The Longest In-Game Season Award Goes To…

What game out there makes you slog through the longest named in-game season as you‘re adventuring away? I decided to dive deep across many beloved titles old and new to crown the winner.

Defining What Counts as a "Season"

First, what counts as a season? For this award, I‘m focusing on parts of a game that:

  • Divide up progression into distinct narrative or calendar blocks
  • Last for set lengths of in-game time referenced explicitly through mechanics or dialog
  • Impact gameplay with seasonal effects (changing weather/crops etc.)

So a nebulous "farming season" that vaguely matches real seasons doesn‘t count – I want measurable chunks that act as mile markers as you progress.

The Shortlisted Longest Seasons

Using the above criteria combined with crowdsourced suggestions from Reddit and reviews of popular games spanning RPGs, sandboxes, and strategy titles, these emerged as contenders for the longest named in-game season:

GameSeason NameLength
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the WildSummer100 in-game days
World of WarcraftWinter2 human months of playtime
Animal CrossingWinter30 real-life days
Elder Scrolls V: SkyrimLast Seed (harvest time)36 in-game days

Other long seasons that almost made the list included Rune Factory 5‘s "Spring" at 29 days and Persona games‘ drawn out "School Year" mechanic.

Below I break down why one clear winner emerged…

And the Winner is: World of Warcraft‘s Endless Winter!

While at first glance Zelda‘s 100 day summer seems long, when you convert that to real-world playtime it passes quickly thanks to time dilation mechanics.

Animal Crossing winters also last a solid month – but you‘re often time traveling which dampens the feeling of a long haul.

Meanwhile in WoW, the in-game holiday event "Feast of Winter Veil" lasts 14 real-life days every December. Between the toys, gear, and special dungeons, it really puts you in a winter mindset for two whole weeks rather than just gifting you a snow texture overlay.

Combine this with the fact that Azeroth winters can last months of playtime as you level up, and WoW certainly takes the crown for both the longest named in-game season and making you feel that lengthy passage of winter.

Trudging through the snows around Ironforge as a low level Tauren shaman – that felt like an eternity before spring arrived! So while other games claim lengthy seasons technically, only WoW‘s winter truly overstays its welcome, earning it the longest season award!

Let me know what epicly long seasons I missed! And for more deep dives into game calendars and progression, be sure to subscribe!

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