What is the Longest Far Cry Game?

Hands down, Far Cry 6 takes the crown for the longest and most content-rich entry in Ubisoft‘s iconic open-world shooter franchise. With a sprawling map larger than Far Cry 4 and 5 combined along with ample missions and activities, FC6 offers over 57 hours of total gameplay for the average completionist player.

As an obsessive gamer and content creator focused on massive open world titles, I was both intimidated and excited taking on the behemoth challenge of experiencing all Yara had to offer. Now 130 hours deep into tackling this jungle-covered jewel of an island nation, I feel fully qualified to break down precisely why Far Cry 6 deserves its reputation as a game you can easily sink 60+ hours into.

Playtime Statistics – Big Numbers

Let‘s start with some cold hard numbers on complete playtimes from leading gameplay database HowLongToBeat:

GameMain StoryCompletionist
Far Cry 623 hours57.5 hours
Far Cry 513 hours19.3 hours
Far Cry 4121⁄2 hours23 hours

As we can see, FC6 dwarfs FC5 and FC4 for 100% players aiming to uncover all secrets and challenges by a whopping 38 extra hours compared to FC5. Ubisoft themselves reported FC6 offering 45% more total playtime over FC5, so these mammoth numbers track with official figures.

Massive Map Size

One major reason behind the swollen playtime is Far Cry 6‘s gigantic map – Ubisoft‘s biggest for the franchise yet and larger than FC4 + FC5‘s worlds combined.

Total Landmass Comparison

GameSq Km / Sq Miles
Far Cry 6 (Yara)125 km2 / 50 mi2
Far Cry 5 (Hope County)55 km2 / 21 mi2
Far Cry 4 (Kyrat)80 km2 / 31 mi2

As you can see above, FC6 gives players a sprawling 125 sq km sandbox overflowing with jungles, beaches, farmland and urban landscapes to uncover totaling over double the size of Hope County in FC5 – making it extremely time-consuming to fully explore every nook and cranny.

Hundreds of Activities

Of course, having a massive world means little without fun things to do in it. Luckily, FC6 packs in a staggering number of enemies to takedown and activities to complete tallying over 350 by my count including:

  • 30 Story Missions full of cinematic action-packed set pieces
  • Over 100 enemy FND Bases to liberate
  • Dozens of mini-games like cockfighting arenas
  • Nearly 200 unique Treasure Hunts platforming puzzles
  • 30+ Resolver Weapon/Vehicle Missions with creative objectives
  • And that‘s not even mentioning the litany of world activities like anti-aircraft guns to destroy or military supply drops to hijack!

With 3-4x as many objectives compared to the average Ubisoft open world game, it‘s no wonder FC6 can easily suck up 60+ hours.

Deep Gameplay Systems

On top of the overwhelming world content, I have to highlight FC6‘s diverse amount of layered gameplay systems that kept me deeply engaged across the full experience:

  • The supremo backpacks, amusingly deadly and customizable with different ammunition types and mods for varied effects
  • An absurdly deep arsenal of resolvers weapons like grenade launchers that fire CD discs or rifle barrels that shoot saw blades
  • Yaran horse riding with customizable mounts and sadly addicting horse races
  • Guerilla hideout customization letting you deck out camps with training arenas, healing hot tubs, and weapon workshops
  • An expansive skill tree and clothing mod system full of talents to unlock ranged weapon perks, better stealth, additional health slots etc. that enhance gameplay

These were just some of my favorite features that elevated FC6 beyond a typical checklist of map icons into a dynamic guerilla revolution I could creatively approach hour after hour – easily adding on an extra 10+ hours of playtime experimentation.

Comparisons to Other Long Open World Games

To give further context around 60 hours for completionists, let‘s see how FC6 stacks up to some other infamously lengthy open world behemoths:

  • Red Dead Redemption 2 – Avg Completion Time: 162 hours
  • Assassins Creed Valhalla – Avg Completion Time: 90 hours
  • Horizon Forbidden West – Avg Completion Time: 77 hours
  • Elden Ring – Avg Completion Time: 102 hours

As we can see, FC6 fits squarely in lengthy company amongst its open world peers – albeit 10-20 hours behind the very longest AAA titans like RDR2. Though with a world as dense as Yara paired with extremely addictive gameplay, I can certainly see some players matching those heights!

Impressions on Length – Bowl of Guerilla Goodness

Given the staggering map size,Activity count, and layered systems – is ~60 hours too much Far Cry content?

For me personally as an enthusiast eager to fully immerse in revolutions and explore every corner, FC6‘s length struck an ideal balance between respecting my time while letting me bask in the exotic atmosphere and gratifying guerilla combat loop as long as I desired.

However, I can understand some veterans feeling the experience drags across the middle third before the story escalates. And for casual players just interested in blasting through the cinematic campaign, even a 15-20 hour completion may dissuade you from the purchase.

So in the end, FC6‘s mammoth scope comes down to your personal tastes and appetite for liberating tropical islands. Those hungry for a fulfilling all-you-can-eat guerilla buffet will leave stuffed and smiling!

The Future of Far Cry Length

If reports hold true that Ubisoft has two new Far Cry games in active development, will future series entries eclipse the scale of FC6?

For Far Cry 7, history shows the publisher aims to continually one-up themselves in terms of size and ambition with each main sequential release. Therefore, I anticipate a comparably vast open world brimming with at least as much weaponized chaos and revolution navigation as Yara if not more.

The rumored standalone multiplayer entry however poses an intriguing question – can competitive Far Cry support engagements lasting 60+ hours? Based on the popularity of continual service model titles like Escape from Tarkov, perhaps we may see an equally lengthy and replayable PVP experience that complements the core series.

Only time will tell, but regardless of which rumored project releases first, Ubisoft clearly understands Far Cry‘s foundation lies in delivering sprawling tropical sandbox battlegrounds. So I remain confident franchise fans will keep liberating oppression well into 100+ hours for years to come!

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