What is the Key to Push to Talk in 2024?

The key to push to talk is binding a button that toggles your microphone‘s mute status on and off. This lets you transmit voice selectively with a simple keypress. Expert gamers recommend programmable mouse buttons, C/V, or controller paddles as optimal push to talk keys.

How Push to Talk Works

Push to talk (PTT) is a voice chat setting that keeps your mic muted by default. Holding a hotkey temporarily unmutes to let you speak. Releasing the key mutes again. This concept dates back to 1940s radio communications.

Modern voice chat apps have adopted push to talk as an alternative to an open mic. PTT minimizes ambient sound from transmitting, letting you take precise control.

According to Discord‘s 2021 survey, over 58% of users rely on push to talk for voice chat during gaming. The always-on nature of open mics doesn‘t suit players in noisy or shared environments.

Core Benefits

Here are the main upsides to using push to talk for communication:

  • Enables quick, tactical callouts: Instead of fumbling to mute, PTT lets you urgently convey key info
  • Cuts down on background noise: With the mic defaulting to off, fans, clicking, etc don‘t distract teammates
  • Increases privacy: Stops private conversations being accidentally broadcasted
  • Saves bandwidth: Less ambient audio takes up less data and server resources

That said, push to talk isn‘t for everyone. We‘ll compare the tradeoffs versus other voice chat modes later on.

Choosing the Best Push to Talk Key

Your push to talk key should above all be easy to reach. But certain keys make better options by avoiding conflicts.

According to top gamers and keybinding experts, the prime placements are:

  • Mouse side/thumb buttons (especially 4 & 5)
  • C and V keys
  • Controller paddles on specialty gamepads
  • Keyboard number row buttons (3, 4, 5, etc)
  • Mouse wheel left/right press (on supported mice)

Why do the above work so well for push to talk?

Easy access without looking away from the screen or shifting your gaming grip. Mouse thumb buttons in particular allow instant tap activation.

Isolation from other game functions, as these keys are less likely to be bound elsewhere. Exceptions include controller padlles, which may conflict with actions in some games.

Leaves the left hand free to access movement keys, unlike choices like shift or spacebar. This improves simultaneous voice and play.

There are some secondary options if the above keys don‘t suit your setup:

  • Numpad enter
  • F13-F24 function keys
  • Tab
  • Caps lock
  • Mouse 3 (pressing scroll wheel)

But mouse/C/V tend to be the community favorites.

Testing Candidates

When deciding your push to talk key, try these steps:

  1. Temporarily rebind candidates in your voice and/or game settings
  2. Join a voice channel and hold each key in turn while talking
  3. Assess comfort, positioning, and any conflicts
  4. Repeat in actual gameplay, not just menus
  5. Settle on the optimal key and cement the binding

It really comes down to personal preference and hardware. Don‘t be afraid to experiment!

Set Up Push to Talk Across Apps

Here are guides to enable push to talk in some of the top chat apps:


  1. User Settings > Voice & Video
  2. Toggle "Push to Talk" on
  3. Click shortcut box > Press desired key

Default: Mouse 5

Note: You can set different PTT keys for different Discord servers.


  1. Settings > Options > Capture
  2. Choose desired key under "Push-to-Talk Key"

Default: Caps lock


  1. Configure > Settings > Audio Input
  2. Under "Push-to-Talk", click "Edit"
  3. Click the shortcut box and press your new key

Default: Mouse 4


  1. In Meeting > Audio > More options > Press and hold space key to temporarily unmute yourself
  2. The spacebar now acts as a push to talk button

Note: This is meeting-specific and needs re-enabling each session.

According to Zoom experts, dedicated third-party push to talk software like Push2Talk often works better for handling voice toggling.

Fixing Push to Talk Not Working Issues

If holding your push to talk key isn‘t properly enabling voice chat, these steps may help identify the cause:

  • Check the speaking icon doesn‘t display when holding the key. If so, the binding has gotten unset. Simply rebind it.
  • Toggle your mic privacy settings and other voice options off and back on again
  • Update audio drivers in case of corruption blocking functionality
  • Try your mic with push to talk disabled to isolate the issue
  • Switch to a purely hardware toggle button like Antlion ModMic mute

Rebinding from scratch is often the solution. If problems persist across apps after the above, an underlying system audio issue may be occurring.

Push to Mute vs Voice Activation vs Open Mic

Push to talk isn‘t the only approach to microphone toggling. How do other voice chat modes compare?

MethodHow It WorksProsCons
Push to Talk
  • Hold key to unmute
  • Release to mute again
  • Precision control
  • Minimizes noise
  • Button press to talk
  • Hands can‘t be free
Push to Mute
  • Mic always transmitting
  • Hold key to mute
  • Convenient hands-free
  • Faster communication
  • Ambient noise leaks through
Voice Activation
  • Unmutes automatically when speaking
  • Mutes automatically after
  • Fully hands-free
  • Prone to background sound
  • Delay before activating
Open Mic
  • Mic always hot, never mutes
  • Zero activation delay
  • No ambient noise filtering
  • Privacy & battery concerns

Competitive and professional gamers strongly favor push to talk for its balance of control, quick communication, and noise cancellation. But personal preferences play a key role!

Push to Talk Key Considerations

Here are a few extra pointers for fine tuning your setup after choosing a solid push to talk key:

Use a noise gate

A noise gate effect can mute sounds under a set volume threshold. This dampens any residual background noises that leak through even when PTT is released. Enable this through apps like RTX Voice or keyboard software suites.

Try push to mute too

For more casual play, give push to mute a shot. The hands-free convenience can work great if ambient noise isn‘t a concern. Just know your environment will hear everything going on around you!

Utilize multiple bindings

If struggling to consistently activate your primary push to talk key in intense gameplay moments, add a secondary binding as backup. This takes some pressure off perfectly hitting the same button every time.

Custom controllers

For serious players, a customizable gaming controller lets you move paddle/button placements specifically to serve as ideal push to talk triggers. Just mind key conflicts in games.

The Key is Convenience & Control

At the end of the day, the fundamentals of an optimal push to talk setup are:

  • Easy, instant activation without glancing away, shifting grip, or fumbling
  • Isolation from other keybindings
  • Minimal ambient sound leakage
  • Intuitive toggling between talking and muting

This maximizes communication clarity while retaining focused play. Features like noise gates and multiple bindings then polish things further.

With the right key, push to talk simply fades into the background as an organic extension of your gameplay reactions. Just press and speak at will to connect with your team!

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