What is the Hylian Lifespan?

Hylians make up the predominant humanoid species populating the lush lands of Hyrule. According to historical records and legends, the average Hylian enjoys a lifespan of around 100 years. This gives them sufficient time to build families, pass down knowledge across generations, and establish diverse cultures across Hyrule.

Princess Zelda herself represents a young Hylian at only 17 years old at the start of Breath of the Wild. She has barely come of age when the Great Calamity struck her kingdom a century prior. Most adult Hylians witnessed that fateful event, while elders at the time have long since passed away.

So for the majority of Hyrule‘s populace, their vitality lasts roughly a century before old age claims them. But some of Hyrule‘s more magical races enjoy blessings of longevity that allow exceptionally long lives.

Sheikah Live Over 120 Years

The mystical Sheikah tribe, known for their shadow magic and ancient tech, commonly live at least 20 years longer than the average Hylian. Powerful mages like Impa have survived over 120 years by the time of Breath of the Wild‘s events. Her aging is slowed thanks to magical enhancements, a common trait among her people.

Other Scheikah like Purah and Robbie have even managed to halt their aging indefinitely through radical experiments. By transferring their souls and minds into autonomous mechanical bodies, they maintain their youth and exuberance for over a century.

  • Sheikah Age Statistics
    • Average Lifespan: 120-150 years
    • Oldest Living Sheikah
      • Impa (Age: 120+)
      • Purah (Age: 120+)
      • Robbie (Age: 120+)

So conservatively, the Sheikah lifespan outlasts Hylians by 20-50 years on average. But their true biological limits are still shrouded in mystery.

Gerudo Have Life Cycles Around 100 Years

The tribal Gerudo have similar average lifespans to Hylians. Their extremely rare, lone male offspring like Ganondorf are especially valued for their ability to sire future generations. Their all-female society relies on seeking Hylian consorts to propagate every 100 years.

Historical legends point to mixed Hylian and Gerudo bloodlines that have endured for millennia. So while Gerudo champions like Urbosa perished fighting the Calamity, their people endure thanks to their sustainable 100 year reproductive cycle.

  • Gerudo Age Statistics
    • Average Lifespan: 100 years
    • Gerudo Reproductive Cycle: 100 years
    • Oldest Historical Gerudo
      • Twinrova Sorceress Sisters (400+ years)

Zora Have Exceptionally Long-Lived Biology

Finally, the amphibious Zora race enjoys lifespans exceeding all other known peoples of Hyrule. Blessed with aquatic adaptions suited for thriving underwater, Zora age at a crawl compared to other humanoids.

Their crowned prince Sidon, for example, is considered a young adult at over 135 years old. Zora children take the better part of a century just to fully mature. So while Prince Sidon co-exists with young Hylian Champion Link, he has actually lived over a full Hylian lifespan already.

  • Zora Age Statistics
    • Average Lifespan: 250-300 years
    • Oldest Living Zora
      • King Dorephan (300+ years)
      • Muzu (250+ years)

Zora‘s innate biological magic allows them to live up to three times as long as Hylians. Their race endures for centuries while thriving in their unique underwater domains.

So in summary, the Hylian lifespan of around 100 years serves as a baseline average. But depending on magical aptitude and environmental adaption, other races can exceed Hylians to enjoy exceptionally long lives spanning centuries.

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