What is the Max Level Cap in The Division 2?

If you‘re jumping back into The Division 2 or considering getting into the franchise, you may be wondering: what is the maximum level I can reach? This number has increased over time and dictates many important parts of your progression experience.

Let‘s cover the key details around the level cap and what reaching max level means for your agent.

The Current Max Levels

  • Base Game (No Expansions): Level 30
  • With Warlords of New York Expansion: Level 40

That‘s right, the maximum level got bumped by 10 levels with the Warlords expansion released in March 2020. This expanded the campaign with a trip back to New York, added new skills and gear, and raised the gear score ceiling.

Reaching Level 40 also unlocks infinite SHD level progression. This replaces the old gear score system and allows all players to continuously improve their agents without a hard cap.

So in short:

  • Level 30: Vanilla base game ceiling
  • Level 40: Expansion campaign ceiling + infinite SHD after

Why the Level Cap Matters

Your agent level gates your progress towards the endgame. The Division 2 completely shifts once you‘ve capped out your level. Gone are the early game missions, linear progression, and steady showering of new loot.

Instead, everything opens up into a playground of progression systems, modes, meta builds, min-maxing, and challenging PvE content.

So reaching max level signals the real start of:

  • Perfecting loadouts and experimenting with Gear Sets
  • Taking on Invaded Strongholds and Raids
  • Farming for exotics and named items
  • Competing in the Dark Zone and Conflict modes
  • Completing Season and Achievement challenges

And thanks to infinite SHD levels, you always have a form of advancement beyond the gear treadmill.

A Brief History of Level Progression

The original Division capped players at Level 30 upon release in 2016. Two years later, the first game got its own New York expansion which similarly raised the ceiling to 40.

The Division 1 Year 1 Max Level Progression:

  • Release Max: Level 30 ➡️
  • Patch 1.4 Max: World Tier 5 (Gear Score 256) ➡️
  • Patch 1.8 Max: World Tier 5 (Gear Score 286)

Then The Division 2 launched with Washington D.C. and the same initial 30 max in 2019. The Warlords expansion brought this to Level 40 + SHD infinitude in early 2020.

It‘s likely that number keeps rising in future updates to ensure always-ascending progression.

What Level Comes After 40? SHD & Expertise

So once you finish the Warlords campaign, what comes next? Two intertwining systems take the place of levels:

1. SHD Levels

Scoring XP from any activity increases your SHD (Shield Higher Division) level. This provides incremental bonuses like:

  • Small stat bumps
  • Additional armor kits
  • Scavenging yield boosts
  • Cosmetic apparel awards

Dedicated players are already beyond SHD Level 10,000 thanks to the exponential requirements. And the devs have confirmed SHD currently has "no hard cap."

2. Expertise Levels

  • Expertise upgrades specific weapons/gear with small % bonuses
  • Earn Proficiency XP from kills with each item to increase its budget
  • Takes significant investment to reach max 20 Expertise per item

Together, SHD and Expertise ensure:

  1. Always-expanding power growth
  2. Prestige for commitment
  3. Long-term goals beyond base stats

Let‘s dig deeper into what all of that means…

Gear Score, Stats & Progression at Max

Gear Score Cap

Your gear has light levels akin to Destiny, which translates into your overall Gear Score (GS). The current ceiling is GS515 (referred to as Level 40 GS515).

Thejourney goes:

  • Level 30 → WT (World Tier) 1 → GS253
  • Beat Tidal Basin → WT5 unlocks → Max GS515

From there, you mix and match gear with each slot contributing to an averaging out of your total build‘s score. Then it becomes about gears sets, talents, attributes recalibration and such.

What Stats Get Better?

Once at max gear score, further progression comes from:

  • Leveling up Expertise on items
  • Completing set bonuses
  • Experimenting with talents and recalibration
  • Achieving god roll attributes
  • Optimizing investment into favorite pieces

Rather than raw Gear Score, now you chase those min/maxed CHC/CHD/Weapon Handling triple god roll item drops!

Endgame Modes & Content at Max

Alright, so what exactly opens up once you join the Level 40 SHD club?

Endgame Story Content

  • Repeat Invaded Missions on Heroic each week
  • Complete the Iron Horse Raid
  • Replay manhunt targets from Seasonal content

Open World Activities

  • Farm Control Points at Tier 4
  • Take on world bosses like Puck & Talon
  • Battle rogues in the Dark Zone
  • Participate in open world events

Competitive Modes

  • Dark Zone PvEvP
  • Conflict small team PvP matches
  • Become a shepherd to guide lower level players

Specializations & Multi-Build Crafting

There‘s a whole meta around mixing and matching specialization trees with gear sets and exotics to create niche builds like:

  • Explosive bomber
  • Shield crusader
  • Sniper support
  • Epic sustain tank
  • etc!

How Does It Compare to Destiny and Others?

Let‘s see how The Division 2 stacks up to competitors like Destiny 2 and Borderlands in terms of progression scope:

GameCampaign MaxGear/Light MaxEndgame Grind
The Division 2Level 40GS515SHD, Expertise, Seasons
Destiny 2Level 501580Pinnacle grind, title chasing
Borderlands 3Level 35N/AMayhem climbing, guardian takedowns

The Division stands out for its sheer breadth of long term goals spanning stats, cosmetics, achievements, PvP rankings, leaderboards, and of course…fashion!

What Destiny‘s Power Level is to one guardian, SHD signifies for the entire playerbase. It lets friends flex their commitment whenever grouping up.

Evaluating Infinite Progression Systems

All live service looter shooters need some form of endless progression to maintain engagement. Does The Division pull this off successfully?


  • Always a sense of advancement
  • True min-maxing for veterans
  • Fun bragging element between players
  • Milestone cosmetic rewards


  • Intimidating skill gap for new players
  • Repetitive XP farming
  • Gear score almost meaningless endgame
  • Risk of invalidating past accomplishments

As long as the increments stay granular and offer both statistical bonuses and social clout, there‘s little harm in perpetual upward mobility.

Just don‘t expect to ever catch up to SHD 15,000 Division addicts! The ride to "finish" the build grind never ends.

Hopefully this gives you a better idea of the current state of progression for fresh agents stepping out of the White House as well as veterans prepping for the next Warlords-esque expansion.

Reaching max level doesn‘t diminish the engagement—it lays the groundwork for years of communal achievement chasing and ongoing content updates. There‘s always one more named item to hunt, PvP ranking to topple, or SHD level to add to the pile.

Now get out there and help take back New York…and D.C.!

Let me know if you have any other questions in the comments below and be sure to subscribe for more Division 2 guides soon!

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