What is the lowest GB game on PS4?

As a dedicated PS4 gamer with over 200 titles in my library, storage space is a precious commodity. So when a new game promises epic adventures yet barely takes up any room, I‘m always intrigued.

The current record holder for smallest PS4 game install is Kero Blaster at an astonishing 20MB. To put into perspective – an average sized PS4 game clocks in around 40-50GB. So at just 0.04% the size, Kero Blaster proves big thrills can come in tiny packages!

Below I‘ve compiled a list of the 10 smallest file sized PS4 games, to highlight hidden gems perfect for conserving your console‘s limited storage capacity:

Game TitleInstall Size
Kero Blaster20MB
Color Zen20MB
Tennis In The Face40MB

As you can see, these miniature marvels take up a fraction of your PS4 hard drive compared to sprawling triple-A opus like Call of Duty and Final Fantasy. But how do developers manage to cram full gaming experiences into just megabytes?

The Power of Compression

Game data compression tools like Oodle Kraken allow studios to shrink assets down to microscopic sizes, removing unnecessary data without impacting visual quality. This ensures minimal install footprint, perfect for eeking out every last bit of your PS4‘s 500GB stock hard drive.

Speaking of which, here are the system storage specs for PlayStation‘s celebrated workhorse console:

  • Default HDD Capacity: 500GB
  • Minimum External HDD Size: 250GB
  • Maximum Supported Capacity: 8TB

While 8 whole terabytes ensures we‘ll never run out of space for Plus Collection classics and incoming PS5 revivals, upgrading an internal drive can get pricey.

Instead, I recommend supplementing with portable external USB 3.0 hard drives. These plug and play drives add hundreds of gigs for around $50 – perfect for archiving the backlog when your primary storage fills up with the latest releases!

Optimizing Your PS4 Storage

Between external drives and compression wizardry, Kero Blaster shows that minuscule game installs are now a reality. But when resources run low, you may still need to clear space for the next 100GB AAA epic.

Here are my essential PS4 storage optimization tips after half a decade of pushing my console to its limits:

  1. Remove Unused Apps – System tools like Capture Gallery pile on hidden GBs if unused
  2. Uninstall Finished SP Games – No need to horde singleplayer adventures after the credits roll
  3. Upload Saves to Cloud – 10GB of PlayStation Plus cloud backup frees up hard drive room

Follow these guidelines and even a 500GB PS4 can house almost any title. Well, except maybe Call of Duty: Warzone – but at a ridiculous 200GBs, Activision may have finally crossed the line!

The exciting innovations behind miniature marvels like Kero Blaster give me hope that optimized compression could curb excessive install footprints. After all, when AAA experiences like The Last of Us visually match Hollywood films at just 50GB – how small could creatively coded indie darlings eventually shrink down to?

In a gaming landscape moving increasingly digital, creative compression may ultimately determine just how large our libraries can grow. And with over 4,000 titles and counting, the PS4 catalog continues to amass at a blazing pace!

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