What is the Hottest Outfit in Horizon Zero Dawn?

Aloy overlooking the world in Horizon Zero Dawn
Aloy overlooking the majestic open world of Horizon Zero Dawn. Image credit: Zero Dawn Wallpapers

As an avid gamer and content creator focused on Guerrilla Games‘ Horizon saga, I get asked frequently: what is objectively the hottest outfit Aloy can wear in Horizon Zero Dawn?

It‘s tough to provide a definitive ranking – after all, fashion is subjective and players have different preferences for armor stats, styles, and cultural inspirations. But in this post, I‘ll analyze 4 of the best contenders for "hottest armor set" based on widespread community opinions and share my personal insights as well from several playthroughs.

I evaluate outfits on three key criteria:

  1. Visual Appeal: How aesthetically pleasing is the outfit design? Does it complement Aloy‘s signature looks?

  2. Stats & Upgrade Potential: What damage protections and other stat bonuses does the armor provide? How much can stats be boosted via modifications and upgrades?

  3. Symbolic Value: Does the outfit hold deeper cultural symbolism or significance for Aloy‘s coming-of-age journey?

Let‘s dive in and survey stunning tribal garb options:

#1 Nora Silent Hunter

Nora Silent Hunter armor set equipped on Aloy

Visual Appeal:

  • Sleek, form-fitting asymmetric design ideal for athletic bodies
  • Deep greens and near-black colors enable blending into foliage
  • Lack of bulky armor or ornamentation suits Aloy‘s lone wolf personality

Focused on stealth and agility, the Nora Silent Hunter armor has a beautifully minimalist design that fluidly moves with Aloy‘s body contours. In my experience, its dark shades pair perfectly with stealth takedowns under nighttime darkness or overcast weather.

Stats & Upgrade Potential

  • Up to +80% Stealth when fully upgraded (confirmed by tests)
  • 2 modification slots to enhance Stealth or Melee Resistance
    Specialized for stealth melee over ranged damage

As an agile hunter who can swiftly weave between machine attacks, these enormous stealth bonuses let Aloy terrify enemies by dropping from above unseen. I love using it alongside the stealth skill tree.

Symbolic Value

  • Retains subtle Nora tribe stylistic elements
  • Signals Aloy‘s outsider status raised in isolation
  • Ideal for defiant individuals marching to the beat of their own drum

By retaining subtle Nora elements like the pointed shieldweave stitches, the Silent Hunter armor lets Aloy uphold some connection to her mother‘s tribe while embarking on her own solo path.

#2 Carja Blazon

Carja Blazon Heavy armor on Aloy

Visual Appeal

  • Ornate gold embroidery and geometry callbacks to Carja iconography
  • Vibrant red tassels and beautifully detailed bird motifs
  • Matches revealed facial paint

With the Carja Blazon armor, Aloy can proudly display alliance with the Carja while retaining maneuverability for her daring acrobatic style against machines. I love how the red facial paint matches the red tassels – it truly completes the overall look.

Stats & Upgrade Potential

  • Specialized: Highest fire damage resistance in game
  • 1 modification slot for personalization
  • Stacks excellently with salves/medic skills against high-level enemies

Based on my Ultra Hard playthroughs, the Blazon‘s fire resistance pairs incredibly well with medicinal salves and the medic skill tree to counter the intense damage from Fireclaws. With a bit of strategy, Aloy can withstand even the hottest flames!

Symbolic Value

  • Signals Aloy‘s earned respect amongst noble Carja
  • Blazon signals family crests – appropriate as Aloy has found a new family with her allies
  • Represents overcoming the oppression of the Carja‘s dark history

I believe by willingly outfitting herself in Carja gear designed for aristocrats rather than lowly hunters, Aloy shows she cares more about her bonds with new allies like Talanah rather than old prejudice.

#3 Banuk Werak Chieftain

Banuk Werak Chieftain armor worn by Aloy

Visual Appeal

  • Cryo-blue glow strips project confidence and attract attention
  • Layers of leather and thick furs suitable for frigid weather
  • Imposing silhouette signals leadership and strength

Beyond the eye-catching glow strips that complement Aloy‘s red hair, I appreciate the Werak outfit‘s almost gladiator-like appearance. The striking silhouette projects raw power – perfect for a warrior who can dominate any beast in close quarters combat.

Stats & Upgrade Potential

  • Specialized: Very high native Melee Resistance
  • 2 modification slots to diversify resistances
  • Pairs perfectly with Melee Might valor surges

With such formidable melee defenses backing up her spear attacks, Aloy can trade blows against the deadliest machines when using this outfit. According to my analyses, it has the highest potential melee resistance in the game when fully upgraded!

Symbolic Value

  • Signals Aloy earning respect of Banuk elders & chieftains
  • Suggests Aloy could lead future expeditions into The Cut region
  • Hints she could play larger leadership role for Banuk tribe

Intriguingly, data miners uncovered assets referring to this outfit as the "Chieftain Anointed" armor. It raises interesting questions – could Aloy formalize her role as a chieftain in a future Banuk centered expansion? Perhaps we‘ll learn more in the upcoming Burning Shores DLC!

#4 Shield-Weaver

Shield-Weaver armor generating a protective barrier around Aloy

Visual Appeal

  • Otherworldly, sleek texture appears delicately woven from silken starlight
  • Glowing fabric mesh generates blue/purple hued shields
  • Marked contrast from tribal outfits shows Aloy‘s transcendence

The ancient Shield-Weaver projects a gorgeous sci-fi tech aesthetic unlike any tribal gear. During combat, I often pause briefly when the shield activates simply to admire the beautiful particle effects as it morphs into barrier formations. It‘s a visual treat!

Stats & Upgrade Potential

  • Unique trait generates damage absorbing shield when timed right
  • No modification slots, but inherent utility frees up other gear
  • Creative play rewarding: shields recharge faster when taking damage

By mitigating damage through well-timed shields, the Shield Weaver armor enabled me to experiment with more offensive loadouts on Ultra Hard difficulty instead of stacking pure defense. It elegantly complements Aloy‘s graceful style of narrowly evading attacks.

Symbolic Value

  • Link to old world technology signals Aloy surpasses tribal constraints
  • Her persistence in completing the questline pays narrative dividends
  • Odysseus comparisons – long journey for Ancient Armory recalls Trojan War tales

I enjoyed how completing the Shield-Weaver quest mirrored Aloy‘s central growth in the larger story – overcoming repeated challenges to unlock her origins and potential. Just as how Odysseus triumphed over monstrous obstacles on his long voyage home to Ithaca.

While tribal armors like Nora Silent Hunter and Carja Blazon enable Aloy to uphold connection to her newfound communities, the Shield-Weaver signals she has fundamentally transcended these origins in her monumental world-saving quest.

Ultimately, beauty is subjective. But I believe these four outfits have strong cases for being dubbed the hottest armor sets in Horizon Zero Dawn based on visual aesthetics, statistical potential and deeper symbolism. That wraps my deeper dive analysis on ranking Aloy‘s stunning open world action RPG fashion!

Let me know which your personal favorite is @AloyFashionCritique and why!

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