What is the largest Pokémon ever discovered?

The towering, alien-draconic Legendary Eternatus holds the crown for largest known Pokémon. In its standard form, Eternatus measures 65 feet tall, making it taller than an 18-wheeler truck standing vertically.

But Eternatus has an even larger form called Eternamax. This volcanic behemoth balloons up to an earth-shaking height of 325 feet tall.

To fully visualize just how titanically enormous that is:

Eternamax Eternatus Height Compared to Real-World Structures

Great Pyramid of Giza450 feet
Eternamax Eternatus325 feet
Statue of Liberty305 feet

As we can see, Eteramax Eternatus rivals ancient wonders and national monuments in height! It would have to crouch down quite a bit just to peek into the Statue of Liberty‘s torch.

Safe to say, no other Pokémon comes remotely close to matching Eternatus‘ raw verticality. Even giants like Wailord are dwarfed, coming in at mere tens of feet by comparison.

But Could Undiscovered Legendaries Rival its Size?

Eternatus‘ status as tallest could perhaps one day be challenged. As a theorist and superfan myself, I speculate that we‘ve only scratched the surface of giant Pokémon. Given the cosmic scale of the Pokéverse, even huger titans likely await discovery!

Maybe deep beneath Spear Pillar lies an Ultra Beast to dwarf tunnel-boring machines. Or a long-lost Sky Titan slumbers atop Mt Coronet – 3 Eternatuses stacked, awakening only when all three lakes are disturbed simultaneously…

Ok those were a bit crazy, but the possibility thrills me as a fan! And Game Freak knows we love extremes – of scale, power, design audacity. So while Eternamax reigns for now, I bet my expert gamer reputation we‘ve not seen the upper limits of Pokémon size. Surely towering Legendaries to come will fuel fan theories and crane operator nightmares alike!

What do you think? What‘s your wildest prediction for the next record-setting giant? Which existing Pokémon deserves a Mega/Gigantamax vertical boost? I want to hear fellow fans‘ thoughts below!

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