What is the max level in Baldur‘s Gate 3?

The current max level you can reach in Baldur's Gate 3's Early Access release is 5. However, when the game fully launches on August 31st, 2023, the cap is expected to raise to 20 – putting it in line with the level progression of a classic Dungeons & Dragons campaign.

Reaching max level 20 will require completing all of the game's main quests and side content. It represents achieving full power, unlocking epic gear, and likely facing the game's most dangerous foes. This journey mirrors ascending to godhood in tabletop D&D – no small feat!

Why Early Access Has Lower Level Caps

Baldur's Gate 3 imposes level caps during Early Access for a few key reasons:

  • Avoid revealing too much high-level content too soon
  • Level 5 is when classes gain major new abilities – previewing this power spike gives players enough of a taste
  • Testing higher level balance and bugs is saved for late development

So while the current level 5 cap may seem restrictive, it intentionally preserves parts of the experience for full launch. Even just Act 1 offers 30+ hours of adventuring!

Comparing Leveling Pace to Other RPGs

In most RPGs, max level takes dozens if not hundreds of hours to achieve. And based on the scope Larian has hinted at, Baldur's Gate 3 should be no different. Let's compare to some other beloved RPGs:

GameMax LevelAverage Hours to Max
The Witcher 3100180-200
Expected for BG320120-150

As this sample data shows, reaching max level even in simpler systems like Skyrim takes dozens of hours. And for sprawling open worlds like The Witcher 3, hundreds!

While we can't know exactly how long maxing a BG3 character will take, it's safe to assume based on the depth Larian is aiming for that reaching level 20 won't be a quick endeavor. Expect to sink over 100 hours into mastering a class from levels 1-20.

Major Power Spikes and Unlocks at High Levels

Reaching those top character levels in Baldur's Gate 3 will confer major boosts in power and introduce new mechanics/skills.

For example, at level 5 casters gain access to potent 3rd level spells like:

  • Fireball – An iconic AoE blast dealing 8d6 fire damage
  • Lightning Bolt – 10d6 damage lightning attack in a line
  • Revivify – Raise slain allies from the dead!

Meanwhile at max level 20, martial classes unlock their final subclass feature, casters attain 9th level spells allowing time manipulation, druids gain the 1000HP elemental Wild Shape – you get the picture. The power ceiling raises substantially.

This mirrors tabletop DnD, where level 20 represents quasi-divinity – and the challenges heroes face escalate accordingly. Expect appropriately legendary enemies and loot to match!

Reaching Max Level May Unlock Special Endgame Content

Achieving max level in RPGs often unveils special challenges and content meant to test the limits of your god-like character's abilities. These could include:

  • Secret mega-dungeons filled with unique bosses/puzzles
  • Specialized epic gear obtained nowhere else
  • Hidden story cutscenes rounding out the narrative
  • Alternate world states transforming environments
  • Bonus companion quest lines bringing closure

Given Larian's pedigree with rewarding exploration and reactive worlds, we can reasonably hope Baldur's Gate 3 has memorable content tailor-made for max level parties hidden away off the beaten path.

But we likely won't know precisely what thrilling surprises await characters who put in the hard work to hit level 20 until they embark on that journey themselves. And I for one can't wait to see what awaits at BG3's endgame!

The Long Road to 20 Will Be an Epic Adventure

Reaching max level in Baldur's Gate means undergoing a true hero's journey – facing countless deadly foes, making nation-altering choices, and attaining unmatched mystical power through mastery of your class.

The level 20 cap signifies seeing your customized champion's progression through to its completion narratively and mechanically. And based on Larian's previous titles, that will make for one of the most memorable and reactive RPG trips ever.

So while the journey will no doubt be arduous, what possible epic tale isn't? I know my party and I will be embarking on it proudly when Baldur's Gate 3 hits its full launch this August the 31st. And I hope to see you and your own colorfully crafted companions as we adventure our way to level 20 and beyond!

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