What is the max CP level 50 Pokémon Go?

The max Combat Power (CP) a Pokémon can currently reach at level 50 in Pokémon Go is 4,652 CP. This limit is shared by legendary beasts Groudon and Kyogre. Will we see this cap pushed even higher in future updates? As an avid PoGO player myself, I speculate that Level 60 may not be too farfetched down the road!

A Brief History of CP Cap Progression

Let‘s take a quick walk down memory lane to see how the max CP cap has grown over time:

Release YearLevel CapMax CP

When Pokémon GO launched in 2016, the max cap was 3904 CP at Level 40. Two years later in late 2018, Niantic increased both figures to Level 45 and 4229 CP. Most recently in mid 2021, the limit was raised significantly again to enable Level 50 Pokémon topping out at 4652 CP.

That‘s over a 15% CP boost in just 5 years! As a day one PoGO enthusiast myself, this climb has been gratifying to witness. And it begs the question – will we see Level 60 and an even higher ceiling someday? I speculate yes…albeit not for some years until more of the playerbase nears the max milestone that is Level 50 today.

The Long Grind to Level 50

Speaking of Level 50 – for the uninitiated, let‘s break down what exactly it takes to hit this new peak trainer level:

  • 30,000,000 Total XP (That‘s 176 MILLION lifetime XP!)
  • 999 Excellent Throws
  • Catch Legendaries in 5 Straight Raid Battles
  • Beat Team Rocket Leaders Using ≤2500 CP Pokémon (x3)

I cannot emphasize enough how monumentally tedious and demanding that XP grind is. 30 million XP translates to over two thousand consecutive days catching 100 Pokémon daily!

Achieving 999 Excellent Throws is no walk in the park either. From my testing, humans average ~15-30% Excellent throw rate. To make 999, that‘s 3,330 to 6,660 throws TOTAL needed if throwing Excellents back to back!

And while the Rocket Leader and raid tasks may seem easy by comparison, they still require considerable resource investment for a Level ~47+ player.

All said, we are looking at easily 1000+ hours of dedicated grinding to hit the new cap. I tip my hat off to those trainers who are Level 50 – that is no small feat!

Strongest Max CP Pokémon

With the hard fought efforts to reach 50, what mighty Pokémon can be unleashed at max power? Here is a ranked list from highest to lowest possible CP, alongside the creature‘s best movesets:

RankPokémonMax CPQuick MoveCharge Move
1Slaking5010YawnPlay Rough
2Regigigas4913Hidden PowerGiga Impact
3Mewtwo4724Psycho CutPsystrike
4Groudon4652Mud ShotEarthquake

Now originally, the chart-topping honor belonged to Slaking with its whopping 5010 CP potential. However, ever since Slaking‘s fast move "Yawn" was nerfed from 6 base power down to 0 in 2019, the once dominant threat has been reduced to more of a paper tiger horror story. Just look at that non-existent energy gain!

So while old Slaking still clings to its CP crown numerically, Groudon and Kyogre are widely considered the true king and queen in practice. Not just by box CP figures, but more importantly by tournament-proven performance and versatility.

Let‘s scrutinize everyone‘s favorite land fish and sea lizard to better understand why…

Groudon vs. Kyogre – Stats and Movesets

Groudon and Kyogre share identical 4592 max CP and base stat distributions:

CP & Stats:


As you scan the table above, the first thing that should jump out is their massive 270 attack stat. 270 exceeds even the mighty Mewtwo‘s attack value of 300!

Combined with sizable stamina pools, Groudon and Kyogre‘s overall stat balance makes them tanks ready to dish hard hits and withstand blows in battle.


Delving into moves, both creatures brandish solid STAB options to exploit their big attack values:

PokémonQuick MoveCharge Moves
GroudonMud ShotEarthquake / Fire Punch
KyogreWaterfallSurf / Thunder

Groudon draws energy quickly with the snappy 3-turn move Mud Shot. It rounds out the kit with STAB Earthquake to nuke opponents for 140 damage. Fire Punch gives spicey coverage to melt pesky Steels.

Similarly, Kyogre generates juice even faster with the 2-turn move Waterfall. It unleashes STAB Surf for considerable neutral coverage or Thunder to wipe Fliers.

When examining movesets side-by-side, Kyogre appears to have a slight edge with more energy per second. However in simulations, Groudon ekes out wins more consistently thanks to the 100 damage moves hitting more vital breakpoints against prominent meta Pokémon like Dialga, Melmetal and Mewtwo.

Either way, the two titans are impeccably matched forces to be reckoned when maximized to Level 50!

Parting Thoughts

And there you have it – the fully scoop on maxing out your CP potential in Pokémon GO today! We explored the stat ceilings, roasted an absurd XP grind, crowned true king and queen, and compared metagame viability in this guide.

While I don‘t have a crystal ball on whether future level cap raises are in store, as an diehard PoGO fan I can safely say…I sure hope so! Now if you‘ll excuse me, I need to grind up at least 100 million more XP before I hit 50…

Let me know which Level 50 monsters YOU are powering up and concurring gyms with! I‘m very active in the GO Reddit community as well @PogoMasterSteve132.

Until next time trainers…happy hunting out there!

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