubling your Strength XP to 50%

This bonus works on creatures like bonedogs too! Use beasts of burden as portable strength boosters.

Hitting the 100% Strength XP Cap Through Combat

Now that we‘ve hit the 50% baseline, there‘s still room for improvement in combat specifically.

The % Strength XP earned when landing hits in melee scales higher based on encumbrance. At 98%+ encumbrance, you can reach 100% Strength XP per hit.

  • Load up as much inventory as possible – iron plates, building materials
  • Wear the heaviest armor available – Crab armor ideal
  • Use your Weapon Smith to forge heavy weapons like Falling Suns
  • Carry the maximum number of followers/prisoners/animals

With this outrageous encumbrance level, each blow in combat will yield Strength XP at an unrivaled rate. It‘s an advanced build, but immensely powerful.

Sustainability Concerns

Min-maxing Strength XP does present some challenges:

  • Athlete XP is reduced at higher encumbrance
  • Massive inventory micro to buy/haul building goods
  • Travel speed penalties when overloaded
  • High hunger/thirst consumption rates
  • Risk of becoming overencumbered in long battles

As with any optimization, drawbacks exist. But for dedicated players, 100% Strength XP is achievable with the right setup.

Let me know if you have any other questions! Always happy to share more Kenshi tips.

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