The Max Clan Size in Bannerlord and How to Unlock It

As an experienced Bannerlord clan leader and self-proclaimed master of cavalry combat, one question I see often from new warlords is: what is the maximum power and size I can reach? Many dream of ruling the entire continent of Calradia with an unstoppable horde under their banner.

Through extensive research and my own adventures conquering kingdoms, I can definitively say the max clan tier you can reach is Tier 6. This offers a party size of 300 soldiers and army size of 600 when joined by vassals.

Reaching this pinnacle of power requires understanding exactly how clan tiers and party sizes work and progress. Let‘s break it down.

An Expert Summary of Party Sizes by Clan Tier

Below I‘ve compiled key details on party, army, and combatant sizes for each tier to showcase the exponential growth of clan power:

Clan TierParty SizeArmy Size (w/ Vassals)Other Benefits
185150Create kingdom, policies
2100250+1 Companion (5 max)
3200400Unlocks maximum party size
4250500Create armies, besiege/attack settlements
5275550+1 Companion (6 max)
6300600Advanced kingdom decisions and policies, endgame gear/weapons, max impact

As you can see, the power spike from tier 3 to 6 is massive. You go from controlling small warbands to commanding legions that can overwhelm entire kingdoms.

Optimal Strategies to Upgrade Clans Quickly

I‘ve united all of Calradia in less than 100 in-game days before using optimal renown boosting strategies. Here are my best tips on speed-running to max clan tier:

  • Focus quest rewards on renown payouts – Prioritize renown over gear or gold from quests to accelerate early game gains. Those shiny new throwing weapons can wait.
  • Execute lopsided battles – Fighting against the odds gives huge renown payouts for victory. I regularly take 80 vs 300+ fights once I have solid cavalry units.
  • Leave enemies wounded – For extra renown, leave downed enemies wounded instead of finishing them off after battles. More prisoners means more gains.
  • Check policies often – Getting clan policies that boost security or production can generate easy passive income to support bigger parties and faster expansion.
  • Prioritize cavalry – Light cavalry and heavies give mobility and have the most bang for buck resource wise. I run parties that are 80%+ cavalry once possible.

Now let‘s spotlight some of the exciting unlocks and benefits coming at max clan tier and kingdom scale.

Unlocking End-Game Potential at Max Tier

Reaching clan level 6 means you have elite gear, vast riches, and advanced kingdom policies at your disposal. You have essentially "beaten" the strategic side of Bannerlord! What can you actually do with all this end game power?

Field Diverse 600 Person Armies

With a 600 troop shared army size when paired with vassals, you can field huge combined forces with complementary unit types and tactics. I often roll with a core of heavy cavalry from my clan party surrounded by ranged and infantry recruits from allies. This becomes an unstoppable steamroller in open field battles!

Equip Elite Weapons and Armor

Unlocking the final levels of crafting and production buildings provides access to the most powerful armor and weapons Calradia has to offer. I‘m talking two-handed axes and polearms with insane swing speeds and damage output allowing you to plow through armies single-handedly (almost literally!).

Manage Intricate Kingdom Policies

As an absolute monarch, the clan policies and kingdom decisions available allow for fine tuning that keeps your vassals happy and coffers full. This reduces the headache of rebellions and lets you focus on external conquests against other kingdoms to further expand borders.

While reaching max size ticks all the progression boxes, it‘s ultimately enabled me to craft more creative and silly challenges without economic constraints. If I lose 300 elite cavalry charging a garrison of 500 forest bandits alone for glory armed with only throwing weapons, the economic damage to my kingdom is negligible.

I‘ve had memorable adventures like capturing enemy kings single-handedly to force favorable truces and even taking a mishmash army of recruits to try establishing new settlement deep in hostile territory with only my wits and leadership.

So while clan tier 6 represents the climax of political ambitions, it opens up new stories limited only by imagination. I say keep dreaming bigger warlords – all of Calradia awaits and I relish worthy new rivals!

Now raise a horn of Battanian ale and get conquering! I wish you luck raising a mighty host and making your name ring out through song and story across taverns in every Calradian city before the year is out. Destiny and glory await!

Yours in fellowship,

Raganvad the Red

*About the Author: Raganvad is a minor Calradic nobleman turned elite cavalry commander who works as a content creator and gaming personality covering all things Mount & Blade across multiple continents through carrier pigeon correspondence.

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