Shedinja Has the Lowest HP of Any Pokémon at 1 HP

As a passionate Pokémon gamer and content creator, I‘m constantly researching the games to uncover fun facts to share with my audience. One of the most interesting things I learned recently is that Shedinja has the lowest HP of any Pokémon, at just 1 HP!

About Shedinja

Shedinja is a unique Bug/Ghost-type Pokémon that evolves from Nincada under special circumstances. Specifically, you need an extra slot in your party and an extra Poké Ball in your bag when Nincada evolves into Ninjask. If so, then a Shedinja will also evolve alongside it.

Here are Shedinja‘s base stats:

Sp. Atk30
Sp. Def30

As you can see, Shedinja‘s HP stat is shockingly only 1 at base. No other Pokémon even comes close!

How Shedinja Battles With 1 HP

Shedinja‘s unique Wonder Guard ability is what enables it to function in battle with only 1 HP. Wonder Guard makes Shedinja immune to any move that isn‘t super effective against it.

So while Shedinja goes down instantly to a well-placed super effective hit, it can otherwise soak normal and not very effective moves thanks to Wonder Guard.

Other Low HP Pokémon

While no other Pokémon has as miniscule HP as Shedinja, here are some runners up:

  • Diglett – 10 HP
  • Magikarp – 20 HP
  • Weedle – 40 HP

So Shedinja claiming the title of "lowest HP Pokémon" with its 1 HP stat is truly in a league of its own!

Using Shedinja Effectively

Despite its extremely low health, Shedinja can actually be used effectively if you play to its strengths. Its Wonder Guard ability provides some real power if you can predict opponent‘s moves.

Shedinja‘s Bug/Ghost typing gives it lots of resistances and immunities to work with. It‘s immune to Normal, Fighting, and Ghost type attacks thanks to this type combo.

Some moves that can help Shedinja leverage its Wonder Guard ability include Substitute, Protect, and Toxic.

Of course, you have to watch out for those pesky Fire, Dark, Ghost, Rock, and Flying moves to avoid getting one-shotted!

The Rarity of 0% IV Shedinjas

Just for fun, I calculated out how rare it is catch a Shedinja with 0% IVs across all its stats.

Each individual stat has a 1 in 32 chance of having 0 IVs. So the probability of getting 0 in all 6 is:

(1/32)^6 = 1 in 4,294,967,296

So we‘re talking lottery-winner levels of lucky if you ever encounter a completely garbage Shedinja!

Let me know if you have any other fun facts about low HP Pokémon. This was definitely an interesting dive into Shedinja and the mechanics around HP in the games!

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