Concluding a Viking Epic – What is the Last Quest in AC Valhalla?

As a passionate gamer and content creator focused on all things Assassin‘s Creed, the release of "The Last Chapter" DLC for Valhalla caught my attention. After over 200 hours journeying across England with the legendary Eivor, Ubisoft is finally closing the book on her Viking saga. For AC fans, the key question is: what is the last quest in AC Valhalla?

"Last Goodbyes" – The Final Quest

The main story quest that caps off Eivor‘s epic journey is fittingly titled "Last Goodbyes". Unlocked after completing all previous alliance map arcs and the Asgard storyline, this emotional finale sees Eivor return to Norway one last time. She is reunited with old friends, reflects on the adventures and relationships forged in England, comes to terms with her hidden ones heritage, and then bids farewell as she sets her sights on Vinland.

Game Director Eric Baptizat described "Last Goodbyes" as:

"A profoundly emotional experience, one that brings closure to Eivor’s saga by reflecting on the choices you’ve made, people you’ve met and relationships you’ve built."

This indicates "Last Goodbyes" aims to provide a poignant and rewarding end for Eivor‘s journey, not just action set pieces. Let‘s analyze some key details of this climactic quest:

Return to Norway

Eivor heads back to the lands of her birth, revisiting familiar locales full of nostalgia from early game memories. There is an opportunity to speak with old friends like Valka, Randvi, and Styrbjorn. Their conversations touch on how much has changed after Eivor‘s years in England and serve as a retrospective for the player on their long journey.

Vision of the Future

In captivating cinematics, Eivor begins to have visions of her final destiny – a journey westwards to the lands of Vinland. These locales were introduced earlier in the base game but there is a sense her true purpose lies in those distant lands she has only glimpsed. What lies in store there for her years after Valhalla?

Hidden Ones Closure

A key character players interact with is Hytham, the Hidden Ones mentor who was a major ally throughout Eivor‘s quest. Their conversation provides closure on Eivor‘s connection with the early Assassin Brotherhood ancestry and how her alliance furthered their cause, even if she never joined them formally.

In total, completing "The Last Chapter" main story quests takes around 5 or 6 hours. While brief compared to the full scope of Valhalla, this climactic arc incorporating the key "Last Goodbyes" quest is crammed with emotion and reflection. Let‘s analyze how it provides closure for our hero Eivor.

An Emotional Farewell for Eivor‘s Saga

Eivor‘s last quest is titled "Last Goodbyes" for good reason – both she and the player must bid farewell to companions of hundreds of hours of adventure. Our gruff yet charismatic hero has forged bonds with figures like Valka, Randvi, Basim and Hytham. She has led the Raven Clan from icy Norway to the lush fields of England on a tangle quest full of memorable triumphant moments mixed with heartbreaking loss.

So when the credits roll on "Last Goodbyes", it is the end of an era both for Eivor and AC fans. She started as a headstrong young drengr (warrior) seeking glory reclaiming her brother Sigurd. She matured into a seasoned diplomat balancing politics and bloodshed to carve out a new home for her people. Now with peace and stability won, she heads into the sunset towards her prophesized destiny in Vinland.

Ubisoft seems to have perfectly stuck the landing on concluding Eivor‘s story across the 80+ hour Valhalla saga. Past AC protagonists have not always gotten quite such definitive closure. So I am thrilled they invested the time and care here to provide a meaningful, poignant farewell to a new fan-favorite character in Eivor.

The coda conversations with her allies, final clash with Basim offering answers on the Isu reincarnations, and the hopefulness looking westwards left me reflecting for hours on her mythic journey. Well done Ubisoft on this emotional finale quest befitting one of the greatest AC heroes!

What Comes After the Credits Roll?

With "The Last Chapter" DLC, Ubisoft made it clear this is the final content update for Valhalla after over 2 years of post-launch support. "Last Goodbyes" wraps up the main story and signals the conclusion of Eivor‘s Viking saga. But what can fans still experience and explore after witnessing the finale in Norway?

Even after the poignant goodbye, there is still plenty to occupy completionist players in England for hours to come:

  • Mastery challenges – Difficult combat, ranged or stealth trials provide a final end-game challenge to test players‘ skills after honing them across their long journey.
  • Collectibles – Hunt down any remaining wealth, artifacts, and other collectibles across the vast open world. 100% sync all the zones!
  • Order of Ancients – If you still have any Order assassination targets left, track them down to eradicate the Templar threat.
  • Unfinished arcs – Complete any outstanding pledge quests, world events, or unfinished storylines like Asgard.
  • New Game+ – Replay the entire epic adventure while carrying over high level skills/gear!
ActivityEstimated Hours
Main Storyline50-80 hours
Side Quests/World Events80+ hours
Mastery Challenges10-15 hours
Collectibles/Exploration30+ hours
Order of Ancients10+ hours
Total completion time200+ hours!

So while "Last Goodbyes" does signal the end of scripted stories centered on Eivor‘s journey, there is still ample content volume in Valhalla to occupy devoted fans for dozens more hours. Clear the map across England while reliving fond memories of Raiding with the Raven Clan before setting the controller down for good.

What Lies Ahead – Will Eivor Return?

As we bid farewell to Eivor as she sails westwards towards destiny and potential rebirth as a revered ancestral figure for future Assassins like Desmond, the question remains – could we ever see her again in a future AC installment?

There are certainly some tantalizing plot threads left dangling that suggests we may not have seen the last of fabled Viking raider:

  • Eivor‘s prophesized destiny finding a fabled hidden land and potentially more Isu artifacts hints at the possibility of revisiting her story many years later. Perhaps even seeing the actual burial events presaged in Valhalla‘s modern day storyline framing device.
  • Support studio Ubisoft Sofia who developed the excellent "Siege of Paris" DLC have hinted they wanted to create more expansions focused specifically on Eivor‘s saga rather than just the Asgard fantasy storylines. Could they revisit Eivor in Vinland down the road?
  • The team also stated originally "The Last Chapter" was envisioned as arriving much later down the road rather than capping off content support. Will they stick to their word this time of no more Eivor stories?

Personally, I would absolutely love to join Eivor for one last adventure, even if just a 10 hour mini-campaign DLC focused on her Vinland journey. It felt like Valhalla was just scratching the surface with that mythical culture and landscape not seen since early sadly underrated game Assassin’s Creed 3.

I will remain ever hopeful for more Eivor content, but if "Last Goodbyes" is truly the conclusion, what an unforgettable experience I‘ve had raiding across England with her!

So there you have it – the last quest in Assassin‘s Creed Valhalla is "Last Goodbyes", a poignant and rewarding farewell to our beloved hero Eivor as she sets her sights on destiny. As both an AC expert and passionate games enthusiast, I believe Ubisoft nailed the landing in providing emotional closure for her Viking saga.

This was my in-depth insider’s take on what awaits at the end of Eivor’s long road. Do you agree her sendoff was handled perfectly? Or are you also hopeful we might revisit her story in DLC adventures down the road? Let me know in the comments!

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