Chapter 9 and 17 are the Longest Chapters in Final Fantasy 7 Remake

As an avid FF7 enthusiast, I can definitively say chapters 9 and 17 are the longest based on expert playthroughs and in-depth analysis. Across 18 story chapters, plus 26 side missions, completionist playthroughs can last over 80 hours!

Breakdown of Chapter Lengths

Here is the average playtime per chapter, including key events and locations (source: powerpyx, ScreenRant):

Chapter NameKey Events & LocationsAvg. Playtime
Chapter 1: The Destruction of Mako Reactor 1Bombing Mission, Guard Scorpion Fight45 minutes
Chapter 2: Fateful EncountersMeet Aerith, Destroy Reactor 51 hour

As shown in the table, most chapters range from 1-3 hours. But Chapter 9 and 17 stand out significantly.

Why Chapter 9 is Long

Spanning the bustling Wall Market and infiltrating Don Corneo‘s mansion, this chapter features:

  • Numerous side quests like Sam‘s Delivery
  • Long section with dress mechanics and dialogue trees
  • Over 15 enemy types and mid-boss fight with Madam M

Why Chapter 17 is Long

The final chapter delivers climax action including:

  • 20+ enemy types like Sweepers and Bloodhounds
  • Climatic boss fight against Sephiroth
  • Long end sequence leading into the escape from Midgar

Hardest Chapters Ranked

Based on enemy types and required strategies, the hardest chapters in FF7 Remake are:

  1. Chapter 17: Up to 3 bosses, unpredictable area-attacks
  2. Chapter 3: Strategic real-time combat in constrained spaces
  3. Chapter 16: Stealth mechanics plus boss gauntlet

Best Weapons for Cloud, Aerith and Tifa

The top weapons for max damage in FF7 Remake are:

CharacterWeapon NameStrengthsHow to Obtain
CloudMythril SaberHigh crit rate and magic damageChapter 14 side-quest

The Mythril Saber has a 35% crit rate and 20% bonus to elemental damage, making it exceptional for dispatching groups.

Assessing Materia and Summons

The Deadly Dodge and Ray of Judgement materia offer unique advantages:

  • Deadly Dodge: Area-attack after dodge with 500% damage
  • Ray of Judgement: Ignores enemy resistances with 400% magic damage

When combined with the First Strike materia to open battles, these create devastating pre-emptive attacks.

Knights of the Round stands supreme among summons based on:

  • 13-hit combo attack sequence
  • Over 3000 damage per hit
  • Epic full animation clocking in at over 2 minutes!

As you can see, there is tremendous depth around FF7 Remake‘s combat, progression and challenges. While chapters 9 and 17 stand out as apex moments, the entirety of this masterwork RPG is worth uncovering bit by bit!

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